17 research outputs found

    Towards a Cloud Architectural Decision Framework using Case-Based Reasoning and Rule-Based Reasoning

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    Correct decision making about the cloud platform architecture is crucial for the success of any cloud migration project; bad decisions can lead to undesirable consequences. Rules Based Reasoning (RBR), a popular approach for solving clearly defined problems, can be used for cloud platform recommendation if a comprehensive set of requirements are available. However, the responsibility of decision-making is increasingly moving away from the hands of the technical subject matter experts, and into the hands of the business sponsors who, despite being the end-all, be-all decision-makers, typically do not have access to sufficient information at the initial stages of the project lifecycle. Therefore, in this paper, we propose combining Case Based Reasoning (CBR) with RBR to assist business sponsors in making strategic decisions between public, private and hybrid cloud with a high level of confidence even at the initial stages of the project

    Propuesta utilizando un componente de software para la integración de las plataformas Moodle-Dspace con el protocolo swordv1

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    En esta investigación se ha explicado la importancia de la interoperabilidad entre Moodle-DSpace en el contexto de cuantificar y visibilizar los recursos digitales que son generados por los docentes en los cursos virtuales, debido a que dichos contenidos están restringidos para los estudiantes que no estén matriculados en el curso. Se hace especial énfasis en el método model-driven que permite a los desarrolladores construir sus propias variantes a los módulos basándose en sus necesidades. Asimismo, se demuestra la relevancia del estudio está claramente apoyada porlos resultados actuales, para obtener un componente informático estable para la sumisión de los contenidos digitales a los repositorios institucionales. En síntesis, se logró la interoperabilidad entre las plataformas a través del protocolo SWORD v1 y el paquete METS. Sin embargo,se requiere más trabajo adicional en los módulos con el fin de implementar otros aspectos en el registro de los metadatos en el repositorio

    Towards a Flexible Cloud Architectural Decision Framework for Diverse Application Architectures

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    End user privacy is a critical concern for all organizations that collect, process and store user data as a part of their business. Privacy concerned users, regulatory bodies and privacy experts continuously demand organizations provide users with privacy protection. Current research lacks an understanding of organizational characteristics that affect an organization’s motivation towards user privacy. This has resulted in a “one solution fits all” approach, which is incapable of providing sustainable solutions for organizational issues related to user privacy. In this work, we have empirically investigated 40 diverse organizations on their motivations and approaches towards user privacy. Resources such as newspaper articles, privacy policies, and internal privacy reports that display information about organizational motivations and approaches towards user privacy were used in the study. We could observe organizations to have two primary motivations to provide end users with privacy as voluntary driven inherent motivation, and risk driven compliance motivation. Building up on these findings, we developed a taxonomy of organizational privacy approaches and further explored the taxonomy through limited exclusive interviews. With his work, we encourage authorities and scholars to understand organizational characteristics that define an organization’s approach towards privacy, in order to communicate regulations that enforce and encourage organizations to consider privacy within their business practices

    Towards A Comprehensive Cloud Decision Framework with Financial Viability Assessment

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    Most organizations moving their legacy systems to the cloud base their decisions on the naïve assumption that the public cloud provides cost savings. However, this is not always true. Sometimes the migration complexity of certain applications outweighs the benefits to be had from a public cloud. Moreover, the total cost of ownership does not necessarily decrease by moving to a public cloud. Therefore, there is a need for a disciplined approach for choosing the right cloud platform for application migration. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive cloud decision framework that includes an extensible decision criteria set, associated usage guidelines, a decision model for cloud platform recommendation, and a cost calculator to compute the total cost of ownership (TCO). The decision process works as follows. It begins with the ordering of relevant criteria, either according to industry best practice or the enterprise’s specific requirements and preferences. A technical recommendation is made on the basis of the criteria classification, which is then assessed for financial viability. By providing traceability of the cost items in the public/private TCO calculators to the decision criteria, the framework enables users to iterate through the decision process, determining and eliminating (if possible) the main cost drivers until a right balance is found between the desirable criteria and the available budget. We illustrate the need, benefits and value of our proposed framework through three different real-world use case scenarios

    Implementación de microservicios para integrar la información de productos en una empresa retail

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    El área comercial corporativa de un negocio retail necesitaba mantener actualizada la información de los productos administrados por su plataforma de importaciones con el catálogo de productos corporativo. El catálogo ofrecería beneficios tales como actuar de intermediario para intercambiar dicha información entre diferentes plataformas, además de ser una fuente centralizada, estandarizada y validada de la información de productos para diferentes unidades de negocio. Para ello era necesario integrar la información de productos entre la plataforma de importaciones y el catálogo de productos lo cual se hizo a través de un conjunto de microservicios y servicios de mensajería bajo el patrón publicador suscriptor. El marco de trabajo elegido para esta integración de sistemas fue Scrum debido a la incertidumbre que se tenía y la necesidad de reaccionar de forma rápida a los cambios que surgiesen en el proyecto. Se logró cumplir con los objetivos de implementar la arquitectura de integración, aprovisionar la infraestructura, mejorar la plataforma de importaciones y realizar las pruebas de la implementación de la integración que permitieron cumplir con el objetivo de integrar la plataforma de importaciones y el catálogo de productos corporativo de forma satisfactoria

    Challenges in migrating legacy software systems to the cloud — an empirical study

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    © 2017 Moving existing legacy systems to cloud platforms is a difficult and high cost process that may involve technical and non-technical resources and challenges. There is evidence that the lack of understanding and preparedness of cloud computing migration underpin many migration failures in achieving organisations’ goals. The main goal of this article is to identify the most important challenging activities for moving legacy systems to cloud platforms from a perspective of reengineering process. Through a combination of a bottom-up and a top-down analysis, a set of common activities is derived from the extant cloud computing literature. These are expressed as a model and are validated using a population of 104 shortlisted and randomly selected domain experts from different industry sectors. We used a Web-based survey questionnaire to collect data and analysed them using SPSS Sample T-Test. The results of this study highlight the most important and critical challenges that should be addressed by various roles within a legacy to cloud migration endeavour. The study provides an overall understanding of this process including common occurring activities, concerns and recommendations. In addition, the findings of this study constitute a practical guide to conduct this transition. This guide is platform agnostic and independent from any specific migration scenario, cloud platform, or an application domain

    Uma proposta de migração de sistemas legados do governo para a nuvem

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2018.Com a utilização da Computação em Nuvem para provisionamento de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação, as organizações podem migrar sistemas legados para o novo ambiente e usufruir dos benefícios deste modelo. Há na literatura diversas propostas de modelagem dos elementos críticos a serem considerados na migração, validados por estudos de caso específicos. Há também alguns modelos de referência, definidos a partir das modelagens citadas e criados com o intuito de consolidar a literatura e ampliar suas aplicações. Este trabalho de pesquisa seleciona um modelo de referência de migração de sistemas legados para a nuvem e propõe um método para calcular um indicador de percepção de risco no processo de migração. Este indicador tem como objetivo definir a ordem de migração de um conjunto de sistemas de uma organização específica, no caso deste trabalho, uma organização da Administração Pública Federal brasileira. Prova de conceito no domínio do governo mostrou a aplicabilidade do método e um estudo de caso foi implementado com três sistemas legados do governo. Com o objetivo de validar o método proposto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de opinião, com uma amostra de 193 profissionais de tecnologia da informação do governo, para analisar o valor percebido da proposta. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que há percepção de valor para a proposta e permitiram ajustar os parâmetros do cálculo do indicador para que refletissem os achados da pesquisa. Ao aplicar os ajustes ao estudo de caso, entretanto, não houve alteração significativa no valor do indicador calculado, o que pode apontar um acerto nos parâmetros da proposta desde a concepção. Os achados deste trabalho apontam que um indicador de percepção de risco pode agregar valor real a um processo de migração de sistemas legados para Nuvem no âmbito da Administração Pública Federal brasileira.With the utilization of Cloud Computing, organizations can migrate legacy systems to the cloud in order to reach cloud related benefits and to preserve the investments made on the legacies. There are in the literature several proposals to modeling the critical elements of migration, validated by specific case studies. There are also some reference models, which where defined on top of these proposals with the intention of literature consolidation, trying to expand their applicability. This research selected a reference model for migrating legacy systems to the cloud and proposed a method to calculate a risk perception indicator to the migration process. This indicator can be used to define a rank of migration from a legacy systems set of a specific organization. In the case of this work, a Brazilian Federal Public Administration organization. A proof of concept in government domain has shown the method’s applicability and a case study has been implemented with three government legacy systems. In order to validate the proposed method, a survey was conducted with a sample of 193 government information technology professionals to analyze the perceived value of the proposal. The results pointed out that this research’s proposal is perceived as important and the parameters of indicator’s calculation were adjusted to reflect them. When applying the adjustments to the case study, however, there was no significant change in the value of the calculated indicator, which may indicate a correctness in the parameters of the proposal from conception. The findings of this study indicate that a risk perception indicator can add real value to a legacy systems migration process to the Cloud, within the scope of the Brazilian Federal Public Administration