277 research outputs found

    2D Triangulation Representation Using Stable Catalogs

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    The problem of representing triangulations has been widely studied to obtain convenient encodings and space efficient data structures. In this paper we propose a new practical approach to reduce the amount of space needed to represent in main memory an arbitrary triangulation, while maintaining constant time for some basic queries. This work focuses on the connectivity information of the triangulation, rather than the geometry information (vertex coordinates), since the combinatorial data represents the main storage part of the structure. The main idea is to gather triangles into patches, to reduce the number of pointers by eliminating the internal pointers in the patches and reducing the multiple references to vertices. To accomplish this, we define stable catalogs of patches that are close under basic standard update operations such as insertion and deletion of vertices, and edge flips. We present some bounds and results concerning special catalogs, and some experimental results for the quadrilateral-triangle catalog

    XOR-Based Compact Triangulations

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    Media, image processing, and geometric-based systems and applications need data structures to model and represent different geometric entities and objects. These data structures have to be time efficient and compact in term of space. Many structures in use are proposed to satisfy those constraints. This paper introduces a novel compact data structure inspired by the XOR-linked lists. The subject of this paper concerns the triangular data structures. Nevertheless, the underlying idea could be used for any other geometrical subdivision. The ability of the bitwise XOR operator to reduce the number of references is used to model triangle and vertex references. The use of the XOR combined references needs to define a context from which the triangle is accessed. The direct access to any triangle is not possible using only the XOR-linked scheme. To allow the direct access, additional information are added to the structure. This additional information permits a constant time access to any element of the triangulation using a local resolution scheme. This information represents an additional cost to the triangulation, but the gain is still maintained. This cost is reduced by including this additional information to a local sub-triangulation and not to each triangle. Sub-triangulations are calculated implicitly according to the catalog-based structure. This approach could be easily extended to other representation models, such as vertex-based structures or edge-based structures. The obtained results are very interesting since the theoretical gain is estimated to 38 % and the practical gain obtained from sample benches is about 34 %

    ESQ: Editable SQuad Representation for Triangle Meshes

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    International audienceWe consider the problem of designing space efficient solutions for representing the connectivity information of manifold triangle meshes. Most mesh data structures are quite redundant, storing a large amount of information in order to efficiently support mesh traversal operators. Several compact data structures have been proposed to reduce storage cost while supporting constant-time mesh traversal. Some recent solutions are based on a global re-ordering approach, which allows to implicitly encode a map between vertices and faces. Unfortunately, these compact representations do not support efficient updates, because local connectivity changes (such as edge-contractions, edge-flips or vertex insertions) require re-ordering the entire mesh. Our main contribution is to propose a new way of designing compact data structures which can be dynamically maintained. In our solution, we push further the limits of the re-ordering approaches: the main novelty is to allow to re-order vertex data (such as vertex coordinates), and to exploit this vertex permutation to easily maintain the connectivity under local changes. We describe a new class of data structures, called Editable SQuad (ESQ), offering the same navigational and storage performance as previous works, while supporting local editing in amortized constant time. As far as we know, our solution provides the most compact dynamic data structure for triangle meshes. We propose a linear-time and linear-space construction algorithm, and provide worst-case bounds for storage and time cost.Cet article traite de la conception de structure de données usant peu de mémoire pour représenter des surfaces manifold triangulées. La plupart des structures utilisées sont largement redondantes pour permettre un parcours efficace des adjacences entre triangles. Par ailleurs il existe des structures compactes, basées sur une renumérotation qui code de manière implicite une correspondance entre faces et sommets. Malheureusement, ces structures ne permettent pas de modifier la triangulation car des opérations telles que insertion suppression ou bascule d'arête nécessite de renuméroter toute la triangulation. Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de conception de structures de données compactes permettant une mise à jour dynamique en adaptant l'idée de renumérotation. Nous introduisons Editab SQuad (ESQ), une nouvelle famille de structures de données qui a les mêmes performances de stockage et de temps d'accés que les précédents travaux tout en permettant des modifications locales en temps constant amorti

    Compact data structures for triangulations

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    International audienceThe main problem consists in designing space-efficient data structures allowing to represent the connectivity of triangle meshes while supporting fast navigation and local updates

    Geometric auxetics

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    We formulate a mathematical theory of auxetic behavior based on one-parameter deformations of periodic frameworks. Our approach is purely geometric, relies on the evolution of the periodicity lattice and works in any dimension. We demonstrate its usefulness by predicting or recognizing, without experiment, computer simulations or numerical approximations, the auxetic capabilities of several well-known structures available in the literature. We propose new principles of auxetic design and rely on the stronger notion of expansive behavior to provide an infinite supply of planar auxetic mechanisms and several new three-dimensional structures

    Interactive Geometry Remeshing

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    We present a novel technique, both flexible and efficient, for interactive remeshing of irregular geometry. First, the original (arbitrary genus) mesh is substituted by a series of 2D maps in parameter space. Using these maps, our algorithm is then able to take advantage of established signal processing and halftoning tools that offer real-time interaction and intricate control. The user can easily combine these maps to create a control map – a map which controls the sampling density over the surface patch. This map is then sampled at interactive rates allowing the user to easily design a tailored resampling. Once this sampling is complete, a Delaunay triangulation and fast optimization are performed to perfect the final mesh. As a result, our remeshing technique is extremely versatile and general, being able to produce arbitrarily complex meshes with a variety of properties including: uniformity, regularity, semiregularity, curvature sensitive resampling, and feature preservation. We provide a high level of control over the sampling distribution allowing the user to interactively custom design the mesh based on their requirements thereby increasing their productivity in creating a wide variety of meshes

    A Chimera Grid Tools Tutorial

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    See attached presentation and ARC31
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