5 research outputs found

    Modelamiento y control de un sistema de tráiler autónomo

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    Se propone una solución mediante un sistema de control de robot móvil tipo tráiler aplicado a una empresa que se encarga del transporte de material, y se demuestra que es una solución aplicable y viable. Se definió un modelo matemático que consiste en integrar dos técnicas de control: lineal LQR y lógica difusa. Se muestran resultados favorables del sistema de control y seguimiento de trayectoria, y se señalan las mejoras que se tienen al integrar ambas técnicas de control y que el sistema es capaz de responder correctamente a fin de guiar al robot por cualquier tipo de trayectoria

    Diseño de un sistema de control de tráiler autónomo

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    The present work defines a control design, which consists of integrating two techniques: linear LQR and a neuro-diffuse network, in such a way that this hybrid system provides a wide working range for the trailer to follow any trajectory in advance and recoil directions simulating the real conditions of human driving. It is also proposed the monitoring of any trajectory designing a general method to calculate the desired values of the system states, in such a way that, by simply defining a mathematical function of the route to follow, the values for the control of the trailer type robot are known. Favourable results of the system were achieved and applied in a controlled environment.El presente trabajo define un diseño de control que consiste en integrar dos técnicas: una lineal LQR y una red neurodifusa, de tal manera que este sistema híbrido brinde un rango de trabajo amplio para que el tráiler siga cualquier trayectoria en direcciones de avance y retroceso simulando las reales condiciones de una conducción humana. Se propone también el seguimiento de cualquier trayectoria mediante el diseño de un método general para calcular los valores deseados de los estados del sistema, de tal manera que, con solo definir una función matemática de la ruta que se va a seguir, se conozcan los valores para el control del robot tipo tráiler. Se lograron resultados favorables del sistema aplicándolo en un ambiente controlado

    A path planning and path-following control framework for a general 2-trailer with a car-like tractor

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    Maneuvering a general 2-trailer with a car-like tractor in backward motion is a task that requires significant skill to master and is unarguably one of the most complicated tasks a truck driver has to perform. This paper presents a path planning and path-following control solution that can be used to automatically plan and execute difficult parking and obstacle avoidance maneuvers by combining backward and forward motion. A lattice-based path planning framework is developed in order to generate kinematically feasible and collision-free paths and a path-following controller is designed to stabilize the lateral and angular path-following error states during path execution. To estimate the vehicle state needed for control, a nonlinear observer is developed which only utilizes information from sensors that are mounted on the car-like tractor, making the system independent of additional trailer sensors. The proposed path planning and path-following control framework is implemented on a full-scale test vehicle and results from simulations and real-world experiments are presented.Comment: Preprin