3 research outputs found

    Performance enhancement of large scale networks with heterogeneous traffic.

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    Finally, these findings are applied towards improving the performance of the Differentiated Services architecture by developing a new Refined Assured Forwarding framework where heterogeneous traffic flows share the same aggregate class. The new framework requires minimal modification to the existing Diffserv routers. The efficiency of the new architecture in enhancing the performance of Diffserv is demonstrated by simulation results under different traffic scenarios.This dissertation builds on the notion that segregating traffic with disparate characteristics into separate channels generally results in a better performance. Through a quantitative analysis, it precisely defines the number of classes and the allocation of traffic into these classes that will lead to optimal performance from a latency standpoint. Additionally, it weakens the most generally used assumption of exponential or geometric distribution of traffic service time in the integration versus segregation studies to date by including self-similarity in network traffic.The dissertation also develops a pricing model based on resource usage in a system with segregated channels. Based on analytical results, this dissertation proposes a scheme whereby a service provider can develop compensatory and fair prices for customers with varying QoS requirements under a wide variety of ambient traffic scenarios.This dissertation provides novel techniques for improving the Quality of Service by enhancing the performance of queue management in large scale packet switched networks with a high volume of traffic. Networks combine traffic from multiple sources which have disparate characteristics. Multiplexing such heterogeneous traffic usually results in adverse effects on the overall performance of the network


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    The growth of the Internet over the past decade together with the promise of lower costs to the customer has led to the rapid emergence of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). As a real-time application in large scale packet switched networks, VoIP networks face many challenges such as availability, voice quality and network security. This dissertation addresses three important issues in VoIP networks: Quality of Service, pricing and security.In addressing Quality of Service (QoS), this dissertation introduces the notion of delay not exceeding an upper limit, termed the bounded delay (rather than the average delay), to measure the Quality of Service in VoIP networks. Queuing models are introduced to measure performance in terms of bounded delays. Closed form solutions relating the impact of bounding delays on throughput of VoIP traffic are provided. Traffic that exceeds the delay threshold is treated as lost throughput. The results addressed can be used in scaling resources in a VoIP network for different thresholds of acceptable delays. Both single and multiple switching points are addressed. The same notion and analysis are also applied on jitter, another important indicator of the VoIP QoSThis dissertation also develops a pricing model based on the Quality of Service provided in VoIP networks. It presents the impact of quality of VoIP service demanded by the customer on the transmission resources required by the network using an analytical approach. The price to be paid by the customer is based on the throughput meeting this criterion and the network transmission resources required. In particular, the impact of Quality of Service presented can be used in the design of VoIP networks in a way that would provide fairness to the user in terms of quality of service and price while optimizing the resources of the network at the same time.This dissertation also extends and applies the delay throughput analysis developed for VoIP networks in assessing the impact of risks constituted by a number of transportation channels, where the risk associated with each channel can be quantified by a known distribution. For VoIP security, this dissertation mainly focuses on the signaling authentication. It presents a networking solution that incorporates network-based authentication as an inherent feature. The authentication feature that we propose introduces a range of flexibilities not available in the PSTN. Since most calls will likely terminate on the network of another service provider, we also present a mechanism using which networks can mutually authenticate each other to afford the possibility of authentication across networks. Finally, this dissertation explores areas for future research that can be built on the foundation of research presented

    Strategies for internet route control: past, present and future

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    Uno de los problemas más complejos en redes de computadores es el de proporcionar garantías de calidad y confiabilidad a las comunicaciones de datos entre entidades que se encuentran en dominios distintos. Esto se debe a un amplio conjunto de razones -- las cuales serán analizadas en detalle en esta tesis -- pero de manera muy breve podemos destacar: i) la limitada flexibilidad que presenta el modelo actual de encaminamiento inter-dominio en materia de ingeniería de tráfico; ii) la naturaleza distribuida y potencialmente antagónica de las políticas de encaminamiento, las cuales son administradas individualmente y sin coordinación por cada dominio en Internet; y iii) las carencias del protocolo de encaminamiento inter-dominio utilizado en Internet, denominado BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).El objetivo de esta tesis, es precisamente el estudio y propuesta de soluciones que permitan mejorar drásticamente la calidad y confiabilidad de las comunicaciones de datos en redes conformadas por múltiples dominios.Una de las principales herramientas para lograr este fin, es tomar el control de las decisiones de encaminamiento y las posibles acciones de ingeniería de tráfico llevadas a cabo en cada dominio. Por este motivo, esta tesis explora distintas estrategias de como controlar en forma precisa y eficiente, tanto el encaminamiento como las decisiones de ingeniería de tráfico en Internet. En la actualidad este control reside principalmente en BGP, el cual como indicamos anteriormente, es uno de los principales responsables de las limitantes existentes. El paso natural sería reemplazar a BGP, pero su despliegue actual y su reconocida operatividad en muchos otros aspectos, resultan claros indicadores de que su sustitución (ó su posible evolución) será probablemente gradual. En este escenario, esta tesis propone analizar y contribuir con nuevas estrategias en materia de control de encaminamiento e ingeniería de tráfico inter-dominio en tres marcos temporales distintos: i) en la actualidad en redes IP; ii) en un futuro cercano en redes IP/MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching); y iii) a largo plazo en redes ópticas, modelando así una evolución progresiva y realista, facilitando el reemplazo gradual de BGP.Más concretamente, este trabajo analiza y contribuye mediante: - La propuesta de estrategias incrementales basadas en el Control Inteligente de Rutas (Intelligent Route Control, IRC) para redes IP en la actualidad. Las estrategias propuestas en este caso son de carácter incremental en el sentido de que interaccionan con BGP, solucionando varias de las carencias que éste presenta sin llegar a proponer aún su reemplazo. - La propuesta de estrategias concurrentes basadas en extender el concepto del PCE (Path Computation Element) proveniente del IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) para redes IP/MPLS en un futuro cercano. Las estrategias propuestas en este caso son de carácter concurrente en el sentido de que no interaccionan con BGP y pueden ser desplegadas en forma paralela. En este caso, BGP continúa controlando el encaminamiento y las acciones de ingeniería de tráfico inter-dominio del tráfico IP, pero el control del tráfico IP/MPLS se efectúa en forma independiente de BGP mediante los PCEs.- La propuesta de estrategias que reemplazan completamente a BGP basadas en la incorporación de un nuevo agente de control, al cual denominamos IDRA (Inter-Domain Routing Agent). Estos agentes proporcionan un plano de control dedicado, físicamente independiente del plano de datos, y con gran capacidad computacional para las futuras redes ópticas multi-dominio.Los resultados expuestos aquí validan la efectividad de las estrategias propuestas, las cuales mejoran significativamente tanto la concepción como la performance de las actuales soluciones en el área de Control Inteligente de Rutas, del esperado PCE en un futuro cercano, y de las propuestas existentes para extender BGP al área de redes ópticas.One of the most complex problems in computer networks is how to provide guaranteed performance and reliability to the communications carried out between nodes located in different domains. This is due to several reasons -- which will be analyzed in detail in this thesis -- but in brief, this is mostly due to: i) the limited capabilities of the current inter-domain routing model in terms of Traffic Engineering (TE); ii) the distributed and potentially conflicting nature of policy-based routing, where routing policies are managed independently and without coordination among domains; and iii) the clear limitations of the inter-domain routing protocol, namely, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The goal of this thesis is precisely to study and propose solutions allowing to drastically improve the performance and reliability of inter-domain communications. One of the most important tools to achieve this goal, is to control the routing and TE decisions performed by routing domains. Therefore, this thesis explores different strategies on how to control such decisions in a highly efficient and accurate way. At present, this control mostly resides in BGP, but as mentioned above, BGP is in fact one of the main causes of the existing limitations. The natural next-step would be to replace BGP, but the large installed base at present together with its recognized effectiveness in other aspects, are clear indicators that its replacement (or its possible evolution) will probably be gradually put into practice.In this framework, this thesis proposes to to study and contribute with novel strategies to control the routing and TE decisions of domains in three different time frames: i) at present in IP multi-domain networks; ii) in the near-future in IP/MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching) multi- domain networks; and iii) in the future optical Internet, modeling in this way a realistic and progressive evolution, facilitating the gradual replacement of BGP.More specifically, the contributions in this thesis can be summarized as follows. - We start by proposing incremental strategies based on Intelligent Route Control (IRC) solutions for IP networks. The strategies proposed in this case are incremental in the sense that they interact with BGP, and tackle several of its well-known limitations. - Then, we propose a set of concurrent route control strategies for MPLS networks, based on broadening the concept of the Path Computation Element (PCE) coming from the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Our strategies are concurrent in the sense that they do not interact directly with BGP, and they can be deployed in parallel. In this case, BGP still controlls the routing and TE actions concerning regular IP-based traffic, but not how IP/MPLS paths are routed and controlled. These are handled independently by the PCEs.- We end with the proposal of a set of route control strategies for multi-domain optical networks, where BGP has been completely replaced. These strategies are supported by the introduction of a new route control element, which we named Inter-Domain Routing Agent (IDRA). These IDRAs provide a dedicated control plane, i.e., physically independent from the data plane, and with high computational capacity for future optical networks.The results obtained validate the effectiveness of the strategies proposed here, and confirm that our proposals significantly improve both the conception and performance of the current IRC solutions, the expected PCE in the near-future, as well as the existing proposals about the optical extension of BGP.Postprint (published version