8 research outputs found

    Central Weighted ENO Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws on Fixed and Moving Unstructured Meshes

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    We present a novel family of arbitrary high order accurate central Weighted ENO (CWENO) finite volume schemes for the solution of nonlinear systems of hyperbolic conservation laws on fixed and moving unstructured simplex meshes in two and three space dimensions. Starting from the given cell averages of a function on a triangular or tetrahedral control volume and its neighbors, the nonlinear CWENO reconstruction yields a high order accurate and essentially nonoscillatory polynomial that is defined everywhere in the cell. Compared to other WENO schemes on unstructured meshes, the total stencil size is the minimum possible one, as in classical pointwise WENO schemes of Jiang and Shu. However, the linear weights can be chosen arbitrarily, which makes the practical implementation on general unstructured meshes particularly simple. We make use of the piecewise polynomials generated by the CWENO reconstruction operator inside the framework of fully discrete and high order accurate one-step ADER finite volume schemes on fixed Eulerian grids as well as on moving arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian meshes. The computational efficiency of the high order finite volume schemes based on the new CWENO reconstruction is tested on several two- and three-dimensional benchmark problems for the compressible Euler equations and is found to be more efficient in terms of memory consumption and computational efficiency with respect to classical WENO reconstruction schemes on unstructured meshes. We also provide evidence that the new algorithm is suitable for implementation on massively parallel distributed memory supercomputers, showing a numerical example in three dimensions that was run with more than one billion high order elements in space and using more than 10,000 CPU cores

    High order direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian schemes on moving Voronoi meshes with topology changes

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    We present a new family of very high order accurate direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) Finite Volume (FV) and Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) schemes for the solution of nonlinear hyperbolic PDE systems on moving 2D Voronoi meshes that are regenerated at each time step and which explicitly allow topology changes in time. The Voronoi tessellations are obtained from a set of generator points that move with the local fluid velocity. We employ an AREPO-type approach, which rapidly rebuilds a new high quality mesh rearranging the element shapes and neighbors in order to guarantee a robust mesh evolution even for vortex flows and very long simulation times. The old and new Voronoi elements associated to the same generator are connected to construct closed space--time control volumes, whose bottom and top faces may be polygons with a different number of sides. We also incorporate degenerate space--time sliver elements, needed to fill the space--time holes that arise because of topology changes. The final ALE FV-DG scheme is obtained by a redesign of the fully discrete direct ALE schemes of Boscheri and Dumbser, extended here to moving Voronoi meshes and space--time sliver elements. Our new numerical scheme is based on the integration over arbitrary shaped closed space--time control volumes combined with a fully-discrete space--time conservation formulation of the governing PDE system. In this way the discrete solution is conservative and satisfies the GCL by construction. Numerical convergence studies as well as a large set of benchmarks for hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method. Our numerical results clearly show that the new combination of very high order schemes with regenerated meshes with topology changes lead to substantial improvements compared to direct ALE methods on conforming meshes

    Theoretical and numerical comparison of hyperelastic and hypoelastic formulations for Eulerian non-linear elastoplasticity

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    The aim of this paper is to compare a hyperelastic with a hypoelastic model describing the Eulerian dynamics of solids in the context of non-linear elastoplastic deformations. Specifically, we consider the well-known hypoelastic Wilkins model, which is compared against a hyperelastic model based on the work of Godunov and Romenski. First, we discuss some general conceptual differences between the two approaches. Second, a detailed study of both models is proposed, where differences are made evident at the aid of deriving a hypoelastic-type model corresponding to the hyperelastic model and a particular equation of state used in this paper. Third, using the same high order ADER Finite Volume and Discontinuous Galerkin methods on fixed and moving unstructured meshes for both models, a wide range of numerical benchmark test problems has been solved. The numerical solutions obtained for the two different models are directly compared with each other. For small elastic deformations, the two models produce very similar solutions that are close to each other. However, if large elastic or elastoplastic deformations occur, the solutions present larger differences.Comment: 14 figure