11,433 research outputs found

    Governing autonomous vehicles: emerging responses for safety, liability, privacy, cybersecurity, and industry risks

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    The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the technological risks associated with them. We then explore strategies that can be adopted to address these risks, and explore emerging responses by governments for addressing AV risks. Our analyses reveal that, thus far, governments have in most instances avoided stringent measures in order to promote AV developments and the majority of responses are non-binding and focus on creating councils or working groups to better explore AV implications. The US has been active in introducing legislations to address issues related to privacy and cybersecurity. The UK and Germany, in particular, have enacted laws to address liability issues, other countries mostly acknowledge these issues, but have yet to implement specific strategies. To address privacy and cybersecurity risks strategies ranging from introduction or amendment of non-AV specific legislation to creating working groups have been adopted. Much less attention has been paid to issues such as environmental and employment risks, although a few governments have begun programmes to retrain workers who might be negatively affected.Comment: Transport Reviews, 201

    Dawn of autonomous vehicles: review and challenges ahead

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    This paper reviews the state of the art on autonomous vehicles as of 2017, including their impact at socio-economic, energy, safety, congestion and land-use levels. This impact study focuses on the issues that are common denominators and are bound to arise independently of regional factors, such as (but not restricted to) change to vehicle ownership patterns and driver behaviour, opportunities for energy and emissions savings, potential for accident reduction and lower insurance costs, and requalification of urban areas previously assigned to parking. The challenges that lie ahead for carmakers, law and policy makers are also explored, with an emphasis on how these challenges affect the urban infrastructure and issues they create for municipal planners and decision makers. The paper concludes with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis that integrates and relates all these aspects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Semi-autonomous vehicles as a cognitive assistive device for older adults

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    Losing the capacity to drive due to age-related cognitive decline can have a detrimental impact on the daily life functioning of older adults living alone and in remote areas. Semi-autonomous vehicles (SAVs) could have the potential to preserve driving independence of this population with high health needs. This paper explores if SAVs could be used as a cognitive assistive device for older aging drivers with cognitive challenges. We illustrate the impact of age-related changes of cognitive functions on driving capacity. Furthermore, following an overview on the current state of SAVs, we propose a model for connecting cognitive health needs of older drivers to SAVs. The model demonstrates the connections between cognitive changes experienced by aging drivers, their impact on actual driving, car sensors' features, and vehicle automation. Finally, we present challenges that should be considered when using the constantly changing smart vehicle technology, adapting it to aging drivers and vice versa. This paper sheds light on age-related cognitive characteristics that should be considered when developing future SAVs manufacturing policies which may potentially help decrease the impact of cognitive change on older adult drivers

    Exploring perceptions of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in older drivers with age-related declines

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    Perceptions of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) were explored in two semi-structured face-to-face focus group studies of 42 older drivers (aged 65 years and older) with and without age-related declines. Study 1 explored perceptions regarding ADAS, focusing on visual, auditory, physical, and cognitive factors. Study 2 extended this by additionally exploring perceptions following exposure to videos and stationary vehicle demonstrations of an ADAS. Participants had a range of visual, hearing, memory, and health characteristics which impacted on their daily life. In both studies, some participants had insights regarding various ADAS technologies prior to the study, but many were unfamiliar with these systems. Nevertheless, overall, participants reported that ADAS would assist them to drive as they age and increase their mobility and independence. There were comments regarding the benefits of warning alerts, although the potential for them to be distracting was also highlighted. Participants with vision impairment preferred audio alerts and participants with hearing impairment preferred visual display alerts. Findings highlighted the potential for ADAS to assist those with age-related declines and the need to increase the flexibility of warning system alerts to suit the varying requirements of older drivers, as well as to reduce the complexity of vehicle interfaces. Collectively, these strategies would maximize the benefits of these vehicles to increase the mobility, independence, and quality of life of older drivers with and without age-related declines

    Acceptability and Acceptance of Connected Automated Vehicles:A Literature Review and Focus Groups

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    A lot of resources and manpower are being allocated to develop Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV). CAV are Automated Vehicles (AV) with vehicle connectivity abilities to further increase road safety and user convenience. For a successful implementation of CAV, the psychological factors that predict its acceptance have to be researched. The present paper provides a literature review of the individual differences and perceived characteristics that could influence CAV's acceptance. Additionally, we report the results of several focus groups that were held in 4 European countries to highlight additional factors not reported in the literature yet

    Planning for Density in a Driverless World

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    Automobile-centered, low-density development was the defining feature of population growth in the United States for decades. This development pattern displaced wildlife, destroyed habitat, and contributed to a national loss of biodiversity. It also meant, eventually, that commutes and air quality worsened, a sense of local character was lost in many places, and the negative consequences of sprawl impacted an increasing percentage of the population. Those impacts led to something of a shift in the national attitude toward sprawl. More people than ever are fluent in concepts of “smart growth,” “new urbanism,” and “green building,” and with these tools and others, municipalities across the country are working to redevelop a central core, rethink failing transit systems, and promote pockets of density. Changing technology may disrupt this trend. Self-driving vehicles are expected to be widespread within the next several decades. Those vehicles will likely reduce congestion, air pollution, and deaths, and free up huge amounts of productive time in the car. These benefits may also eliminate much of the conventional motivation and rationale behind sprawl reduction. As the time-cost of driving falls, driverless cars have the potential to incentivize human development of land that, by virtue of its distance from settled metropolitan areas, had been previously untouched. From the broader ecological perspective, each human surge into undeveloped land results in habitat destruction and fragmentation, and additional loss of biological diversity. New automobile technology may therefore usher in better air quality, increased safety, and a significant threat to ecosystem health. Our urban and suburban environments have been molded for centuries to the needs of various forms of transportation. The same result appears likely to occur in response to autonomous vehicles, if proactive steps are not taken to address their likely impacts. Currently, little planning is being done to prepare for driverless technology. Actors at multiple levels, however, have tools at their disposal to help ensure that new technology does not come at the expense of the nation’s remaining natural habitats. This Article advocates for a shift in paradigm from policies that are merely anti-car to those that are pro-density, and provides suggestions for both cities and suburban areas for how harness the positive aspects of driverless cars while trying to stem the negative. Planning for density regardless of technology will help to ensure that, for the world of the future, there is actually a world