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    Currently, digitization in the healthcare segment starts to go head. The healthcare sector tries hard towards gaining excellence in the robust competitive environment of business on the way to the adoption of the latest technology. The current paper has described the importance of training in enhancing the adaptive performance of healthcare professionals in the era of digitization in Pakistan. The concept of adaptive performance has gained more importance now a day due to technological innovations in the field of healthcare. However, a collective refrain of adaptive performance is flexible as well as responsive behavior at the workplace that is desirable to adapt in the direction of the changes. The provision of training has now become an imperative practice to augment and prepare human resources to adapt the changes related to the latest technology in the healthcare setup such as digitized tools to administer drugs, interventions, machines, procedures, and software to manage the patient data efficaciously. Thus, the main element that affects the adaptive performance of healthcare professionals in organizations is training among other HR practices. Therefore, this study proposes that the healthcare sector needs to offer an up to date training programs to inculcate its employees the essential skills and knowledge to adapt the technological changes. As a developing country, it is important to train our professionals to manage and familiarize themselves with the anticipated technological changes to make a digitized healthcare system in Pakistan a reality


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    Currently, digitization in the healthcare segment starts to go head. The healthcare sector tries hard towards gaining excellence in the robust competitive environment of business on the way to the adoption of the latest technology. The current paper has described the importance of training in enhancing the adaptive performance of healthcare professionals in the era of digitization in Pakistan. The concept of adaptive performance has gained more importance now a day due to technological innovations in the field of healthcare. However, a collective refrain of adaptive performance is flexible as well as responsive behavior at the workplace that is desirable to adapt in the direction of the changes. The provision of training has now become an imperative practice to augment and prepare human resources to adapt the changes related to the latest technology in the healthcare setup such as digitized tools to administer drugs, interventions, machines, procedures, and software to manage the patient data efficaciously. Thus, the main element that affects the adaptive performance of healthcare professionals in organizations is training among other HR practices. Therefore, this study proposes that the healthcare sector needs to offer an up to date training programs to inculcate its employees the essential skills and knowledge to adapt the technological changes. As a developing country, it is important to train our professionals to manage and familiarize themselves with the anticipated technological changes to make a digitized healthcare system in Pakistan a reality

    Collection Development Challenges in Slavic & East European Libraries: A Literature Review

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    The purpose of this paper (a literature review) is threefold. First, it seeks to understand the current landscape of collection development practices within the contexts of academic Slavic and Eastern Europe (SEE) collections. Second, this paper aims to grasp the challenges that impact how librarians devise collection development policies for academic SEE holdings. Third, by drawing on current field research, it investigates how SEE collections are addressing these challenges and sustaining user services. It asks, for example, what tools/resources SEE collections employ to remain vital, relevant, and accessible. Based on these three foci, this paper provides an assessment of the library and information science field’s major challenges, and examines various indications of what the future holds for academic SEE collections and their user populations

    Designing an Antibiotics Resistance (ABR) monitoring system to strengthen the evidence base for facilitating responsible antibiotics prescription by physicians: A case study from India

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    Antimicrobial resistance is described as a global health emergency, particularly affecting low and middle-income countries. A key strategy to engage with this challenge is effective monitoring to improve knowledge and support evidence-based interventions. However, LMICs lack the capacity, resources, infrastructure, and culture to implement digital interventions. To engage with this challenge, empirical work is carried out within the context of a public hospital in India to study the problem of antibiotics use followed by the design, implementation, and use of an AMR monitoring system and associated challenges in its digitization. An ADR approach is used to guide the design of the system to facilitate responsible antibiotic prescriptions by physicians. Three broad design principles are proposed which can help guide future implementation efforts for other contexts. This paper makes an important contribution to IS research of immense societal value, in informing how the potential of the digital can be effectively materialized

    The commercialization process of high technologies : case studies of high technologies from ICT, cleantech and life sciences industries

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    Commercialization of high technologies refers to a process that transforms radical and disruptive innovations into consumable products, services and solution packages. This process generates returns on research and development investments, employs highly educated people, empowers semi-skilled persons and makes business enterprises prosperous and sustainable. Hence, this study investigated the commercialization process purposely to provide in-depth knowledge of it. The study aimed to investigate how high technologies are commercialized, especially in ICT, Cleantech and the Life Sciences industries to provide a better understanding of the commercialization process. This understanding is essential due to the increase in new high technologies and rapid changes in these industries. The study employed a case study research method to achieve its goal. It used interviews, an online survey, observations and documentary for data collection, and content and thematic methods for data analysis. It used primary and secondary data that were collected between 2012 and 2017. Its participants represented stakeholders of the above-mentioned industries. The participants mostly came from Finland, but some came from other European countries. The study found that the commercialization process models are rooted in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Stage-gate, Effectuation, Bricolage and Lean Start-up theoretical frameworks. Similarly, it found that the process makes use of a mixture of linear and non-linear logic. Additionally, it found that the commercialization process starts during the pre-innovation phase and continues after the innovation’s marketing phase, and that commercialization activities must be performed in parallel (simultaneously). Most interestingly, the study revealed that digitalization has changes on the commercialization process. Based on the findings, the study proposed a new model for commercializing high technologies in the above-mentioned industries; a framework termed the “Integrative Commercialization Process” (ICP). The model was built on theories, theoretical frameworks and models of the innovation process, New Product Development (NPD), Entrepreneurship, Spinoff, Transfer of Technology (TOT) and Marketing. Similarly, the model was built on the context of ICT, Cleantech and the Life Sciences. Hence, the study offered insights into the theoretical frameworks of the innovation, the NPD, Spinoff and marketing fields. Furthermore, the study provided practical insight for the stakeholders of the aforementioned industries, especially potential entrepreneurs (e.g., scientists and engineers), technology entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship educators, commercialization practitioners, universities and research institutes and companies. Therefore, this study makes contributions to the theory and practice of commercialization.Korkean teknologian kaupallistamisella viitataan prosessiin, jossa radikaalit ja disruptiiviset innovaatiot kehittyvĂ€t kulutettaviksi tuotteiksi, palveluiksi tai ratkaisuiksi. Kaupallistaminen tuottaa vastinetta tehdyille investoinneille, työllistÀÀ koulutettuja ihmisiĂ€ sekĂ€ luo menestyvÀÀ ja kestĂ€vÀÀ liiketoimintaa. TĂ€ssĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjassa on tutkittu kaupallistamisprosessia ja tuotettu syvĂ€llisempÀÀ uutta tietoa siitĂ€. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ millĂ€ tavoin korkean teknologian kaupallistaminen tapahtuu, erityisesti ICT-, Life Sciences-, sekĂ€ Cleantech – aloilla sekĂ€ tuottaa parempaa ymmĂ€rrystĂ€ kaupallistamisprosessista nĂ€illĂ€ aloilla. NĂ€illĂ€ teknologianaloilla kasvu on nopeaa ja isoja muutoksia tapahtuu jatkuvasti. Korkean teknologian kasvavasta merkityksestĂ€ ja nopeista muutoksista johtuen nĂ€iden alojen kaupallistamisprosessin ymmĂ€rtĂ€minen on erittĂ€in tĂ€rkeÀÀ. Tutkimus on toteutettu tapaustutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineistoa on kerĂ€tty haastatteluin sekĂ€ kyselytutkimuksen, dokumenttiaineiston ja havainnoinnin keinoin. Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu sisĂ€ltöanalyysin sekĂ€ temaattisen analyysin avulla. PrimÀÀrinen ja sekundÀÀrinen tutkimusaineisto on kerĂ€tty ajanjaksolla 2012-2017. Tutkimukseen informantit ovat yllĂ€mainittujen alojen edustajia. Suurin osa informanteista oli Suomesta, mutta joitakin osallistujia oli myös muista Euroopan maista. Tehdyn tutkimuksen perusteella kaupallistamisen prosessi pohjautuu Technology Acceptance-malliin (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) -teoriaan, sekĂ€ Stage-gate-, Effectuation-, Bricolage-, ja Lean Start-up -viitekehyksiin. Samoin tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettĂ€ prosessi on yhdistelmĂ€ lineaarista ja epĂ€lineaarista logiikkaa. LisĂ€ksi havaittiin, ettĂ€ kaupallistamisprosessi alkaa jo ennen innovaatiovaihetta, jatkuu vielĂ€ innovaation markkinointivaiheen jĂ€lkeen sekĂ€ edellyttÀÀ eri kaupallistamisaktiviteettien samanaikaista toteuttamista. Mielenkiintoista on, ettĂ€ digitalisaatio muuttaa kaupallistamisprosessia. Tutkimustuloksiin perustuen, tutkimus esittÀÀ uuden mallin korkean teknologian kaupallistamiseksi edellĂ€ mainituilla toimialoilla: ”Integrative Commercialization Process” (ICP). TĂ€mĂ€ malli perustuu teorioihin, teoreettisiin viitekehyksiin sekĂ€ innovaatioprosessin malleihin: uuden tuotteen kehittĂ€misprosessi (New Product Development, NPD), YrittĂ€jyys (Entrepreneurship), Spinoff-prosessi, teknologiansiirto (Transfer of Technology, TOT) ja markkinointi (Marketing) Malli on rakennettu ICT-, Cleantech- sekĂ€ Life Science-alan konteksteissa ja se tarjoaa uusia nĂ€kökulmia innovaatioiden teoreettisiin viitekehyksiin, uuden tuotteen kehittĂ€misprosessiin, spinoff-toimintaan sekĂ€ markkinointiin. LisĂ€ksi tutkimus tarjoaa kĂ€ytĂ€nnön tietoa yllĂ€mainittujen alojen sidosryhmille, erityisesti potentiaalisille yrittĂ€jille (esimerkiksi tutkijat ja insinöörit), teknologiayrittĂ€jille, yrittĂ€jyyden kouluttajille, kaupallistamisen asiantuntijoille, yliopistoille, tutkimuslaitoksille ja yrityksille. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus tuottaa kontribuutiota niin kaupallistamisen tieteelliseen keskusteluun kuin kĂ€ytĂ€ntöön

    Big Data and the Internet of Things

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    Advances in sensing and computing capabilities are making it possible to embed increasing computing power in small devices. This has enabled the sensing devices not just to passively capture data at very high resolution but also to take sophisticated actions in response. Combined with advances in communication, this is resulting in an ecosystem of highly interconnected devices referred to as the Internet of Things - IoT. In conjunction, the advances in machine learning have allowed building models on this ever increasing amounts of data. Consequently, devices all the way from heavy assets such as aircraft engines to wearables such as health monitors can all now not only generate massive amounts of data but can draw back on aggregate analytics to "improve" their performance over time. Big data analytics has been identified as a key enabler for the IoT. In this chapter, we discuss various avenues of the IoT where big data analytics either is already making a significant impact or is on the cusp of doing so. We also discuss social implications and areas of concern.Comment: 33 pages. draft of upcoming book chapter in Japkowicz and Stefanowski (eds.) Big Data Analysis: New algorithms for a new society, Springer Series on Studies in Big Data, to appea

    Managing Social Business Hybrids in Global Contexts: The Case of Impact Sourcing Service Providers

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    This dissertation consists of three related essays that seek to understand the core contingencies and strategies of managing social-business hybrids (SBHs) in global contexts. SBHs are also known as hybrid organizations that run commercial operations with the goal of addressing a social (or environmental) problem. I focus on the empirical case of Impact Sourcing Service Providers (ISSPs) which are SBHs that operate in the global business services industry. These organizations hire and train staff from disadvantaged communities to provide services to regional and international business clients. The first essay contributes to the growing interest in how hybrid organizations manage paradoxical social-business tensions. This study identifies two major growth orientations - ‘community-focused’ and ‘client-focused’ growth - their inherent tensions and ways that hybrids manage them. The former favors slow growth and manages tensions through highly-integrated client and community relations; the latter promotes faster growth and manages client and community relations separately. Both growth orientations address social-business tensions in particular ways, but also create latent constraints that manifest when entrepreneurial aspirations conflict with the current growth path. The second essay examines the strategic potential of hybrid business models in the face of Africa’s persistent difficulties with catching up in established markets. Focusing on the global business services industry in Kenya and South Africa and the practice of impact sourcing, this study argues that while regular providers struggle to compete with global peers, hybrid model adopters manage to access underutilized labor pools through community organizations, and target less competitive niche client markets. In this context, critical industry, institutional and firm-level factors affecting hybrid model adoption are identified further. The third essay investigates the variation in business model configurations of SBHs as a function of the background and aspirations of the social entrepreneur, and the level of domestic competition and global client expectations. This study further introduces the concept of liability of embeddedness, which relates to risks and costs facing hybrids targeting business clients outside of the geographic context within which their social mission is highly valued. This study contributes to research on international social ventures and international business, in specifying antecedents and contingencies of targeting international vs. domestic business clients as a social venture

    The impact of cognition on strategic outcomes

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    With Enough Eyeballs All Searches Are Diligent: Mobilizing the Crowd in Copyright Clearance for Mass Digitization

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    Digitization of 20th Century cultural heritage is severely restricted due to the real or potential subsistence of copyright and related rights. Under the laws on orphan works introduced in many countries, items whose copyright status is uncertain may possibly be lawfully digitized, on condition that a “diligent search” of the copyright owners has been performed. However, carrying out diligent searches on large collections is a lengthy and expensive process, which may discourage institutional users from embarking on large-scale digitization. While the problem of performing diligent searches has been so far approached in a “centralized” manner by individual institutions, the article suggests a de-centralized approach based on crowdsourcing certain phases of the diligent search process. The proposed solution may alleviate the problem of the high costs of diligent search, and may ultimately enable cultural heritage institutions to take full advantage of the orphan works legislation. Suitability of the crowdsourcing solution to the cultural heritage sector is discussed and challenges to implementation are identified
