733 research outputs found

    Channel gain for a wrist-to-arm scenario in the 55-65 GHz frequency band

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    Wireless communication on the body is expected to become more important in the future. This communication will in certain scenarios benefit from higher frequencies of operation and their associated smaller antennas and potentially higher bandwidths. One of these scenarios is communication between a wristband and wearable sensors on the arm. In order to investigate the feasibility of such a scenario, propagation at 55â65 GHz along the arm is measured for two configurations. First, for increasing separation distances along the arm, and second for a transmitter is rotationally placed around the wrist. Two channel gain models are fitted to the data and used to obtain a channel gain exponent in the first configuration and loss per angle of rotation in the second configuration. These models are relevant inputs for the design of future wearable wireless systems

    Analysis and Design of Footwear Antennas

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    Wearable technologies are found in an increasing number of applications including sport and medical monitoring, gaming and consumer electronics. Sensors are used to monitor vital signs and are located on various parts of the body. Footwear sensors permit the collection of data relating to gait, running style, physiotherapy and research. The data is sent from sensors to on-body hubs, often using wired technology, which can impact gait characteristics. This thesis describes the design of footwear antennas for wireless sensor telemetry. The work addresses the challenges of placing antennas close to the foot as well as the proximity to the ground. Guidelines for polarization are presented. The channel link between footwear and wrist is investigated for both narrowband and wideband channels across different frequencies. The effects of the body proximity and movement were gauged for walking subjects and are described in terms of the Rician Distribution K-factor. Different antenna solutions are presented including UWB antennas on various footwear locations as well as 433 MHz integrated antennas in the insole. Both directional and omnidirectional antennas were considered for UWB and the evaluation was for both time-domain and frequencydomain. The research established new ideas that challenge the old paradigm of the waist as the best hub position, demonstrating that a hub on the footwear using directional antennas outperforms a hub on the waist using an omnidirectional antenna. The cumulative distribution functions of measured path gains are evaluated and the results are described in terms of the achievable minimum data rate considering the Body Area Network standard

    Radio channel characterisation and system-level modelling for ultra wideband body-centric wireless communications

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    PhDThe next generation of wireless communication is evolving towards user-centric networks, where constant and reliable connectivity and services are essential. Bodycentric wireless network (BCWN) is the most exciting and emerging 4G technology for short (1-5 m) and very short (below 1 m) range communication systems. It has got numerous applications including healthcare, entertainment, surveillance, emergency, sports and military. The major difference between the BCWN and conventional wireless systems is the radio channel over which the communication takes place. The human body is a hostile medium from the radio propagation perspective and it is therefore important to understand and characterise the effect of the human body on the antenna elements, the radio propagation channel parameters and hence the system performance. In addition, fading is another concern that affects the reliability and quality of the wireless link, which needs to be taken into account for a low cost and reliable wireless communication system for body-centric networks. The complex nature of the BCWN requires operating wireless devices to provide low power requirements, less complexity, low cost and compactness in size. Apart from these characteristics, scalable data rates and robust performance in most fading conditions and jamming environment, even at low signal to noise ratio (SNR) is needed. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is one of the most promising candidate for BCWN as it tends to fulfill most of these requirements. The thesis focuses on the characterisation of ultra wideband body-centric radio propagation channel using single and multiple antenna techniques. Apart from channel characterisation, system level modelling of potential UWB radio transceivers for body-centric wireless network is also proposed. Channel models with respect to large scale and delay analysis are derived from measured parameters. Results and analyses highlight the consequences of static and dynamic environments in addition to the antenna positions on the performance of body-centric wireless communication channels. Extensive measurement i campaigns are performed to analyse the significance of antenna diversity to combat the channel fading in body-centric wireless networks. Various diversity combining techniques are considered in this process. Measurement data are also used to predict the performance of potential UWB systems in the body-centric wireless networks. The study supports the significance of single and multiple antenna channel characterisation and modelling in producing suitable wireless systems for ultra low power body-centric wireless networks.University of Engineering and Technology Lahore Pakista

    Personal area technologies for internetworked services

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    Modelling and characterisation of antennas and propagation for body-centric wireless communication

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    PhDBody-Centric Wireless Communication (BCWC) is a central point in the development of fourth generation mobile communications. The continuous miniaturisation of sensors, in addition to the advancement in wearable electronics, embedded software, digital signal processing and biomedical technologies, have led to a new concept of usercentric networks, where devices can be carried in the user’s pockets, attached to the user’s body or even implanted. Body-centric wireless networks take their place within the personal area networks, body area networks and body sensor networks which are all emerging technologies that have a broad range of applications such as healthcare and personal entertainment. The major difference between BCWC and conventional wireless systems is the radio channel over which the communication takes place. The human body is a hostile environment from radio propagation perspective and it is therefore important to understand and characterise the effect of the human body on the antenna elements, the radio channel parameters and hence the system performance. This is presented and highlighted in the thesis through a combination of experimental and electromagnetic numerical investigations, with a particular emphasis to the numerical analysis based on the finite-difference time-domain technique. The presented research work encapsulates the characteristics of the narrowband (2.4 GHz) and ultra wide-band (3-10 GHz) on-body radio channels with respect to different digital phantoms, body postures, and antenna types hence highlighting the effect of subject-specific modelling, static and dynamic environments and antenna performance on the overall body-centric network. The investigations covered extend further to include in-body communications where the radio channel for telemetry with medical implants is also analysed by considering the effect of different digital phantoms on the radio channel characteristics. The study supports the significance of developing powerful and reliable numerical modelling to be used in conjunction with measurement campaigns for a comprehensive understanding of the radio channel in body-centric wireless communication. It also emphasises the importance of considering subject-specific electromagnetic modelling to provide a reliable prediction of the network performance

    Multi-hop and channel modelling for wireless body area networks at 60 GHz

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    This thesis presents work on antennas and propagation for WBANs at 60 GHz. First, a compact, wearable Vivaldi antenna and Vivaldi antenna array covering the whole unlicensed band from 57 to 64 GHz are proposed to overcome the shadowing due to human movements. Second, multi-hop channels for on-body communication at 60 GHz are investigated through applying the proposed antennas, and it is found that multi-hop wireless network adaption can increase reliability when the separation between sensors exceeds 40 cm compared to single-hop. Radiation pattern diversity is selected among different diversity techniques for providing stable links for 60 GHz WBANs. Results show that radiation pattern diversity enlarges the signal coverage area on the human body, which compensates for the narrow beamwidth antenna, thus more stable links can be established. Finally, a representative channel model for 60 GHz on-body network with an appropriate power control method is presented. With this model and power control method, it has been proved in this thesis that a multi-hop method for on-body communication at 60 GHz is feasible to establish a stable network for different applications

    Non-Contact Human Motion Sensing Using Radar Techniques

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    Human motion analysis has recently gained a lot of interest in the research community due to its widespread applications. A full understanding of normal motion from human limb joint trajectory tracking could be essential to develop and establish a scientific basis for correcting any abnormalities. Technology to analyze human motion has significantly advanced in the last few years. However, there is a need to develop a non-invasive, cost effective gait analysis system that can be functional indoors or outdoors 24/7 without hindering the normal daily activities for the subjects being monitored or invading their privacy. Out of the various methods for human gait analysis, radar technique is a non-invasive method, and can be carried out remotely. For one subject monitoring, single tone radars can be utilized for motion capturing of a single target, while ultra-wideband radars can be used for multi-subject tracking. But there are still some challenges that need to be overcome for utilizing radars for motion analysis, such as sophisticated signal processing requirements, sensitivity to noise, and hardware imperfections. The goal of this research is to overcome these challenges and realize a non-contact gait analysis system capable of extracting different organ trajectories (like the torso, hands and legs) from a complex human motion such as walking. The implemented system can be hugely beneficial for applications such as treating patients with joint problems, athlete performance analysis, motion classification, and so on

    Body-centric wireless communications: wearable antennas, channel modelling, and near-field antenna measurements

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    This thesis provides novel contribution to the field of body-centric wireless communications (BCWC) with the development of a measurement methodology for wearable antenna characterisation on the human body, the implementation of fully-textile wearable antennas and the on-body channel modelling considering different antenna types and user's dynamic effects. More specifically, a measurement methodology is developed for characterising wearable antennas on different locations of the human body. A cylindrical near-field (CNF) technique is employed, which facilitates wearable antenna measurements on a full-body solid anthropomorphic mannequin (SAM) phantom. This technique allows the fast extraction of the full spherical radiation pattern and the corresponding radiation efficiency, which is an important parameter for optimising wearable system design. It appears as a cost- effective and easy to implement solution that does not require expensive positioning systems to rotate the phantom, in contrast to conventional roll-over-azimuth far-field systems. Furthermore, a flexible fully-textile wearable antenna is designed, fabricated and measured at 2.4 GHz that can be easily integrated in smart clothing. It supports surface wave propagation and exhibits an omni-directional radiation pattern that makes it suitable for on-body communications. It is based on a multilayer low-profile higher-mode patch antenna (HMMPA) design with embroidered shorting vias. Emphasis is given to the fabrication process of the textile vias with conductive sewing thread that play an important role in generating the optimal mode for on-body radiation. The radiation pattern shape of the proposed fully-textile antenna was found to be similar to a copper rigid antenna, exhibiting a high on-body radiation efficiency of 50 %. The potential of the embroidery technique for creating wearable antennas is also demonstrated with the fabrication of a circularly polarised spiral antenna that achieves a broadband performance from 0.9-3 GHz, which is suitable for off-body communications. By testing the textile spiral antenna on the SAM phantom, the antenna-body interaction is examined in a wide frequency range. Finally, a statistical characterisation of on-body communication channels is undertaken both with EM simulations and channel measurements including user's dynamic movement (walking and running). By using antenna types of different polarisation, the on-body channels are examined for different propagation conditions. Four on-body channels are examined with the one part fixed on the waist of the human body while the other part located on the chest, back, wrist and foot. Channel path gain is derived, while large-scale and small-scale fading are modelled by best-fit statistical distributions