823 research outputs found

    The Dynamics of Vehicular Networks in Urban Environments

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) have emerged as a platform to support intelligent inter-vehicle communication and improve traffic safety and performance. The road-constrained, high mobility of vehicles, their unbounded power source, and the emergence of roadside wireless infrastructures make VANETs a challenging research topic. A key to the development of protocols for inter-vehicle communication and services lies in the knowledge of the topological characteristics of the VANET communication graph. This paper explores the dynamics of VANETs in urban environments and investigates the impact of these findings in the design of VANET routing protocols. Using both real and realistic mobility traces, we study the networking shape of VANETs under different transmission and market penetration ranges. Given that a number of RSUs have to be deployed for disseminating information to vehicles in an urban area, we also study their impact on vehicular connectivity. Through extensive simulations we investigate the performance of VANET routing protocols by exploiting the knowledge of VANET graphs analysis.Comment: Revised our testbed with even more realistic mobility traces. Used the location of real Wi-Fi hotspots to simulate RSUs in our study. Used a larger, real mobility trace set, from taxis in Shanghai. Examine the implications of our findings in the design of VANET routing protocols by implementing in ns-3 two routing protocols (GPCR & VADD). Updated the bibliography section with new research work

    Social-aware Forwarding in Opportunistic Wireless Networks: Content Awareness or Obliviousness?

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    With the current host-based Internet architecture, networking faces limitations in dynamic scenarios, due mostly to host mobility. The ICN paradigm mitigates such problems by releasing the need to have an end-to-end transport session established during the life time of the data transfer. Moreover, the ICN concept solves the mismatch between the Internet architecture and the way users would like to use it: currently a user needs to know the topological location of the hosts involved in the communication when he/she just wants to get the data, independently of its location. Most of the research efforts aim to come up with a stable ICN architecture in fixed networks, with few examples in ad-hoc and vehicular networks. However, the Internet is becoming more pervasive with powerful personal mobile devices that allow users to form dynamic networks in which content may be exchanged at all times and with low cost. Such pervasive wireless networks suffer with different levels of disruption given user mobility, physical obstacles, lack of cooperation, intermittent connectivity, among others. This paper discusses the combination of content knowledge (e.g., type and interested parties) and social awareness within opportunistic networking as to drive the deployment of ICN solutions in disruptive networking scenarios. With this goal in mind, we go over few examples of social-aware content-based opportunistic networking proposals that consider social awareness to allow content dissemination independently of the level of network disruption. To show how much content knowledge can improve social-based solutions, we illustrate by means of simulation some content-oblivious/oriented proposals in scenarios based on synthetic mobility patterns and real human traces.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    A Self-Organization Framework for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks as Small Worlds

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    Motivated by the benefits of small world networks, we propose a self-organization framework for wireless ad hoc networks. We investigate the use of directional beamforming for creating long-range short cuts between nodes. Using simulation results for randomized beamforming as a guideline, we identify crucial design issues for algorithm design. Our results show that, while significant path length reduction is achievable, this is accompanied by the problem of asymmetric paths between nodes. Subsequently, we propose a distributed algorithm for small world creation that achieves path length reduction while maintaining connectivity. We define a new centrality measure that estimates the structural importance of nodes based on traffic flow in the network, which is used to identify the optimum nodes for beamforming. We show, using simulations, that this leads to significant reduction in path length while maintaining connectivity.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Social delay tolerant approach for safety services in vehicular networks

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    Vehicular networks have attracted attention for recent years due to their various and emerging applications supporting secure and convenient driving. Regarding specific features of vehicular networks, we propose a new Social-aware Vehicular DTN protocol (SocVe) respectively for a type of safety applications such as emergency support services. We evaluate our protocol in short contact and intermittent connection scenarios extracting from mobility data set in Hanoi city. We conduct comparative performance evaluation of SocVe in multiple scenarios with different destination centralities against a geographical protocol

    Data Transmissions using Hub Nodes in Vehicular Social Networks

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) consist of groups of individuals (i.e., people) who may share common interests, preferences and needs in the context of temporal spatial proximity on roads. In this environment, the impact of human social factors, such as mobility, willingness to cooperate and personal preferences, on vehicular connectivity is taken under consideration, thus extending the concept of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. In VSNs, vehicles are classified based on their social degree, a vehicle considered to be a ¿social¿ one if it accesses the vehicular social network and posts messages with a frequency higher than a given threshold. Therefore, to speed up the data dissemination process within a vehicular social network, a packet should be forwarded to those vehicles showing high social activity. In a previous paper, we introduced a new probabilistic-based broadcasting scheme called SCARF (SoCial-Aware Reliable Forwarding Technique for Vehicular Communications), and we analytically demonstrated its effectiveness in packet transmission reduction while guaranteeing network dissemination. In this paper, we assess SCARF in more realistic scenarios with real traffic traces, and we compare it with other similar techniques. We show that SCARF outperforms other approaches in terms of delivery ratio, while guaranteeing acceptable time delay values and average number of forwardings.Vegni, AM.; Souza, C.; Loscrí, V.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Manzoni, P. (2020). Data Transmissions using Hub Nodes in Vehicular Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 19(7):1570-1585. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2019.2928803S1570158519

    CALAR: Community Aware Location Assisted Routing Framework for Delay Tolerant Networks

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    Infrastructure less communication strategies havegreatly evolved and found its way to most of our real lifeapplications like sensor networks, terrestrial communications,military communications etc. The communication pattern for allthese scenarios being identical i.e. encounter basedcommunication,characteristics of each communication domainare distinct. Hence the protocols applied for each environmentshould be defined carefully by considering its owncommunication patterns. While designing a routing protocol themain aspects under consideration include delay, connectivity,cost etc. In case of applications having limited connectivity,concept of Delay tolerant network (DTN) is deployed, whichassists delivering messages even in partitioned networks withlimited connectivity by using store and forward architecture.Node properties like contact duration, inter contact duration,location, community, direction of movement, angle of contact etc.were used for designing different classes of routing protocols forDTN. This paper introduces a new protocol that exploits thefeatures of both community based as well as location basedrouting protocols to achieve higher data delivery ratio invehicular scenarios. Results obtained show that proposedalgorithms have much improved delivery ratio comparedtoexisting routing algorithms which use any one of the aboveproperty individually
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