25 research outputs found

    DYNAMIC VISUALIZATIONS: Developing a Framework for Crowd-Based Simulations

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    Since its conception in the 1960s, digital computation has experienced both exponential growth in power and reduction in cost. This has allowed the production of relatively cheap electronics, which are now integrated ubiquitously in daily life. With so much computational data and an ever-increasing accessibility to intelligent objects, the potential for integrating such technologies within architectural systems becomes increasingly viable. Today, dynamic architecture is already emerging across the world; it is inevitable that one day computation will be fully integrated within the infrastructures of our cities. However, as these new forms of dynamic architecture becomes increasingly commonplace, the standard static medium of architectural visualization is no longer satisfactory for representing and visualizing these dynamic spaces, let alone the human interactions within them. Occupancy within a space is already inherently dynamic and becomes even more so with the introduction of these new forms of architecture. This in turn challenges our conventional means of visualizing spaces both in design and communication. To fully represent dynamic architecture, the visualization must be dynamic as well. As such, current single image rendering methods within most existing architectural design pipelines becomes inadequate in portraying both the architectural dynamics of the space, as well as the interaction and influences these dynamics will have with the occupants. This thesis aims to mitigate these shortcomings in architectural visualization by investigating the creation of a crowd simulation tool to facilitate a foundation for a visualization framework that can be continuously built upon based on project needs, which answers the question of how one can utilize current technologies to not only better represent responsive architecture but also to optimize existing visualization methodologies. By using an interdisciplinary approach that brings together architecture, computer science, and game design, it becomes possible to establish a more powerful, flexible, and efficient workflow in creating architectural visualizations. Part One will establish a foundation to this thesis by looking at the state of the current world, its buildings in the sense of dynamic, and the current state of visualization technologies that are being utilized both within architectural design as well as outside of it. Part Two will investigate complex systems and simulation models, as well as investigating ways of integrating them with human behaviors to establish a methodology for creating a working crowd simulation system. Part Three will take the methodology developed within Part Two and integrate it within modern game engines, with the intent of creating an architectural visualization pipeline that can utilize the game engine for both crowd analytics as well as visualization. Part Four will look at some of the various spatial typologies that can be visualized with this tool. Finally, Part Five will speculate on various future directions to improve this tool beyond the current scope of this thesis

    Crowd simulation and visualization

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    Large-scale simulation and visualization are essential topics in areas as different as sociology, physics, urbanism, training, entertainment among others. This kind of systems requires a vast computational power and memory resources commonly available in High Performance Computing HPC platforms. Currently, the most potent clusters have heterogeneous architectures with hundreds of thousands and even millions of cores. The industry trends inferred that exascale clusters would have thousands of millions. The technical challenges for simulation and visualization process in the exascale era are intertwined with difficulties in other areas of research, including storage, communication, programming models and hardware. For this reason, it is necessary prototyping, testing, and deployment a variety of approaches to address the technical challenges identified and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution. The focus of this research is interactive large-scale crowd simulation and visualization. To exploit to the maximum the capacity of the current HPC infrastructure and be prepared to take advantage of the next generation. The project develops a new approach to scale crowd simulation and visualization on heterogeneous computing cluster using a task-based technique. Its main characteristic is hardware agnostic. It abstracts the difficulties that imply the use of heterogeneous architectures like memory management, scheduling, communications, and synchronization — facilitating development, maintenance, and scalability. With the goal of flexibility and take advantage of computing resources as best as possible, the project explores different configurations to connect the simulation with the visualization engine. This kind of system has an essential use in emergencies. Therefore, urban scenes were implemented as realistic as possible; in this way, users will be ready to face real events. Path planning for large-scale crowds is a challenge to solve, due to the inherent dynamism in the scenes and vast search space. A new path-finding algorithm was developed. It has a hierarchical approach which offers different advantages: it divides the search space reducing the problem complexity, it can obtain a partial path instead of wait for the complete one, which allows a character to start moving and compute the rest asynchronously. It can reprocess only a part if necessary with different levels of abstraction. A case study is presented for a crowd simulation in urban scenarios. Geolocated data are used, they were produced by mobile devices to predict individual and crowd behavior and detect abnormal situations in the presence of specific events. It was also address the challenge of combining all these individual’s location with a 3D rendering of the urban environment. The data processing and simulation approach are computationally expensive and time-critical, it relies thus on a hybrid Cloud-HPC architecture to produce an efficient solution. Within the project, new models of behavior based on data analytics were developed. It was developed the infrastructure to be able to consult various data sources such as social networks, government agencies or transport companies such as Uber. Every time there is more geolocation data available and better computation resources which allow performing analysis of greater depth, this lays the foundations to improve the simulation models of current crowds. The use of simulations and their visualization allows to observe and organize the crowds in real time. The analysis before, during and after daily mass events can reduce the risks and associated logistics costs.La simulación y visualización a gran escala son temas esenciales en áreas tan diferentes como la sociología, la física, el urbanismo, la capacitación, el entretenimiento, entre otros. Este tipo de sistemas requiere una gran capacidad de cómputo y recursos de memoria comúnmente disponibles en las plataformas de computo de alto rendimiento. Actualmente, los equipos más potentes tienen arquitecturas heterogéneas con cientos de miles e incluso millones de núcleos. Las tendencias de la industria infieren que los equipos en la era exascale tendran miles de millones. Los desafíos técnicos en el proceso de simulación y visualización en la era exascale se entrelazan con dificultades en otras áreas de investigación, incluidos almacenamiento, comunicación, modelos de programación y hardware. Por esta razón, es necesario crear prototipos, probar y desplegar una variedad de enfoques para abordar los desafíos técnicos identificados y evaluar las ventajas y desventajas de cada solución propuesta. El foco de esta investigación es la visualización y simulación interactiva de multitudes a gran escala. Aprovechar al máximo la capacidad de la infraestructura actual y estar preparado para aprovechar la próxima generación. El proyecto desarrolla un nuevo enfoque para escalar la simulación y visualización de multitudes en un clúster de computo heterogéneo utilizando una técnica basada en tareas. Su principal característica es que es hardware agnóstico. Abstrae las dificultades que implican el uso de arquitecturas heterogéneas como la administración de memoria, las comunicaciones y la sincronización, lo que facilita el desarrollo, el mantenimiento y la escalabilidad. Con el objetivo de flexibilizar y aprovechar los recursos informáticos lo mejor posible, el proyecto explora diferentes configuraciones para conectar la simulación con el motor de visualización. Este tipo de sistemas tienen un uso esencial en emergencias. Por lo tanto, se implementaron escenas urbanas lo más realistas posible, de esta manera los usuarios estarán listos para enfrentar eventos reales. La planificación de caminos para multitudes a gran escala es un desafío a resolver, debido al dinamismo inherente en las escenas y el vasto espacio de búsqueda. Se desarrolló un nuevo algoritmo de búsqueda de caminos. Tiene un enfoque jerárquico que ofrece diferentes ventajas: divide el espacio de búsqueda reduciendo la complejidad del problema, puede obtener una ruta parcial en lugar de esperar a la completa, lo que permite que un personaje comience a moverse y calcule el resto de forma asíncrona, puede reprocesar solo una parte si es necesario con diferentes niveles de abstracción. Se presenta un caso de estudio para una simulación de multitud en escenarios urbanos. Se utilizan datos geolocalizados producidos por dispositivos móviles para predecir el comportamiento individual y público y detectar situaciones anormales en presencia de eventos específicos. También se aborda el desafío de combinar la ubicación de todos estos individuos con una representación 3D del entorno urbano. Dentro del proyecto, se desarrollaron nuevos modelos de comportamiento basados ¿¿en el análisis de datos. Se creo la infraestructura para poder consultar varias fuentes de datos como redes sociales, agencias gubernamentales o empresas de transporte como Uber. Cada vez hay más datos de geolocalización disponibles y mejores recursos de cómputo que permiten realizar un análisis de mayor profundidad, esto sienta las bases para mejorar los modelos de simulación de las multitudes actuales. El uso de simulaciones y su visualización permite observar y organizar las multitudes en tiempo real. El análisis antes, durante y después de eventos multitudinarios diarios puede reducir los riesgos y los costos logísticos asociadosPostprint (published version

    Interactive control of multi-agent motion in virtual environments

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    With the increased use of crowd simulation in animation, specification of crowd motion can be very time consuming, requiring a lot of user input. To alleviate this cost, we wish to allow a user to interactively manipulate the many degrees of freedom in a crowd, whilst accounting for the limitation of low-dimensional signals from standard input devices. In this thesis we present two approaches for achieving this: 1) Combining shape deformation methods with a multitouch input device, allowing a user to control the motion of the crowd in dynamic environments, and 2) applying a data-driven approach to learn the mapping between a crowd’s motion and the corresponding user input to enable intuitive control of a crowd. In our first approach, we represent the crowd as a deformable mesh, allowing a user to manipulate it using a multitouch device. The user controls the shape and motion of the crowd by altering the mesh, and the mesh in turn deforms according to the environment. We handle congestion and perturbation by having agents dynamically reassign their goals in the formation using a mass transport solver. Our method allows control of a crowd in a single pass, improving on the time taken by previous, multistage, approaches. We validate our method with a user study, comparing our control algorithm against a common mouse-based controller. We develop a simplified version of motion data patches to model character-environment interactions that are largely ignored in previous crowd research. We design an environment-aware cost metric for the mass transport solver that considers how these interactions affect a character’s ability to track the user’s commands. Experimental results show that our system can produce realistic crowd scenes with minimal, high-level, input signals from the user. In our second approach, we propose that crowd simulation control algorithms inherently impose restrictions on how user input affects the motion of the crowd. To bypass this, we investigate a data-driven approach for creating a direct mapping between low-dimensional user input and the resulting high-dimensional crowd motion. Results show that the crowd motion can be inferred directly from variations in a user’s input signals, providing a user with greater freedom to define the animation

    KINE[SIS]TEM'17 From Nature to Architectural Matter

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    Kine[SiS]tem – From Kinesis + System. Kinesis is a non-linear movement or activity of an organism in response to a stimulus. A system is a set of interacting and interdependent agents forming a complex whole, delineated by its spatial and temporal boundaries, influenced by its environment. How can architectural systems moderate the external environment to enhance comfort conditions in a simple, sustainable and smart way? This is the starting question for the Kine[SiS]tem’17 – From Nature to Architectural Matter International Conference. For decades, architectural design was developed despite (and not with) the climate, based on mechanical heating and cooling. Today, the argument for net zero energy buildings needs very effective strategies to reduce energy requirements. The challenge ahead requires design processes that are built upon consolidated knowledge, make use of advanced technologies and are inspired by nature. These design processes should lead to responsive smart systems that deliver the best performance in each specific design scenario. To control solar radiation is one key factor in low-energy thermal comfort. Computational-controlled sensor-based kinetic surfaces are one of the possible answers to control solar energy in an effective way, within the scope of contradictory objectives throughout the year.FC

    Autocomplete element fields and interactive synthesis system development for aggregate applications.

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    Aggregate elements are ubiquitous in natural and man-made objects and have played an important role in the application of graphics, design and visualization. However, to efficiently arrange these aggregate elements with varying anisotropy and deformability still remains challenging, in particular in 3D environments. To overcome such a thorny issue, we thus introduce autocomplete element fields, including an element distribution formulation that can effectively cope with diverse output compositions with controllable element distributions in high production standard and efficiency as well as an element field formulation that can smoothly orient all the synthesized elements following given inputs, such as scalar or direction fields. The pro- posed formulations can not only properly synthesize distinct types of aggregate elements across various domain spaces without incorporating any extra process but also directly compute complete element fields from partial specifications without requiring fully specified inputs in any algorithmic step. Furthermore, in order to reduce input workload and enhance output quality for better usability and interactivity, we further develop an interactive synthesis system, centered on the idea of our autocomplete element fields, to facilitate the creation of element aggregations within different output do- mains. Analogous to conventional painting workflows, through a palette- based brushing interface, users can interactively mix and place a few aggregate elements over a brushing canvas and let our system automatically populate more aggregate elements with intended orientations and scales for the rest of outcome. The developed system can empower the users to iteratively design a variety of novel mixtures with reduced workload and enhanced quality under an intuitive and user-friendly brushing workflow with- out the necessity of a great deal of manual labor or technical expertise. We validate our prototype system with a pilot user study and exhibit its application in 2D graphic design, 3D surface collage, and 3D aggregate modeling

    MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics

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    El libro de actas recoge las aportaciones de los autores a través de los correspondientes artículos a la Dinámica de Sistemas Multicuerpo y la Mecatrónica (Musme). Estas disciplinas se han convertido en una importante herramienta para diseñar máquinas, analizar prototipos virtuales y realizar análisis CAD sobre complejos sistemas mecánicos articulados multicuerpo. La dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo comprende un gran número de aspectos que incluyen la mecánica, dinámica estructural, matemáticas aplicadas, métodos de control, ciencia de los ordenadores y mecatrónica. Los artículos recogidos en el libro de actas están relacionados con alguno de los siguientes tópicos del congreso: Análisis y síntesis de mecanismos ; Diseño de algoritmos para sistemas mecatrónicos ; Procedimientos de simulación y resultados ; Prototipos y rendimiento ; Robots y micromáquinas ; Validaciones experimentales ; Teoría de simulación mecatrónica ; Sistemas mecatrónicos ; Control de sistemas mecatrónicosUniversitat Politècnica de València (2011). MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13224Archivo delegad

    Decentralized Autonomous Navigation Strategies for Multi-Robot Search and Rescue

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    In this report, we try to improve the performance of existing approaches for search operations in multi-robot context. We propose three novel algorithms that are using a triangular grid pattern, i.e., robots certainly go through the vertices of a triangular grid during the search procedure. The main advantage of using a triangular grid pattern is that it is asymptotically optimal in terms of the minimum number of robots required for the complete coverage of an arbitrary bounded area. We use a new topological map which is made and shared by robots during the search operation. We consider an area that is unknown to the robots a priori with an arbitrary shape, containing some obstacles. Unlike many current heuristic algorithms, we give mathematically proofs of convergence of the algorithms. The computer simulation results for the proposed algorithms are presented using a simulator of real robots and environment. We evaluate the performance of the algorithms via experiments with real robots. We compare the performance of our own algorithms with three existing algorithms from other researchers. The results demonstrate the merits of our proposed solution. A further study on formation building with obstacle avoidance for a team of mobile robots is presented in this report. We propose a decentralized formation building with obstacle avoidance algorithm for a group of mobile robots to move in a defined geometric configuration. Furthermore, we consider a more complicated formation problem with a group of anonymous robots; these robots are not aware of their position in the final configuration and need to reach a consensus during the formation process. We propose a randomized algorithm for the anonymous robots that achieves the convergence to a desired configuration with probability 1. We also propose a novel obstacle avoidance rule, used in the formation building algorithm.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1402.5188 by other author