3 research outputs found

    A matrix approach to the binomial theorem

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    Motivated by the formula, we investigate factorizations of the lower-triangular Toeplitz matrix with (i; j )th entry equal to x i−j via the Pascal matrix. In this way, a new computational approach to the generalization of the binomial theorem is introduced. Numerous combinatorial identities are obtained from these matrix relations.На основi формули, було розглянуто факторизацiї нижньотрикутної матрицi Теплiца, (i,j)-й елемент якої дорiвнює xi−j, з використанням матрицi Паскаля. Тим самим уведено новий обчислювальний пiдхiд до узагальнення бiномiальної теореми. Iз використанням цих матричних спiввiдношень отримано численнi комбiнаторнi тотожностi


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    A particular integer sequence derived by the convex polygon triangulation is introduced and investigated. After some underlying results are presented, the forbidden (or improper) integer values relative to the triangulation are concerned. It is understood that the forbidden sequences do not correspond to any triangulation. Some of their properties are presented. These properties are used to count the forbidden values, which is, finally, exploited in stating another decomposition of the Catalan number

    Some Inverse Relations Determined by Catalan Matrices

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