34,059 research outputs found

    DKVF: A Framework for Rapid Prototyping and Evaluating Distributed Key-value Stores

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    We present our framework DKVF that enables one to quickly prototype and evaluate new protocols for key-value stores and compare them with existing protocols based on selected benchmarks. Due to limitations of CAP theorem, new protocols must be developed that achieve the desired trade-off between consistency and availability for the given application at hand. Hence, both academic and industrial communities focus on developing new protocols that identify a different (and hopefully better in one or more aspect) point on this trade-off curve. While these protocols are often based on a simple intuition, evaluating them to ensure that they indeed provide increased availability, consistency, or performance is a tedious task. Our framework, DKVF, enables one to quickly prototype a new protocol as well as identify how it performs compared to existing protocols for pre-specified benchmarks. Our framework relies on YCSB (Yahoo! Cloud Servicing Benchmark) for benchmarking. We demonstrate DKVF by implementing four existing protocols --eventual consistency, COPS, GentleRain and CausalSpartan-- with it. We compare the performance of these protocols against different loading conditions. We find that the performance is similar to our implementation of these protocols from scratch. And, the comparison of these protocols is consistent with what has been reported in the literature. Moreover, implementation of these protocols was much more natural as we only needed to translate the pseudocode into Java (and add the necessary error handling). Hence, it was possible to achieve this in just 1-2 days per protocol. Finally, our framework is extensible. It is possible to replace individual components in the framework (e.g., the storage component)

    PaRiS: Causally Consistent Transactions with Non-blocking Reads and Partial Replication

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    Geo-replicated data platforms are at the backbone of several large-scale online services. Transactional Causal Consistency (TCC) is an attractive consistency level for building such platforms. TCC avoids many anomalies of eventual consistency, eschews the synchronization costs of strong consistency, and supports interactive read-write transactions. Partial replication is another attractive design choice for building geo-replicated platforms, as it increases the storage capacity and reduces update propagation costs. This paper presents PaRiS, the first TCC system that supports partial replication and implements non-blocking parallel read operations, whose latency is paramount for the performance of read-intensive applications. PaRiS relies on a novel protocol to track dependencies, called Universal Stable Time (UST). By means of a lightweight background gossip process, UST identifies a snapshot of the data that has been installed by every DC in the system. Hence, transactions can consistently read from such a snapshot on any server in any replication site without having to block. Moreover, PaRiS requires only one timestamp to track dependencies and define transactional snapshots, thereby achieving resource efficiency and scalability. We evaluate PaRiS on a large-scale AWS deployment composed of up to 10 replication sites. We show that PaRiS scales well with the number of DCs and partitions, while being able to handle larger data-sets than existing solutions that assume full replication. We also demonstrate a performance gain of non-blocking reads vs. a blocking alternative (up to 1.47x higher throughput with 5.91x lower latency for read-dominated workloads and up to 1.46x higher throughput with 20.56x lower latency for write-heavy workloads)

    Okapi: Causally Consistent Geo-Replication Made Faster, Cheaper and More Available

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    Okapi is a new causally consistent geo-replicated key- value store. Okapi leverages two key design choices to achieve high performance. First, it relies on hybrid logical/physical clocks to achieve low latency even in the presence of clock skew. Second, Okapi achieves higher resource efficiency and better availability, at the expense of a slight increase in update visibility latency. To this end, Okapi implements a new stabilization protocol that uses a combination of vector and scalar clocks and makes a remote update visible when its delivery has been acknowledged by every data center. We evaluate Okapi with different workloads on Amazon AWS, using three geographically distributed regions and 96 nodes. We compare Okapi with two recent approaches to causal consistency, Cure and GentleRain. We show that Okapi delivers up to two orders of magnitude better performance than GentleRain and that Okapi achieves up to 3.5x lower latency and a 60% reduction of the meta-data overhead with respect to Cure

    Causal Consistency and Latency Optimality: Friend or Foe? [Extended Version]

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    Causal consistency is an attractive consistency model for geo-replicated data stores. It is provably the strongest model that tolerates network partitions. It avoids the long latencies associated with strong consistency, and, especially when using read-only transactions (ROTs), it prevents many of the anomalies of weaker consistency models. Recent work has shown that causal consistency allows "latency-optimal'' ROTs, that are nonblocking, single-round and single-version in terms of communication. On the surface, this latency optimality is very appealing, as the vast majority of applications are assumed to have read-dominated workloads. In this paper, we show that such "latency-optimal'' ROTs induce an extra overhead on writes that is so high that it actually jeopardizes performance even in read-dominated workloads. We show this result from a practical as well as from a theoretical angle. We present the Contrarian protocol that implements "almost latency-optimal'' ROTs, but that does not impose on the writes any of the overheads present in latency-optimal protocols. In Contrarian, ROTs are nonblocking and single-version, but they require two rounds of client-server communication. We experimentally show that this protocol not only achieves higher throughput, but, surprisingly, also provides better latencies for all but the lowest loads and the most read-heavy workloads. We furthermore prove that the extra overhead imposed on writes by latency-optimal ROTs is inherent, i.e., it is not an artifact of the design we consider, and cannot be avoided by any implementation of latency-optimal ROTs. We show in particular that this overhead grows linearly with the number of clients
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