12,560 research outputs found

    Growth diagrams, and increasing and decreasing chains in fillings of Ferrers shapes

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    We put recent results by Chen, Deng, Du, Stanley and Yan on crossings and nestings of matchings and set partitions in the larger context of the enumeration of fillings of Ferrers shape on which one imposes restrictions on their increasing and decreasing chains. While Chen et al. work with Robinson-Schensted-like insertion/deletion algorithms, we use the growth diagram construction of Fomin to obtain our results. We extend the results by Chen et al., which, in the language of fillings, are results about 00-11-fillings, to arbitrary fillings. Finally, we point out that, very likely, these results are part of a bigger picture which also includes recent results of Jonsson on 00-11-fillings of stack polyominoes, and of results of Backelin, West and Xin and of Bousquet-M\'elou and Steingr\'\i msson on the enumeration of permutations and involutions with restricted patterns. In particular, we show that our growth diagram bijections do in fact provide alternative proofs of the results by Backelin, West and Xin and by Bousquet-M\'elou and Steingr\'\i msson.Comment: AmS-LaTeX; 27 pages; many corrections and improvements of short-comings; thanks to comments by Mireille Bousquet-Melou and Jakob Jonsson, the final section is now much more profound and has additional result

    Partition Statistics Equidistributed with the Number of Hook Difference One Cells

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    Let λ\lambda be a partition, viewed as a Young diagram. We define the hook difference of a cell of λ\lambda to be the difference of its leg and arm lengths. Define h1,1(λ)h_{1,1}(\lambda) to be the number of cells of λ\lambda with hook difference one. In the paper of Buryak and Feigin (arXiv:1206.5640), algebraic geometry is used to prove a generating function identity which implies that h1,1h_{1,1} is equidistributed with a2a_2, the largest part of a partition that appears at least twice, over the partitions of a given size. In this paper, we propose a refinement of the theorem of Buryak and Feigin and prove some partial results using combinatorial methods. We also obtain a new formula for the q-Catalan numbers which naturally leads us to define a new q,t-Catalan number with a simple combinatorial interpretation

    State complexity of catenation combined with a boolean operation: a unified approach

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    In this paper we study the state complexity of catenation combined with symmetric difference. First, an upper bound is computed using some combinatoric tools. Then, this bound is shown to be tight by giving a witness for it. Moreover, we relate this work with the study of state complexity for two other combinations: catenation with union and catenation with intersection. And we extract a unified approach which allows to obtain the state complexity of any combination involving catenation and a binary boolean operation

    Enumerations of Permutations Simultaneously Avoiding a Vincular and a Covincular Pattern of Length 3

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    Vincular and covincular patterns are generalizations of classical patterns allowing restrictions on the indices and values of the occurrences in a permutation. In this paper we study the integer sequences arising as the enumerations of permutations simultaneously avoiding a vincular and a covincular pattern, both of length 3, with at most one restriction. We see familiar sequences, such as the Catalan and Motzkin numbers, but also some previously unknown sequences which have close links to other combinatorial objects such as lattice paths and integer partitions. Where possible we include a generating function for the enumeration. One of the cases considered settles a conjecture by Pudwell (2010) on the Wilf-equivalence of barred patterns. We also give an alternative proof of the classic result that permutations avoiding 123 are counted by the Catalan numbers.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    Frame patterns in n-cycles

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    In this paper, we study the distribution of the number of occurrences of the simplest frame pattern, called the μ\mu pattern, in nn-cycles. Given an nn-cycle CC, we say that a pair i,j\langle i,j \rangle matches the μ\mu pattern if i<ji < j and as we traverse around CC in a clockwise direction starting at ii and ending at jj, we never encounter a kk with i<k<ji < k < j. We say that i,j \langle i,j \rangle is a nontrivial μ\mu-match if i+1<ji+1 < j. Also, an nn-cycle CC is incontractible if there is no ii such that i+1i+1 immediately follows ii in CC. We show that the number of incontractible nn-cycles in the symmetric group SnS_n is Dn1D_{n-1}, where DnD_n is the number of derangements in SnS_n. Further, we prove that the number of nn-cycles in SnS_n with exactly kk μ\mu-matches can be expressed as a linear combination of binomial coefficients of the form (n1i)\binom{n-1}{i} where i2k+1i \leq 2k+1. We also show that the generating function NTIn,μ(q)NTI_{n,\mu}(q) of qq raised to the number of nontrivial μ\mu-matches in CC over all incontractible nn-cycles in SnS_n is a new qq-analogue of Dn1D_{n-1}, which is different from the qq-analogues of the derangement numbers that have been studied by Garsia and Remmel and by Wachs. We show that there is a rather surprising connection between the charge statistic on permutations due to Lascoux and Sch\"uzenberger and our polynomials in that the coefficient of the smallest power of qq in NTI2k+1,μ(q)NTI_{2k+1,\mu}(q) is the number of permutations in S2k+1S_{2k+1} whose charge path is a Dyck path. Finally, we show that NTIn,μ(q)q(n12)kNTI_{n,\mu}(q)|_{q^{\binom{n-1}{2} -k}} and NTn,μ(q)q(n12)kNT_{n,\mu}(q)|_{q^{\binom{n-1}{2} -k}} are the number of partitions of kk for sufficiently large nn