23,073 research outputs found

    Newton's "Experimental Philosophy"

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    My talk today will be about Newton’s avowed methodology, and specifically the place of experiment in his conception of science, and how his ideas changed significantly over the course of his career. I also want to look at his actual scientific practice and see how this influenced his views on the nature of the experimental sciences

    Career Concerns with Coarse Information

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    This paper develops a model of career concerns. The worker's skill is revealed through output, wage is based on expected output, and so on assessed ability. Specifically, effort increases the probability that a skilled worker achieves a one-time breakthrough. Effort levels at different times are strategic substitutes. Equilibrium effort (and, if marginal cost is convex, wage) is single-peaked with seniority. The agent works too little, too late. Both delay and underprovision of effort worsen if effort is observable. If the firm commits to wages but faces competition, the optimal contract features piecewise constant wages as well as severance pay.Career concerns, Experimentation, Career paths, Up-or-out, Reputation

    The Buck Stops Here: The President as Manager of the U.S. Economy during Crisis

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    The President performs many roles, but one role of increasing importance over time is that of Chief Manager of the Economy. In the era of the modern presidency, there has been a growing institutionalization of the executive branch’s management of the economy. Presidents approach economic management differently depending upon their personalities, management style, and their time within both the crisis and the administration. Three case studies will be used to explore the differences and similarities in presidential actions during times of economic crisis: these case studies will examine the presidencies of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon, and William J. Clinton. The different methods and policy actions taken by these presidents are described as change oriented economic policy, electoral gain economic policy, and preemptive economic policy. This research will examine these methods to determine: 1.) How did each president approach economic policy? 2.) Were their approaches similar to a domestic policy or foreign policy? and 3.) What factors influence these approaches

    Recovering the student voice: retention and achievement on foundation degrees.

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    The first year student experience has a very high profile as a topic in contemporary higher education but how much do we know about what our students really think about their first learning experiences on their Foundation degrees? Recovery of the student voice is an area that Foundation degree practitioners need to consider as part of our strategy to improve the quality of student learning. Our research is located within a form of the interpretivist tradition. Although we would not wish to deny the importance of structural factors in society, we regard knowledge as being constructed through an understanding that different people and groups, in different power relationships, experience the world in different ways. As we argue later, it is important to give voice to the experience of the least powerful

    1993 Accounting Hall of Fame induction : Richard T. Baker Accounting Hall of Fame membership [1993]

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    1993 Accounting Hall of Fame Induction: Richard T. Baker with introduction by Ray J. Groves (Chairman, Ernst & Young); Induction citation by Thomas J. Burns (Deloitte and Touche Professor, The Ohio State University); Response by Richard T. Baker (Chairman Emeritus, Ernst & Whinney


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    Rapid development of high throughput technologies and database management systems has made it possible to produce and store large amount of data. However, making sense of big data and discovering knowledge from it is a compounding challenge. Generally, data mining techniques search for information in datasets and express gained knowledge in the form of trends, regularities, patterns or rules. Rules are frequently identified automatically by a technique called rule induction, which is the most important technique in data mining and machine learning and it was developed primarily to handle symbolic data. However, real life data often contain numerical attributes and therefore, in order to fully utilize the power of rule induction techniques, an essential preprocessing step of converting numeric data into symbolic data called discretization is employed in data mining. Here we present two entropy based discretization techniques known as dominant attribute approach and multiple scanning approach, respectively. These approaches were implemented as two explicit algorithms in a JAVA programming language and experiments were conducted by applying each algorithm separately on seventeen well known numerical data sets. The resulting discretized data sets were used for rule induction by LEM2 or Learning from Examples Module 2 algorithm. For each dataset in multiple scanning approach, experiments were repeated with incremental scans until interval counts were stabilized. Preliminary results from this study indicated that multiple scanning approach performed better than dominant attribute approach in terms of producing comparatively smaller and simpler rule sets

    Evaluating a holistic energy benchmarking parameter of lift systems by using computer simulation

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    At present, there are benchmarking parameters to assess the energy performance of lifts, e.g. one in Germany adopted by VDI (4707-1/2), one internationally published by ISO (BS EN ISO 25745-2:2015), and the other in Hong Kong adopted by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government. These parameters are mainly checking the energy consumed by a lift drive without considering real time passenger demands and traffic conditions; the one in Hong Kong pinpointing a fully loaded up-journey under rated speed and the two in Europe pinpointing a round trip, bottom floor to top floor and return with an empty car, though including energy consumed by lighting, displays, ventilation etc. A holistic normalization method by Lam et al [1] was developed a number of years ago by one of the co-authors of this article, which can assess both drive efficiency and traffic control, termed J/kg-m, which is now adopted by the HKSAR Government as a good practice, but not specified in the mandatory code. In Europe, the energy unit of Wh has been used but here, Joule (J), i.e. Ws, is adopted to discriminate the difference between the two concepts. In this article, this parameter is evaluated under different lift traffic scenarios using computer simulation techniques, with an aim of arriving at a reasonable figure for benchmarking an energy efficient lift system with both an efficient drive as well as an efficient supervisory traffic control

    Barnes Hospital Bulletin

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    Externalities in Recruiting

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    External recruiting at least weakly improves the quality of the pool of applicants, but the incentive implications are less clear. Using a contest model, this paper investigates the pure incentive effects of external recruiting. Our results show that if workers are heterogeneous, the opening of a firm’s career system may lead to a homogenization of the pool of contestants and, thus, encourage the firm’s high ability workers to exert more effort. If this positive effect outweighs the discouragement of low ability workers, the firm will benefit from external recruiting. If, however, the discouragement effect dominates the homogenization effect, the firm should disregard external recruiting. In addition, product market competition makes opening of the career system less attractive for a firm since it increases the incentives of its competitors’ workers and hence strengthens the competitors