24,472 research outputs found

    Cellular neural networks for motion estimation and obstacle detection

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    Obstacle detection is an important part of Video Processing because it is indispensable for a collision prevention of autonomously navigating moving objects. For example, vehicles driving without human guidance need a robust prediction of potential obstacles, like other vehicles or pedestrians. Most of the common approaches of obstacle detection so far use analytical and statistical methods like motion estimation or generation of maps. In the first part of this contribution a statistical algorithm for obstacle detection in monocular video sequences is presented. The proposed procedure is based on a motion estimation and a planar world model which is appropriate to traffic scenes. The different processing steps of the statistical procedure are a feature extraction, a subsequent displacement vector estimation and a robust estimation of the motion parameters. Since the proposed procedure is composed of several processing steps, the error propagation of the successive steps often leads to inaccurate results. In the second part of this contribution it is demonstrated, that the above mentioned problems can be efficiently overcome by using Cellular Neural Networks (CNN). It will be shown, that a direct obstacle detection algorithm can be easily performed, based only on CNN processing of the input images. Beside the enormous computing power of programmable CNN based devices, the proposed method is also very robust in comparison to the statistical method, because is shows much less sensibility to noisy inputs. Using the proposed approach of obstacle detection in planar worlds, a real time processing of large input images has been made possible

    Mapping the spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signaling in cellular neural networks using optical flow

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    An optical flow gradient algorithm was applied to spontaneously forming net- works of neurons and glia in culture imaged by fluorescence optical microscopy in order to map functional calcium signaling with single pixel resolution. Optical flow estimates the direction and speed of motion of objects in an image between subsequent frames in a recorded digital sequence of images (i.e. a movie). Computed vector field outputs by the algorithm were able to track the spatiotemporal dynamics of calcium signaling pat- terns. We begin by briefly reviewing the mathematics of the optical flow algorithm, and then describe how to solve for the displacement vectors and how to measure their reliability. We then compare computed flow vectors with manually estimated vectors for the progression of a calcium signal recorded from representative astrocyte cultures. Finally, we applied the algorithm to preparations of primary astrocytes and hippocampal neurons and to the rMC-1 Muller glial cell line in order to illustrate the capability of the algorithm for capturing different types of spatiotemporal calcium activity. We discuss the imaging requirements, parameter selection and threshold selection for reliable measurements, and offer perspectives on uses of the vector data.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Peer reviewed accepted version in press in Annals of Biomedical Engineerin

    Improving utility of brain tumor confocal laser endomicroscopy: objective value assessment and diagnostic frame detection with convolutional neural networks

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    Confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE), although capable of obtaining images at cellular resolution during surgery of brain tumors in real time, creates as many non-diagnostic as diagnostic images. Non-useful images are often distorted due to relative motion between probe and brain or blood artifacts. Many images, however, simply lack diagnostic features immediately informative to the physician. Examining all the hundreds or thousands of images from a single case to discriminate diagnostic images from nondiagnostic ones can be tedious. Providing a real-time diagnostic value assessment of images (fast enough to be used during the surgical acquisition process and accurate enough for the pathologist to rely on) to automatically detect diagnostic frames would streamline the analysis of images and filter useful images for the pathologist/surgeon. We sought to automatically classify images as diagnostic or non-diagnostic. AlexNet, a deep-learning architecture, was used in a 4-fold cross validation manner. Our dataset includes 16,795 images (8572 nondiagnostic and 8223 diagnostic) from 74 CLE-aided brain tumor surgery patients. The ground truth for all the images is provided by the pathologist. Average model accuracy on test data was 91% overall (90.79 % accuracy, 90.94 % sensitivity and 90.87 % specificity). To evaluate the model reliability we also performed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis yielding 0.958 average for the area under ROC curve (AUC). These results demonstrate that a deeply trained AlexNet network can achieve a model that reliably and quickly recognizes diagnostic CLE images.Comment: SPIE Medical Imaging: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 201

    Sparse Coding Predicts Optic Flow Specificities of Zebrafish Pretectal Neurons

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    Zebrafish pretectal neurons exhibit specificities for large-field optic flow patterns associated with rotatory or translatory body motion. We investigate the hypothesis that these specificities reflect the input statistics of natural optic flow. Realistic motion sequences were generated using computer graphics simulating self-motion in an underwater scene. Local retinal motion was estimated with a motion detector and encoded in four populations of directionally tuned retinal ganglion cells, represented as two signed input variables. This activity was then used as input into one of two learning networks: a sparse coding network (competitive learning) and backpropagation network (supervised learning). Both simulations develop specificities for optic flow which are comparable to those found in a neurophysiological study (Kubo et al. 2014), and relative frequencies of the various neuronal responses are best modeled by the sparse coding approach. We conclude that the optic flow neurons in the zebrafish pretectum do reflect the optic flow statistics. The predicted vectorial receptive fields show typical optic flow fields but also "Gabor" and dipole-shaped patterns that likely reflect difference fields needed for reconstruction by linear superposition.Comment: Published Conference Paper from ICANN 2018, Rhode