846 research outputs found

    Sparse Nonlinear MIMO Filtering and Identification

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    In this chapter system identification algorithms for sparse nonlinear multi input multi output (MIMO) systems are developed. These algorithms are potentially useful in a variety of application areas including digital transmission systems incorporating power amplifier(s) along with multiple antennas, cognitive processing, adaptive control of nonlinear multivariable systems, and multivariable biological systems. Sparsity is a key constraint imposed on the model. The presence of sparsity is often dictated by physical considerations as in wireless fading channel-estimation. In other cases it appears as a pragmatic modelling approach that seeks to cope with the curse of dimensionality, particularly acute in nonlinear systems like Volterra type series. Three dentification approaches are discussed: conventional identification based on both input and output samples, semi–blind identification placing emphasis on minimal input resources and blind identification whereby only output samples are available plus a–priori information on input characteristics. Based on this taxonomy a variety of algorithms, existing and new, are studied and evaluated by simulation

    Combinations of adaptive filters

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    Adaptive filters are at the core of many signal processing applications, ranging from acoustic noise supression to echo cancelation [1], array beamforming [2], channel equalization [3], to more recent sensor network applications in surveillance, target localization, and tracking. A trending approach in this direction is to recur to in-network distributed processing in which individual nodes implement adaptation rules and diffuse their estimation to the network [4], [5].The work of JerĂłnimo Arenas-GarcĂ­a and Luis Azpicueta-Ruiz was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (under projects TEC2011-22480 and PRI-PIBIN-2011-1266. The work of Magno M.T. Silva was partially supported by CNPq under Grant 304275/2014-0 and by FAPESP under Grant 2012/24835-1. The work of VĂ­tor H. Nascimento was partially supported by CNPq under grant 306268/2014-0 and FAPESP under grant 2014/04256-2. The work of Ali Sayed was supported in part by NSF grants CCF-1011918 and ECCS-1407712. We are grateful to the colleagues with whom we have shared discussions and coauthorship of papers along this research line, especially Prof. AnĂ­bal R. Figueiras-Vidal

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    On data-selective learning

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    Adaptive filters are applied in several electronic and communication devices like smartphones, advanced headphones, DSP chips, smart antenna, and teleconference systems. Also, they have application in many areas such as system identification, channel equalization, noise reduction, echo cancellation, interference cancellation, signal prediction, and stock market. Therefore, reducing the energy consumption of the adaptive filtering algorithms has great importance, particularly in green technologies and in devices using battery. In this thesis, data-selective adaptive filters, in particular the set-membership (SM) adaptive filters, are the tools to reach the goal. There are well known SM adaptive filters in literature. This work introduces new algorithms based on the classical ones in order to improve their performances and reduce the number of required arithmetic operations at the same time. Therefore, firstly, we analyze the robustness of the classical SM adaptive filtering algorithms. Secondly, we extend the SM technique to trinion and quaternion systems. Thirdly, by combining SM filtering and partialupdating, we introduce a new improved set-membership affine projection algorithm with constrained step size to improve its stability behavior. Fourthly, we propose some new least-mean-square (LMS) based and recursive least-squares based adaptive filtering algorithms with low computational complexity for sparse systems. Finally, we derive some feature LMS algorithms to exploit the hidden sparsity in the parameters.Filtros adaptativos são aplicados em diversos aparelhos eletrônicos e de comunicação, como smartphones, fone de ouvido avançados, DSP chips, antenas inteligentes e sistemas de teleconferência. Eles também têm aplicação em várias áreas como identificação de sistemas, equalização de canal, cancelamento de eco, cancelamento de interferência, previsão de sinal e mercado de ações. Desse modo, reduzir o consumo de energia de algoritmos adaptativos tem importância significativa, especialmente em tecnologias verdes e aparelhos que usam bateria. Nesta tese, filtros adaptativos com seleção de dados, em particular filtros adaptativos da família set-membership (SM), são apresentados para cumprir essa missão. No presente trabalho objetivamos apresentar novos algoritmos, baseados nos clássicos, a fim de aperfeiçoar seus desempenhos e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir o número de operações aritméticas exigidas. Dessa forma, primeiro analisamos a robustez dos filtros adaptativos SM clássicos. Segundo, estendemos o SM aos números trinions e quaternions. Terceiro, foram utilizadas também duas famílias de algoritmos, SM filtering e partial-updating, de uma maneira elegante, visando reduzir energia ao máximo possível e obter um desempenho competitivo em termos de estabilidade. Quarto, a tese propõe novos filtros adaptativos baseado em algoritmos least-mean-square (LMS) e mínimos quadrados recursivos com complexidade computacional baixa para espaços esparsos. Finalmente, derivamos alguns algoritmos feature LMS para explorar a esparsidade escondida nos parâmetros

    Greedy adaptive algorithms for sparse representations

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    A vector or matrix is said to be sparse if the number of non-zero elements is significantly smaller than the number of zero elements. In estimation theory the vectors of model parameters can be known in advance to have a sparse structure, and solving an estimation problem taking into account this constraint can improve substantially the accuracy of the solution. The theory of sparse models has advanced significantly in recent years providing many results that can guarantee certain properties of the sparse solutions. These performance guarantees can be very powerful in applications and they have no correspondent in the estimation theory for non-sparse models. Model sparsity is an inherent characteristic of many applications (image compressing, wireless channel estimation, direction of arrival) in signal processing and other related areas.Due to the continuous technological advances that allow faster numerical computations, optimization problems, too complex to be solved in the past, are now able to provide better solutions by considering also sparsity constraints. However, an exhaustive search to finding sparse solutions generally requires a combinatorial search for the correct support, a very limiting factor due to the huge numerical complexity. This motivated a growing interest towards developing batch sparsity aware algorithms in the past twenty years. More recently, the main goal for the continuous research related to sparsity is the quest for faster, less computational intensive, adaptive methods able to recursively update the solution. In this thesis we present several such algorithms. They are greedy in nature and minimize the least squares criterion under the constraint that the solution is sparse. Similarly to other greedy sparse methods, two main steps are performed once new data are available: update the sparse support by changing the positions that contribute to the solution; compute the coefficients towards the minimization of the least squares criterion restricted to the current support. Two classes of adaptive algorithms were proposed. The first is derived from the batch matching pursuit algorithm. It uses a coordinate descent approach to update the solution, each coordinate being selected by a criterion similar to the one used by matching pursuit. We devised two algorithms that use a cyclic update strategy to improve the solution at each time instant. Since the solution support and coefficient values are assumed to vary slowly, a faster and better performing approach is later proposed by spreading the coordinate descent update in time. It was also adapted to work in a distributed setup in which different nodes communicate with their neighbors to improve their local solution towards a global optimum. The second direction can be linked to the batch orthogonal least squares. The algorithms maintain a partial QR decomposition with pivoting and require a permutation based support selection strategy to ensure a low complexity while allowing the tracking of slow variations in the support. Two versions of the algorithm were proposed. They allow past data to be forgotten by using an exponential or a sliding window, respectively. The former was modified to improve the solution in a structured sparsity case, when the solution is group sparse. We also propose mechanisms for estimating online the sparsity level. They are based on information theoretic criteria, namely the predictive least squares and the Bayesian information criterion. The main contributions are the development of the adaptive greedy algorithms and the use of the information theoretic criteria enabling the algorithms to behave robustly. The algorithms have good performance, require limited prior information and are computationally efficient. Generally, the configuration parameters, if they exist, can be easily chosen as a tradeoff between the stationary error and the convergence speed
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