75 research outputs found

    Modular control-loop detection

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm to detect control-loops in large finite-state systems. The proposed algorithm exploits the modular structure present in many models of practical relevance, and often successfully avoids the explicit synchronous composition of subsystems and thereby the state explosion problem. Experimental results show that the method can be used to verify industrial applications of considerable complexity

    Incremental verification and synthesis of discrete-event systems guided by counter-examples

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    This article presents new approaches to system verification and synthesis based on subsystem verification and the novel combined use of counterexamples and heuristics to identify suitable subsystems incrementally. The scope of safety properties considered is limited to behavioral inclusion and controllability. The verification examples considered provide a comparison of the approaches presented with straightforward state exploration and an understanding of their applicability in an industrial context

    On the organisation of program verification competitions

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    In this paper, we discuss the challenges that have to be addressed when organising program verification competitions. Our focus is on competitions for verification systems where the participants both formalise an informally stated requirement and (typically) provide some guidance for the tool to show it. The paper draws its insights from our experiences with organising a program verification competition at FoVeOOS 2011. We discuss in particular the following aspects: challenge selection, on-site versus online organisation, team composition and judging. We conclude with a list of recommendations for future competition organisers

    Modular nonblocking verification using conflict equivalence

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    This paper proposes a modular approach to verifying whether a large discrete event system is nonconflicting. The new approach avoids computing the synchronous product of a large set of finite-state machines. Instead, the synchronous product is computed gradually, and intermediate results are simplified using conflict-preserving abstractions based on process-algebraic results about fair testing. Heuristics are used to choose between different possible abstractions. Experimental results show that the method is applicable to finite-state machine models of industrial scale and brings considerable improvements in performance over other methods

    Specification and verification of distributed technical systems with central control

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    This paper presents an algebraic approach to the specification and verification of distributed technical systems, which are controlled by a central control program. The approach is demonstrated by its application to the case study "production cell". The approach uses first-order specifications to describe the possible behaviour of the system. Specifications are structured according to the physical structure of the system. A PASCAL-like program is used to enforce intended behaviour. The whole case study, including specification as well as verification of lifeness and safety conditions, is carried out using the KIV system. This research was sponsored by the BMFT project KORSO

    LCM and MCM: specification of a control system using dynamic logic and process algebra

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    LCM 3.0 is a specification language based on dynamic logic and process algebra, and can be used to specify systems of dynamic objects that communicate synchronously. LCM 3.0 was developed for the specification of object-oriented information systems, but contains sufficient facilities for the specification of control to apply it to the specification of control-intensive systems as well. In this paper, the results of such an application are reported. The paper concludes with a discussion of the need for theorem-proving support and of the extensions that would be needed to be able to specify real-time properties
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