86 research outputs found

    Supporting the sensemaking process in visual analytics

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    Visual analytics is the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces. It involves interactive exploration of data using visualizations and automated data analysis to gain insight, and to ultimately make better decisions. It aims to support the sensemaking process in which information is collected, organized and analyzed to form new knowledge and inform further action. Interactive visual exploration of the data can lead to many discoveries in terms of relations, patterns, outliers and so on. It is difficult for the human working memory to keep track of all findings during a visual analysis. Also, synthesis of many different findings and relations between those findings increase the information overload and thereby hinders the sensemaking process further. The central theme of this dissertation is How to support users in their sensemaking process during interactive exploration of data? To support the sensemaking process in visual analytics, we mainly focus on how to support users to capture, reuse, review, share, and present the key aspects of interest concerning the analysis process and the findings during interactive exploration of data. For this, we have developed generic models and tools that enable users to capture findings with provenance, and construct arguments; and to review, revise and share their visual analysis. First, we present a sensemaking framework for visual analytics that contains three linked views: a data view, a navigation view and a knowledge view for supporting the sense-making process. The data view offers interactive data visualization tools. The navigation view automatically captures the interaction history using a semantically rich action model and provides an overview of the analysis structure. The knowledge view is a basic graphics editor that helps users to record findings with provenance and to organize findings into claims using diagramming techniques. Users can exploit automatically captured interaction history and manually recorded findings to review and revise their visual analysis. Thus, the analysis process can be archived and shared with others for collaborative visual analysis. Secondly, we enable analysts to capture data selections as semantic zones during an analysis, and to reuse these zones on different subsets of data. We present a Select & Slice table that helps analysts to capture, manipulate, and reuse these zones more explicitly during exploratory data analysis. Users can reuse zones, combine zones, and compare and trace items of interest across different semantic zones and data slices. Finally, exploration overviews and searching techniques based on keywords, content similarity, and context helped analysts to develop awareness over the key aspects of the exploration concerning the analysis process and findings. On one hand, they can proactively search analysis processes and findings for reviewing purposes. On the other hand, they can use the system to discover implicit connections between findings and the current line of inquiry, and recommend these related findings during an interactive data exploration. We implemented the models and tools described in this dissertation in Aruvi and HARVEST. Using Aruvi and HARVEST, we studied the implications of these models on a user’s sensemaking process. We adopted the short-term and long-term case studies approach to study support offered by these tools for the sensemaking process. The observations of the case studies were used to evaluate the models

    Personalized architectural documentation based on stakeholders' information needs

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    The stakeholders of a software system are, to a greater or lesser extent, concerned about its software architecture, as an essential artifact for capturing the key design decisions of the system. The architecture is normally documented in the Software Architecture Document (SAD), which tends to be a large and complex technical description, and does not always address the information needs of every stakeholder. Individual stakeholders are interested in dierent, sometimes overlapping, subsets of the SAD and they also require varying levels of detail. As a consequence, stakeholders are aected by an information overload problem, which in practice discourages the usage of the architectural knowledge and diminishes its value for the organization. Along this line, this work presents a semi-automated approach to recommend relevant contents of a given SAD to specific stakeholder profiles. Our approach assumes that SADs are hosted in Wikis, which not only favor communication and interactions among stakeholders, but also enable us to apply User Profiling techniques to infer stakeholders´ interests with respect to particular documents. We have built a recommendation tool implementing our approach, which was tested in two experiments with Wiki-based SADs. Although preliminary, the results have shown that the recommendations of the tool help to nd the architectural documents that best match the stakeholders´ interests.Fil: Tommasel, Antonela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; ArgentinaFil: Nicoletti, Matías Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; ArgentinaFil: Diaz Pace, Jorge Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; ArgentinaFil: Schiaffino, Silvia Noemi. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; ArgentinaFil: Godoy, Daniela Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingenieria del Software; Argentin

    Mining Architectural Information: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Context: Mining Software Repositories (MSR) has become an essential activity in software development. Mining architectural information to support architecting activities, such as architecture understanding and recovery, has received a significant attention in recent years. However, there is an absence of a comprehensive understanding of the state of research on mining architectural information. Objective: This work aims to identify, analyze, and synthesize the literature on mining architectural information in software repositories in terms of architectural information and sources mined, architecting activities supported, approaches and tools used, and challenges faced. Method: A Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) has been conducted on the literature published between January 2006 and November 2021. Results: Of the 79 primary studies finally selected, 8 categories of architectural information have been mined, among which architectural description is the most mined architectural information; 12 architecting activities can be supported by the mined architectural information, among which architecture understanding is the most supported activity; 81 approaches and 52 tools were proposed and employed in mining architectural information; and 4 types of challenges in mining architectural information were identified. Conclusions: This SMS provides researchers with promising future directions and help practitioners be aware of what approaches and tools can be used to mine what architectural information from what sources to support various architecting activities.Comment: 68 pages, 5 images, 15 tables, Manuscript submitted to a Journal (2022

    Designing for meaning making in museums : visitor-constructed trails using mobile digital technologies

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    Abstract This thesis investigates how people make meaning in and from museums, through encounters with artefacts which are mediated by portable digital technologies. It provides evidence that technology can help to manage the amount of information visitors encounter, instead of increasing it, through activities which structure the use of technology. One such activity - visitor-constructed trails through museums - is studied in depth, with attention to how (and to what extent) the activity is structured, the contexts in which it takes place, and how various tools and resources mediate and support the activity. Three studies engage different types of visitors in trail construction, using mobile phones and portable digital audio player/recorders - technologies already commonly carried by visitors - in museums of art, science and history. Trails are shown to support meaning making by providing a curatorial scaffolding for visitors to recontextualise artefacts, through interpretations which are links between visitors' and artefacts' contexts, and are generally narrative in form. Technology is shown to help visitors make connections with artefacts through a two-way contextualisation, and by working in concert with other tools and resources. Meaning making is analysed using a conceptual model for the design and analysis of trails, which is grounded in a constructionist epistemology, a theoretical perspective on museum meaning making, and a methodology derived from activity theory

    Sharing and Using Connected Device Data to Improve Traveler Safety and Traffic Management\u2014Concept of Operations, Use Cases, Traveler Information Needs, Messages, and Requirements

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    DTFH61-16-D-00051 T-0005The ability to exchange electronic messages with mobile devices in realtime can to improve travel safety, mobility, and the experience for users of the surface transportation systems. Intelligent transportation system devices and traffic management systems using information derived from electronic messages travelers, vehicles, and other sources agree to offer new options for agencies to consider how to improve how they manage traffic and travelers. This report provides information and strategies that can assist agencies as they evaluate, plan, or develop efforts associated with electronic message sharing with mobile devices. As an introduction to the topic, the report provides an overview of the components involved with sharing and using these electronic messages and the needs of travelers to process and use this information

    A Survey of Digital Library Aggregation Services

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    This report provides an overview of a diverse set of more than thirty digital library aggregation services, organizes them into functional clusters, and then evaluates them more fully from the perspective of an informed user. Most of the services under review rely wholly or partially on the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), although some of them predate its inception and a few use predominantly Z39.50 protocols. In the opening section of this report, each service is annotated with its organizational affiliation, subject coverage, function, audience, status, and size. Critical issues surrounding each of these elements are presented in order to provide the reader with an appreciation of the nuances inherent in seemingly straightforward factual information, such as audience or size. Each service is then grouped into one of five functional clusters: • open access e-print archives and servers; • cross-archive search services and aggregators; • from digital collections to digital library environments; • from peer-reviewed referratories to portal services; • specialized search engines

    Contexts and Contributions: Building the Distributed Library

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    This report updates and expands on A Survey of Digital Library Aggregation Services, originally commissioned by the DLF as an internal report in summer 2003, and released to the public later that year. It highlights major developments affecting the ecosystem of scholarly communications and digital libraries since the last survey and provides an analysis of OAI implementation demographics, based on a comparative review of repository registries and cross-archive search services. Secondly, it reviews the state-of-practice for a cohort of digital library aggregation services, grouping them in the context of the problem space to which they most closely adhere. Based in part on responses collected in fall 2005 from an online survey distributed to the original core services, the report investigates the purpose, function and challenges of next-generation aggregation services. On a case-by-case basis, the advances in each service are of interest in isolation from each other, but the report also attempts to situate these services in a larger context and to understand how they fit into a multi-dimensional and interdependent ecosystem supporting the worldwide community of scholars. Finally, the report summarizes the contributions of these services thus far and identifies obstacles requiring further attention to realize the goal of an open, distributed digital library system


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    This PhD investigates the role of digital media in optimising visitor engagement with non-visible outdoor heritage. Motivated by concerns that digital media products developed for the heritage sector might not be reaching their potential to enrich the visit experience and concerned about a lack of clarity as to what constitutes visitor engagement; this thesis proposes guidance for the production of interpretive digital media and a framework for visitor engagement. Cultural heritage sites featured in this study are characteristically outdoor locations; frequently non-stewarded with very little tangible evidence of the historical or cultural relevance of the site. The unique potential of digital media products to address the specific challenges of engaging visitors with invisible heritage in these locations is discussed within this thesis. The practice of interpreting heritage is investigated to identify the processes, stages, experiences and behavioural states associated with a high level of engagement. Visitor engagement is defined in this study as being a transformational experience in which the visitor’s emotional and/or cognitive relationship with the heritage is altered. This is achieved when the visitor sufficiently experiences appropriate states of engagement across all stages of the visitor engagement framework. This study proposes guidance to advise and support heritage professionals and their associated designers in the design, development and implementation of interpretive digital media products. Within this guide sits the engagement framework which proposes a framework for engagement, defining the stages (process) and the states (experiences and behaviours) of visitor engagement with cultural heritage. In using this resource the cultural heritage practitioner can be confident of their capacity to run and deliver interpretive digital media projects regardless of their expertise in design or technology. This thesis proposes that well designed interpretive digital media can optimise the engagement of visitors in ways which cannot be achieved by any other single method of interpretation. This PhD contributes a design guide and an engagement framework to the existing field of knowledge regarding interpretive digital design

    A goal-oriented user interface for personalized semantic search

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, February 2006.Includes bibliographical references (v. 2, leaves 280-288).Users have high-level goals when they browse the Web or perform searches. However, the two primary user interfaces positioned between users and the Web, Web browsers and search engines, have very little interest in users' goals. Present-day Web browsers provide only a thin interface between users and the Web, and present-day search engines rely solely on keyword matching. This thesis leverages large knowledge bases of semantic information to provide users with a goal-oriented Web browsing experience. By understanding the meaning of Web pages and search queries, this thesis demonstrates how Web browsers and search engines can proactively suggest content and services to users that are both contextually relevant and personalized. This thesis presents (1) Creo, a Programming by Example system that allows users to teach their computers how to automate interactions with their favorite Web sites by providing a single demonstration, (2) Miro, a Data Detector that matches the content of a Web page to high-level user goals, and allows users to perform semantic searches, and (3) Adeo, an application that streamlines browsing the Web on mobile devices, allowing users to complete actions with a minimal amount of input and output.(cont.) An evaluation with 34 subjects found that they were more effective at completing tasks when using these applications, and that the subjects would use these applications if they had access to them. Beyond these three user interfaces, this thesis also explores a number of underlying issues, including (1) automatically providing semantics to unstructured text, (2) building robust applications on top of messy knowledge bases, (3) leveraging surrounding context to disambiguate concepts that have multiple meanings, and (4) learning new knowledge by reading the Web.by Alexander James Faaborg.S.M
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