5 research outputs found

    Discrete and fuzzy dynamical genetic programming in the XCSF learning classifier system

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    A number of representation schemes have been presented for use within learning classifier systems, ranging from binary encodings to neural networks. This paper presents results from an investigation into using discrete and fuzzy dynamical system representations within the XCSF learning classifier system. In particular, asynchronous random Boolean networks are used to represent the traditional condition-action production system rules in the discrete case and asynchronous fuzzy logic networks in the continuous-valued case. It is shown possible to use self-adaptive, open-ended evolution to design an ensemble of such dynamical systems within XCSF to solve a number of well-known test problems

    A Nanocomputer Simulator Using Cellular Automaton

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá realizací simulátoru na bázi asynchronního celulárního automatu simulujícího obvody odolné vůči zpoždění. Celulární automaty mají z pohledu nanotechnologií několik zajímavých vlastnosti využitelných při fyzické implementaci nanopočítačů na nich založených. Těmito jsou hlavně sebereplikace, regulérnost a výrazný paralelismus. V práci je uveden vztah mezi nanopočítači a celulárními automaty, přičemž důraz je kladen na možnosti využití asynchronního módu časování. Asynchronní celulární pole vycházející z modelu asynchronního celulárního automatu by mohly být vhodnou architekturou pro budoucí nanopočítače, což bylo důvodem implementace simulátoru uvedené technologie. Jeho funkčnost byla ověřena na základě experimentů.This master thesis deals with the realization of a simulator based on asynchronous cellular automata simulating delay insensitive circuits. In connection with nanotechnology, cellular automata have several interesting properties, such as self-replication, regular structure and high parallelism that make them very useful as models for some types of nanocomputers. This text describes the relationship between cellular automata and nanotechnology. Emphasis is given to the possibility of using asynchronous timing mode. Asynchronous cellular arrays based on asynchronous cellular automata could prove to be a suitable architecture for future nanocomputer, which was the reason for implementation of this simulator. The simulator's functionality was verified by experiments.

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2006-2007

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    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2007-2008

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