791 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning: Implementasi Logika Fuzzy pada Case-Based Reasoning

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    Penggunaan logika fuzzy untuk menangani masukan yang berupa linguistik telah dieksplorasi dan memberikan beberapa hasil uji terhadap data yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data standar sebanyak 958 data dan masing-masing data memiliki 14 atribut yang kemudian dapat dibentuk menjadi Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). Nilai kemiripan diperoleh dari dua teknik similaritas, yaitu similaritas Fuzzy dan similaritas Nearest-Neighbour. Pengujian menggunakan sebanyak 81 data dengan rata-rata akurasi kemiripan sekitar 77% untuk similaritas Fuzzy dan 78,5% untuk Nearest-Neighbour. Tingkat akurasi similaritas Fuzzy lebih rendah dari Nearest-Neighbour, tetapi terdapat kelebihan jika menggunakan masukan bersifat linguistik, seperti lebih sederhana dan fleksibel dalam memasukkan data yang berbentuk linguistik (kata-kata)

    Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning: Implementasi Logika Fuzzy pada Case-Based Reasoning

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    Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning: Implementasi Logika Fuzzy pada Case-Based Reasonin


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    Abstract Stress is an increasing problem in our present world. Especially negative stress could cause serious health problems if it remains undiagnosed/misdiagnosed and untreated. In stress medicine, clinicians' measure blood pressure, ECG, finger temperature and breathing rate during a number of exercises to diagnose stressrelated disorders. One of the physiological parameters for quantifying stress levels is the finger temperature measurement which helps the clinicians in diagnosis and treatment of stress. However, in practice, it is difficult and tedious for a clinician to understand, interpret and analyze complex, lengthy sequential sensor signals. There are only few experts who are able to diagnose and predict stress-related problems. A system that can help the clinician in diagnosing stress is important, but the large individual variations make it difficult to build such a system. This research work has investigated several artificial Intelligence techniques for the purpose of developing an intelligent, integrated sensor system for establishing diagnosis and treatment plan in the psychophysiological domain. To diagnose individual sensitivity to stress, case-based reasoning is applied as a core technique to facilitate experience reuse by retrieving previous similar cases. Furthermore, fuzzy techniques are also employed and incorporated into the case-based reasoning system to handle vagueness, uncertainty inherently existing in clinicians reasoning process. The validation of the approach is based on close collaboration with experts and measurements from twenty four persons used as reference. 39 time series from these 24 persons have been used to evaluate the approach (in terms of the matching algorithms) and an expert has ranked and estimated the similarity. The result shows that the system reaches a level of performance close to an expert. The proposed system could be used as an expert for a less experienced clinician or as a second option for an experienced clinician to their decision making process in stress diagnosis. Sammanfattning Den ökande stressnivÄn i vÄrt samhÀlle med allt högre krav och högt tempo har ett högt pris. Stressrelaterade problem och sjukdom Àr en stor samhÀllskostnad och speciellt om negativ stress förblir oupptÀckt, eller ej korrekt identifierad/diagnostiserad och obehandlad under en lÀngre tid kan den fÄ alvarliga hÀlsoeffekter för individen vilket kan leda till lÄngvarig sjukskrivning. Inom stressmedicinen mÀter kliniker blodtryck, EKG, fingertemperatur och andning under olika situationer för att diagnostisera stress. Stressdiagnos baserat fingertemperaturen (FT) Àr nÄgot som en skicklig klinker kan utföra vilket stÀmmer med forskningen inom klinisk psykofysiologi. Emellertid i praktiken Àr det mycket svÄrt, och mödosamt för att en kliniker att i detalj följa och analysera lÄnga serier av mÀtvÀrden och det finns endast mycket fÄ experter som Àr kompetent att diagnostisera och/eller förutsÀga stressproblem. DÀrför Àr ett system, som kan hjÀlpa kliniker i diagnostisering av stress, viktig. Men de stora individvariationerna och bristen av precisa diagnosregler gör det svÄrt att anvÀnda ett datorbaserat system. Detta forskningsarbete har tittat pÄ flera tekniker och metoder inom artificiell intelligens för att hitta en vÀg fram till ett intelligent sensorbaserat system för diagnos och utformning av behandlingsplaner inom stressomrÄdet. För att diagnostisera individuell stress har fallbaserat resonerande visat sig framgÄngsrikt, en teknik som gör det möjligt att ÄteranvÀnda erfarenhet, förklara beslut, genom att hÀmta tidigare liknande fingertemperaturprofilerar. Vidare anvÀnds "fuzzy logic", luddig logik sÄ att systemet kan hantera de inneboende vagheter i domÀnen. Metoder och algoritmer har utvecklats för detta. Valideringen av ansatsen baseras pÄ nÀra samarbete med experter och mÀtningar frÄn tjugofyra anvÀndare. Trettionio tidserier frÄn dessa 24 personer har varit basen för utvÀrderingen av ansatsen, och en erfaren kliniker har klassificerat alla fall och systemet har visat sig producera resultat nÀra en expert. Det föreslagna systemet kan anvÀndas som ett referens för en mindre erfaren kliniker eller som ett "second opinion" för en erfaren kliniker i deras beslutsprocess. Dessutom har finger temperatur visat sig passa bra för anvÀndning i hemmet vid trÀning eller kontroll vilket blir möjligt med ett datorbaserat stressklassificeringssystem pÄ exempelvis en PC med en USB fingertemperaturmÀtare. vii Acknowledgemen

    Hybrid Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Recommender systems are software tools used to generate and provide suggestions for items and other entities to the users by exploiting various strategies. Hybrid recommender systems combine two or more recommendation strategies in different ways to benefit from their complementary advantages. This systematic literature review presents the state of the art in hybrid recommender systems of the last decade. It is the first quantitative review work completely focused in hybrid recommenders. We address the most relevant problems considered and present the associated data mining and recommendation techniques used to overcome them. We also explore the hybridization classes each hybrid recommender belongs to, the application domains, the evaluation process and proposed future research directions. Based on our findings, most of the studies combine collaborative filtering with another technique often in a weighted way. Also cold-start and data sparsity are the two traditional and top problems being addressed in 23 and 22 studies each, while movies and movie datasets are still widely used by most of the authors. As most of the studies are evaluated by comparisons with similar methods using accuracy metrics, providing more credible and user oriented evaluations remains a typical challenge. Besides this, newer challenges were also identified such as responding to the variation of user context, evolving user tastes or providing cross-domain recommendations. Being a hot topic, hybrid recommenders represent a good basis with which to respond accordingly by exploring newer opportunities such as contextualizing recommendations, involving parallel hybrid algorithms, processing larger datasets, etc

    Temperament and Mood Detection Using Case-Based Reasoning

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    Intelligent Feature Extraction, Data Fusion and Detection of Concrete Bridge Cracks: Current Development and Challenges

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    As a common appearance defect of concrete bridges, cracks are important indices for bridge structure health assessment. Although there has been much research on crack identification, research on the evolution mechanism of bridge cracks is still far from practical applications. In this paper, the state-of-the-art research on intelligent theories and methodologies for intelligent feature extraction, data fusion and crack detection based on data-driven approaches is comprehensively reviewed. The research is discussed from three aspects: the feature extraction level of the multimodal parameters of bridge cracks, the description level and the diagnosis level of the bridge crack damage states. We focus on previous research concerning the quantitative characterization problems of multimodal parameters of bridge cracks and their implementation in crack identification, while highlighting some of their major drawbacks. In addition, the current challenges and potential future research directions are discussed.Comment: Published at Intelligence & Robotics; Its copyright belongs to author

    Deep Learning-Based Machinery Fault Diagnostics

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    This book offers a compilation for experts, scholars, and researchers to present the most recent advancements, from theoretical methods to the applications of sophisticated fault diagnosis techniques. The deep learning methods for analyzing and testing complex mechanical systems are of particular interest. Special attention is given to the representation and analysis of system information, operating condition monitoring, the establishment of technical standards, and scientific support of machinery fault diagnosis
