89 research outputs found

    A bilevel rescheduling framework for optimal inter-area train coordination

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    Railway dispatchers reschedule trains in real-time in order to limit the propagation of disturbances and to regulate traffic in their respective dispatching areas by minimizing the deviation from the off-line timetable. However, the decisions taken in one area may influence the quality and even the feasibility of train schedules in the other areas. Regional control centers coordinate the dispatchers\u27 work for multiple areas in order to regulate traffic at the global level and to avoid situations of global infeasibility. Differently from the dispatcher problem, the coordination activity of regional control centers is still underinvestigated, even if this activity is a key factor for effective traffic management. This paper studies the problem of coordinating several dispatchers with the objective of driving their behavior towards globally optimal solutions. With our model, a coordinator may impose constraints at the border of each dispatching area. Each dispatcher must then schedule trains in its area by producing a locally feasible solution compliant with the border constraints imposed by the coordinator. The problem faced by the coordinator is therefore a bilevel programming problem in which the variables controlled by the coordinator are the border constraints. We demonstrate that the coordinator problem can be solved to optimality with a branch and bound procedure. The coordination algorithm has been tested on a large real railway network in the Netherlands with busy traffic conditions. Our experimental results show that a proven optimal solution is frequently found for various network divisions within computation times compatible with real-time operations

    Microscopic simulation of decentralized dispatching strategies in railways

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    This paper analyzes the effectiveness of decentralized strategies for dispatching rolling stock and train drivers in a railway system. Such strategies give operators a robust alternative in case centralized control fails due to an abundance of infrastructure or rolling stock disruptions or information system malfunctions. We test the performance of four rolling stock and two driver dispatching strategies in a microscopic simulation. Our test case is a part of the Dutch railway network, containing eleven stations linked by four train lines. We find that with the decentralized dispatching strategies, target frequencies of the lines are approximately met and train services are highly regular without large delays. Especially strategies that allow rolling stock to switch between lines result in a high performance

    International comparison of rail disruption management

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    Internationale Vergleichsstudie zum Eisenbahnstörungsmanagemen

    Solving the Train Dispatching Problem in Large Networks by Column Generation

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    Disruptions in the operational flow of rail traffic can lead to conflicts between train movements, such that a scheduled timetable can no longer be realised. This is where dispatching is applied, existing conflicts are resolved and a dispatching timetable is provided. In the process, train paths are varied in their spatio-temporal course. This is called the train dispatching problem (TDP), which consists of selecting conflict-free train paths with minimum delay. Starting from a path-oriented formulation of the TDP, a binary linear decision model is introduced. For each possible train path, a binary decision variable indicates whether the train path is used by the request or not. Such a train path is constructed from a set of predefined path parts (\profiles{}) within a time-space network. Instead of modelling pairwise conflicts, stronger MIP formulation are achieved by a clique formulation. The combinatorics of speed profiles and different departure times results in a large number of possible train paths, so that the column generation method is used here. New train paths within the pricing-problem can be calculated using shortest path techniques. Here, the shadow prices of conflict cliques must be taken into account. When constructing a new train path, it must be determined whether this train path belongs to a clique or not. This problem is tackled by a MIP. The methodology is tested on practical size instances from a dispatching area in Germany. Numerical results show that the presented method achieves acceptable computation times with good solution quality while meeting the requirements for real-time dispatching.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Adaptive railway traffic control using approximate dynamic programming

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    This study presents an adaptive railway traffic controller for real-time operations based on approximate dynamic programming (ADP). By assessing requirements and opportunities, the controller aims to limit consecutive delays resulting from trains that entered a control area behind schedule by sequencing them at critical locations in a timely manner, thus representing the practical requirements of railway operations. This approach depends on an approximation to the value function of dynamic programming after optimisation from a specified state, which is estimated dynamically from operational experience using reinforcement learning techniques. By using this approximation, the ADP avoids extensive explicit evaluation of performance and so reduces the computational burden substantially. In this investigation, we explore formulations of the approximation function and variants of the learning techniques used to estimate it. Evaluation of the ADP methods in a stochastic simulation environment shows considerable improvements in consecutive delays by comparison with the current industry practice of First-Come-First-Served sequencing. We also found that estimates of parameters of the approximate value function are similar across a range of test scenarios with different mean train entry delays

    Distributed Approximate Dynamic Control for Traffic Management of Busy Railway Networks

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    Railway operations are prone to disturbances that can rapidly propagate through large networks, causing delays and poor performance. Automated re-scheduling tools have shown the potential to limit such undesirable outcomes. This study presents the network-wide effects of local deployment of an adaptive traffic controller for real-time operations that is built on approximate dynamic programming (ADP). The controller aims to limit train delays by advantageously controlling the sequencing of trains at critical locations. By using an approximation to the optimised value function of dynamic programming that is updated by reinforcement learning techniques, ADP reduces the computational burden substantially. This framework has been established for isolated local control, so here we investigate the effects of distributed deployment. Our ADP controller is interfaced with a microscopic railway traffic simulator to evaluate its effect on a large and dynamic railway system, which controls critical points independently. The proposed approach achieved a reduction in train delays by comparison with First-Come-First-Served control. We also found the improvements to be greater at terminal stations compared to the vicinity of our control areas

    Hybrid model for proactive dispatching of railway operation under the consideration of random disturbances in dynamic circumstances

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    With the increasing traffic demand and limited infrastructure expansion, railway networks are often operated close to the full capacity, especially in heavily used areas. As a result, the basic timetable is quite susceptible to the operational disturbances, and thereby the propagation and accumulation of delays significantly degrade the service level for customers. To solve this problem, extensive researches have been conducted by focusing on the predefined robust timetables and the real time dispatching algorithm development. However, it has been widely recognized that excessive robust timetables may deteriorate the operating capacity of the railway network and the addition of recovery time and buffer time can be hardly implemented in the congested area. Moreover, most of the conventional dispatching algorithms ignore the further potential random disturbances during the dispatching process, which yield non-implementable dispatching solutions and, as consequences, inferior punctuality and repetitive dispatching actions. To this end, this project aims to develop a new algorithm for real-world dispatching process with the consideration of risk-oriented random disturbances in dynamic circumstances. In the procedure of this project, an operational risk map will be firstly produced: by simulating considerable amount of disturbed timetables with random disturbances generated in a Monte-Carlo scheme and calculating the corresponding expected negative impacts (average total weighted waiting time among all the disturbances scenarios), different levels of operational risk will be assigned to each block section in the studied railway network. Within a rolling time horizon framework, conflicts are detected with the inclusion of risk-oriented random disturbances in each block section, and the near-optimal dispatching solutions are calculated by using Tabu search algorithm. Finally, three indicators including total weighted waiting time, the number of relative reordering and average absolute retiming, are chosen to testify the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed dispatching algorithm. The sensitivity analysis of dispatching-related parameters is conducted afterwards to investigate the most appropriate relevant parameters for the specific studied area. The proposed algorithms are expected to be capable of automatically producing near-optimal and robust dispatching solutions with sufficient punctuality achieved

    Evaluation of the delay management potential on a macroscopic level

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    In general, macroscopic models in delay management allow for the optimization of large networks with reasonable computational effort. The main limitations here arise from the aggregated consideration of the infrastructure. In this paper, an evaluation of potential application of macroscopic models for delay management through a real case study is discussed. A macroscopic model is built by applying first a micro-macro transformation on a calibrated microscopic model, to provide an exact calculation of minimum running times and headways. On this macroscopic model, two disruption scenarios are analyzed and solved by using Event Activity Networks, to show the potential benefits and the limitations of delay management. The case study is based on a real railway infrastructure in Switzerland, and it is implemented in LinTim, an opensource software, which allows for an integrated development of both the macroscopic scenario and the delay management solutions

    Adaptive Railway Traffic Control using Approximate Dynamic Programming

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    Railway networks around the world have become challenging to operate in recent decades, with a mixture of track layouts running several different classes of trains with varying operational speeds. This complexity has come about as a result of the sustained increase in passenger numbers where in many countries railways are now more popular than ever before as means of commuting to cities. To address operational challenges, governments and railway undertakings are encouraging development of intelligent and digital transport systems to regulate and optimise train operations in real-time to increase capacity and customer satisfaction by improved usage of existing railway infrastructure. Accordingly, this thesis presents an adaptive railway traffic control system for realtime operations based on a data-based approximate dynamic programming (ADP) approach with integrated reinforcement learning (RL). By assessing requirements and opportunities, the controller aims to reduce delays resulting from trains that entered a control area behind schedule by re-scheduling control plans in real-time at critical locations in a timely manner. The present data-based approach depends on an approximation to the value function of dynamic programming after optimisation from a specified state, which is estimated dynamically from operational experience using RL techniques. By using this approximation, ADP avoids extensive explicit evaluation of performance and so reduces the computational burden substantially. In this thesis, formulations of the approximation function and variants of the RL learning techniques used to estimate it are explored. Evaluation of this controller shows considerable improvements in delays by comparison with current industry practices
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