582 research outputs found

    Micro-doppler-based in-home aided and unaided walking recognition with multiple radar and sonar systems

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    Published in IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation. Online first 21/06/2016.The potential for using micro-Doppler signatures as a basis for distinguishing between aided and unaided gaits is considered in this study for the purpose of characterising normal elderly gait and assessment of patient recovery. In particular, five different classes of mobility are considered: normal unaided walking, walking with a limp, walking using a cane or tripod, walking with a walker, and using a wheelchair. This presents a challenging classification problem as the differences in micro-Doppler for these activities can be quite slight. Within this context, the performance of four different radar and sonar systems – a 40 kHz sonar, a 5.8 GHz wireless pulsed Doppler radar mote, a 10 GHz X-band continuous wave (CW) radar, and a 24 GHz CW radar – is evaluated using a broad range of features. Performance improvements using feature selection is addressed as well as the impact on performance of sensor placement and potential occlusion due to household objects. Results show that nearly 80% correct classification can be achieved with 10 s observations from the 24 GHz CW radar, whereas 86% performance can be achieved with 5 s observations of sonar

    Human activity recognition for an intelligent knee orthosis

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia BiomédicaActivity recognition with body-worn sensors is a large and growing field of research. In this thesis we evaluate the possibility to recognize human activities based on data from biosignal sensors solely placed on or under an existing passive knee orthosis, which will produce the needed information to integrate sensors into the orthosis in the future. The development of active orthotic knee devices will allow population to ambulate in a more natural, efficient and less painful manner than they might with a traditional orthosis. Thus, the term ’active orthosis’ refers to a device intended to increase the ambulatory ability of a person suffering from a knee pathology by applying forces to correct the position only when necessary and thereby make usable over longer periods of time. The contribution of this work is the evaluation of the ability to recognize activities with these restrictions on sensor placement as well as providing a proof-of-concept for the development of an activity recognition system for an intelligent orthosis. We use accelerometers and a goniometer placed on the orthosis and Electromyography (EMG) sensors placed on the skin under the orthosis to measure motion and muscle activity respectively. We segment signals in motion primitives semi-automatically and apply Hidden-Markov-Models (HMM) to classify the isolated motion primitives. We discriminate between seven activities like for example walking stairs up and ascend a hill. In a user study with six participants, we evaluate the systems performance for each of the different biosignal modalities alone as well as the combinations of them. For the best performing combination, we reach an average person-dependent accuracy of 98% and a person-independent accuracy of 79%

    A survey on the feasibility of sound classification on wireless sensor nodes

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    Wireless sensor networks are suitable to gain context awareness for indoor environments. As sound waves form a rich source of context information, equipping the nodes with microphones can be of great benefit. The algorithms to extract features from sound waves are often highly computationally intensive. This can be problematic as wireless nodes are usually restricted in resources. In order to be able to make a proper decision about which features to use, we survey how sound is used in the literature for global sound classification, age and gender classification, emotion recognition, person verification and identification and indoor and outdoor environmental sound classification. The results of the surveyed algorithms are compared with respect to accuracy and computational load. The accuracies are taken from the surveyed papers; the computational loads are determined by benchmarking the algorithms on an actual sensor node. We conclude that for indoor context awareness, the low-cost algorithms for feature extraction perform equally well as the more computationally-intensive variants. As the feature extraction still requires a large amount of processing time, we present four possible strategies to deal with this problem

    Human activity data discovery based on accelerometry

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    Dissertation to Obtain Master Degree in Biomedical Engineerin

    Activity-Based User Authentication Using Smartwatches

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    Smartwatches, which contain an accelerometer and gyroscope, have recently been used to implement gait and gesture- based biometrics; however, the prior studies have long-established drawbacks. For example, data for both training and evaluation was captured from single sessions (which is not realistic and can lead to overly optimistic performance results), and in cases when the multi-day scenario was considered, the evaluation was often either done improperly or the results are very poor (i.e., greater than 20% of EER). Moreover, limited activities were considered (i.e., gait or gestures), and data captured within a controlled environment which tends to be far less realistic for real world applications. Therefore, this study remedies these past problems by training and evaluating the smartwatch-based biometric system on data from different days, using large dataset that involved the participation of 60 users, and considering different activities (i.e., normal walking (NW), fast walking (FW), typing on a PC keyboard (TypePC), playing mobile game (GameM), and texting on mobile (TypeM)). Unlike the prior art that focussed on simply laboratory controlled data, a more realistic dataset, which was captured within un-constrained environment, is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. Two principal experiments were carried out focusing upon constrained and un-constrained environments. The first experiment included a comprehensive analysis of the aforementioned activities and tested under two different scenarios (i.e., same and cross day). By using all the extracted features (i.e., 88 features) and the same day evaluation, EERs of the acceleration readings were 0.15%, 0.31%, 1.43%, 1.52%, and 1.33% for the NW, FW, TypeM, TypePC, and GameM respectively. The EERs were increased to 0.93%, 3.90%, 5.69%, 6.02%, and 5.61% when the cross-day data was utilized. For comparison, a more selective set of features was used and significantly maximize the system performance under the cross day scenario, at best EERs of 0.29%, 1.31%, 2.66%, 3.83%, and 2.3% for the aforementioned activities respectively. A realistic methodology was used in the second experiment by using data collected within unconstrained environment. A light activity detection approach was developed to divide the raw signals into gait (i.e., NW and FW) and stationary activities. Competitive results were reported with EERs of 0.60%, 0% and 3.37% for the NW, FW, and stationary activities respectively. The findings suggest that the nature of the signals captured are sufficiently discriminative to be useful in performing transparent and continuous user authentication.University of Kuf

    Multi-biometric templates using fingerprint and voice

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    As biometrics gains popularity, there is an increasing concern about privacy and misuse of biometric data held in central repositories. Furthermore, biometric verification systems face challenges arising from noise and intra-class variations. To tackle both problems, a multimodal biometric verification system combining fingerprint and voice modalities is proposed. The system combines the two modalities at the template level, using multibiometric templates. The fusion of fingerprint and voice data successfully diminishes privacy concerns by hiding the minutiae points from the fingerprint, among the artificial points generated by the features obtained from the spoken utterance of the speaker. Equal error rates are observed to be under 2% for the system where 600 utterances from 30 people have been processed and fused with a database of 400 fingerprints from 200 individuals. Accuracy is increased compared to the previous results for voice verification over the same speaker database
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