4 research outputs found

    Дослідження технологій безпроводових сенсорних мереж з інфокомунікаційними наземними вузлами у зоні надзвичайної ситуації

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    Мета роботи - дослідити основні технології безпроводових сенсорних мереж, провести аналіз їх використання в зоні надзвичайної ситуації та внести пропозиції щодо реалізації безпроводових сенсорних мереж у зоні надзвичайної ситуації. В даній роботі здійснюється опис і проводиться аналіз вибору безпроводових технологій, які мають суттєві переваги та можуть використовуватися в сенсорних мережах у зоні надзвичайної ситуації, досліджуються та наводяться пропозиції щодо технічної реалізації безпроводових сенсорних мереж.The purpose of the work is to explore the main technologies of wireless sensor networks, to analyze their use in the emergency area and to make suggestions for the implementation of wireless sensor networks in the emergency area. In this work, is carried out the description and analysis of the selection of the wireless technologies that have significant advantages and can be used in sensory networks in the emergency zone, the wireless sensor network is being developed and suggestions on the technical implementation of wireless sensor networks are provided

    Aerial Base Station Deployment for Post-Disaster Public Safety Applications

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    Earthquakes and floods are constant threats to most of the countries in the world. After such catastrophes, a rapid response is needed, which includes communications not only for first responders but also for local civilians. Even though there are technologies and specialized personnel for rapid deployment, it is common that external factors will hinder the arrival of help while communication requirements are urgently required. Such communication technologies would aid tasks regarding organization and information dissemination from authorities to the civilians and vice-versa. This necessity is due to protocols and applications to allocate the number of emergency resources per location and to locate missing people. In this thesis, we investigate the deployment problem of Mobile Aerial Base Stations (MABS). Our main objective is to ensure periodic wireless communication for geographically spread User Equipment (UE) based on LTE technology. First, we establish a precedent of emergency situations where MABS would be useful. We also provide an introduction to the study and work conducted in this thesis. Second, we provide a literature review of existing solutions was made to determine the advantages and disadvantages of certain technologies regarding the described necessity. Third, we determine how MABS, such as gliders or light tactical balloons that are assumed to be moving at an average speed of 50 km/h, will be deployed. These MABS would visit different cluster centroids determined by an Affinity Propagation Clustering algorithm. Additionally, a combination of graph theory and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is implemented through mutators and fitness functions to obtain best flyable paths through an evolution pool of 100. Additionally, Poisson, Normal, and Uniform distributions are utilized to determine the amount of Base Stations and UEs. Then, for every distribution combination, a set of simulations is conducted to obtain the best flyable paths. Serviced UE performance indicators of algorithm efficiency are analyzed to determine whether the applied algorithm is effective in providing a solution to the presented problem. Finally, in Chapter 5, we conclude our work by supporting that the proposed model would suffice the needs of mobile users given the proposed emergency scenario. Adviser: Yi Qia

    Communication in sudden-onset major incidents. Patterns and challenges. A scoping review.

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    Major incidents and disasters are rare occurrences that challenge society and health care systems substantially. The mobilization of extraordinary resources calls for robust preparedness plans, regular training and funding. Command & control is essential in major incident management. To achieve, maintain and execute command & control, communication within emergency medical services and between authorities involved in major incident and disaster management is paramount. The main aim of the master thesis is to explore communication between emergency medical services professionals in sudden-onset major incidents in a broader perspective. The thesis focuses on previous patterns and challenges in communication to provide policymakers with data for the improvement of future major incident preparedness. A scoping review of existing scientific and non-indexed literature describing communication in sudden-onset major incidents provides the sources of information in the thesis. Based on the included literature, this scoping review has found that the patterns in major incident communication are frequent breakdown with potential and actual consequences for patient survival, outcome and management and for the expedited return to a normal state. The challenges in major incident communication are predominantly inter-authority communication difficulties, system overload and lack of introduction and training in the use of communication devices. Cross-border incidents challenge communication substantively. The scoping review has shown that focus has been on describing the operational and tactical approach in sudden-onset major incidents and that communication challenges have not been assessed systematically. A general agreement that communication has been challenging exists; however, it remains mainly unquantified and improvised means of communication have been used extensively

    Challenges of emergency communication network for disaster response

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