14 research outputs found

    Joint Access-Backhaul Perspective on Mobility Management in 5G Networks

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    The ongoing efforts in the research development and standardization of 5G, by both industry and academia, have resulted in the identification of enablers (Software Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization, Distributed Mobility Management, etc.) and critical areas (Mobility management, Interference management, Joint access-backhaul mechanisms, etc.) that will help achieve the 5G objectives. During these efforts, it has also been identified that the 5G networks due to their high degree of heterogeneity, high QoS demand and the inevitable density (both in terms of access points and users), will need to have efficient joint backhaul and access mechanisms as well as enhanced mobility management mechanisms in order to be effective, efficient and ubiquitous. Therefore, in this paper we first provide a discussion on the evolution of the backhaul scenario, and the necessity for joint access and backhaul optimization. Subsequently, and since mobility management mechanisms can entail the availability, reliability and heterogeneity of the future backhaul/fronthaul networks as parameters in determining the most optimal solution for a given context, a study with regards to the effect of future backhaul/fronthaul scenarios on the design and implementation of mobility management solutions in 5G networks has been performed.Comment: IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications & Networking, September 2017, Helsinki, Finlan

    Joint access-backhaul perspective on mobility management in 5G networks

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The ongoing efforts in the research, development and standardization of 5G, by both industry and academia, have resulted in the identification of enablers (Software Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization, Distributed Mobility Management, etc.) and critical areas (Mobility management, Interference management, Joint access-backhaul mechanisms, etc.) that will help achieve the 5G objectives. During these efforts, it has also been identified that the 5G networks, due to their high degree of heterogeneity, high QoS demand and the inevitable density (both in terms of access points and users), will need to have efficient joint backhaul and access mechanisms as well as enhanced mobility management mechanisms in order to be effective, efficient and ubiquitous. Therefore, in this paper, we first provide a discussion on the evolution of the backhaul scenario, and the necessity for joint access and backhaul optimization. Subsequently, and since mobility management mechanisms can entail the availability, reliability and heterogeneity of the future backhaul/fronthaul networks as parameters in determining the most optimal solution for a given context, a study with regards to the effect of future backhaul/fronthaul scenarios on the design and implementation of mobility management solutions in 5G networks has been performed.Postprint (author's final draft

    Software-defined wireless transport networks for flexible mobile backhaul in 5G systems

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    Traditionally microwave backhaul has been configured and operated in a static manner by means of vendor specific management systems. This mode of operation will be difficult to adapt to the new challenges originated by 5G networks. New mechanisms for adaptation and flexibility are required also in this network segment. The usage of a signaled control plane solution (based on OpenFlow) will facilitate the operation and will provide means for automation of actions on the wireless transport network segment. In addition to that, a standard control plane helps to reach the multi-vendor approach reducing complexity and variety of current per-vendor operation. This paper presents the motivation for the introduction of programmability concepts in wireless transport networks and illustrate the applicability of such control plane with two relevant use cases for dynamically controlling wireless transport nodes in 5G networks. Extensions to OpenFlow protocol are also introduced for building Software Defined Wireless Transport Networks (SDWTNs).This research was (partially) funded by the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Economy under the Neptune generic research project (the Israeli consortium for network programming). This work has been also (partially) funded by the EU H2020 Xhaul Project (grant no. 671598)

    Tutorial on LTE/LTE-A Cellular Network Dimensioning Using Iterative Statistical Analysis

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    LTE is the fastest growing cellular technology and is expected to increase its footprint in the coming years, as well as progress toward LTE-A. The race among operators to deliver the expected quality of experience to their users is tight and demands sophisticated skills in network planning. Radio network dimensioning (RND) is an essential step in the process of network planning and has been used as a fast, but indicative, approximation of radio site count. RND is a prerequisite to the lengthy process of thorough planning. Moreover, results from RND are used by players in the industry to estimate preplanning costs of deploying and running a network; thus, RND is, as well, a key tool in cellular business modelling. In this work, we present a tutorial on radio network dimensioning, focused on LTE/LTE-A, using an iterative approach to find a balanced design that mediates among the three design requirements: coverage, capacity, and quality. This approach uses a statistical link budget analysis methodology, which jointly accounts for small and large scale fading in the channel, as well as loading due to traffic demand, in the interference calculation. A complete RND manual is thus presented, which is of key importance to operators deploying or upgrading LTE/LTE-A networks for two reasons. It is purely analytical, hence it enables fast results, a prime factor in the race undertaken. Moreover, it captures essential variables affecting network dimensions and manages conflicting targets to ensure user quality of experience, another major criterion in the competition. The described approach is compared to the traditional RND using a commercial LTE network planning tool. The outcome further dismisses the traditional RND for LTE due to unjustified increase in number of radio sites and related cost, and motivates further research in developing more effective and novel RND procedures