65 research outputs found

    Neural Network-Optimized Channel Estimator and Training Signal Design for MIMO Systems with Few-Bit ADCs

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    This paper is concerned with channel estimation in MIMO systems with few-bit ADCs. In these systems, a linear minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) channel estimator obtained in closed-form is not an optimal solution. We first consider a deep neural network (DNN) and train it as a non-linear MMSE channel estimator for few-bit MIMO systems. We then present a first attempt to use DNN in optimizing the training signal and the MMSE channel estimator concurrently. Specifically, we propose an autoencoder with a specialized first layer, whose weights embed the training signal matrix. Consequently, the trained autoencoder prompts a new training signal design that is customized for the MIMO channel model under consideration.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in IEEE Signal Processing Letter

    Sub-Nyquist Channel Estimation over IEEE 802.11ad Link

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    Nowadays, millimeter-wave communication centered at the 60 GHz radio frequency band is increasingly the preferred technology for near-field communication since it provides transmission bandwidth that is several GHz wide. The IEEE 802.11ad standard has been developed for commercial wireless local area networks in the 60 GHz transmission environment. Receivers designed to process IEEE 802.11ad waveforms employ very high rate analog-to-digital converters, and therefore, reducing the receiver sampling rate can be useful. In this work, we study the problem of low-rate channel estimation over the IEEE 802.11ad 60 GHz communication link by harnessing sparsity in the channel impulse response. In particular, we focus on single carrier modulation and exploit the special structure of the 802.11ad waveform embedded in the channel estimation field of its single carrier physical layer frame. We examine various sub-Nyquist sampling methods for this problem and recover the channel using compressed sensing techniques. Our numerical experiments show feasibility of our procedures up to one-seventh of the Nyquist rates with minimal performance deterioration.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, SampTA 2017 conferenc

    Detection of 2x2 MIMO signals

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    In this paper, we investigate synchronization and equalization of 2 x 2 MIMO signals. We make a step further than that is described in our patent. In the patent, 3 PLLs and a four-channel adaptive filter was needed. Here we decrease the number of PLLs to two and use an adaptive filter of only four channels. In addition to that, we shortly introduce the filter method and the FFT method as well, for synchronization. False detection cancellation is also mentioned. The so-called 1-bit technique has been compared to our method. After briefly introducing the ideas, detailed Matlab or AWR analyses follow. Input data are real measurements, so the analyses serve also as experimental verifications. We take a glimpse on higher order MIMO and higher order modulations as well

    FCFGS-CV-Based Channel Estimation for Wideband MmWave Massive MIMO Systems with Low-Resolution ADCs

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    In this paper, the fully corrective forward greedy selection-cross validation-based (FCFGS-CV-based) channel estimator is proposed for wideband millimeter wave (mmWave) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The sparse nature of the mmWave virtual channel in the angular and delay domains is exploited to convert the maximum a posteriori (MAP) channel estimation problem to an optimization problem with a concave objective function and sparsity constraint. The FCFGS algorithm, which is the generalized orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm, is used to solve the sparsity-constrained optimization problem. Furthermore, the CV technique is adopted to determine the proper termination condition by detecting overfitting when the sparsity level is unknown.Comment: to appear in IEEE Wireless Communications Letter
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