9 research outputs found

    Computing with Capsules

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    Capsules provide a clean algebraic representation of the state of a computation in higher-order functional and imperative languages. They play the same role as closures or heap- or stack-allocated environments but are much simpler. A capsule is essentially a finite coalgebraic representation of a regular closed lambda-coterm. One can give an operational semantics based on capsules for a higher-order programming language with functional and imperative features, including mutable bindings. Lexical scoping is captured purely algebraically without stacks, heaps, or closures. All operations of interest are typable with simple types, yet the language is Turing complete. Recursive functions are represented directly as capsules without the need for unnatural and untypable fixpoint combinators

    Capsules and Separation

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    We study a formulation of separation logic using capsules, a representation of the state of a computation in higher-order programming languages with mutable variables. We prove soundness of the frame rule in this context and investigate alternative formulations with weaker side conditions

    CoCaml: Functional Programming with Regular Coinductive Types

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    Functional languages offer a high level of abstraction, which results in programs that are elegant and easy to understand. Central to the development of functional programming are inductive and coinductive types and associated programming constructs, such as pattern-matching. Whereas inductive types have a long tradition and are well supported in most languages, coinductive types are subject of more recent research and are less mainstream. We present CoCaml, a functional programming language extending OCaml, which allows us to define recursive functions on regular coinductive datatypes. These functions are defined like usual recursive functions, but parameterized by an equation solver. We present a full implementation of all the constructs and solvers and show how these can be used in a variety of examples, including operations on infinite lists, infinitary Îł-terms, and p-adic numbers

    Capsules And Non-Well-Founded Computation

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    Characterization and production of agglomerated cork stoppers for spirits based on a factor analysis method

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    The decision-making in the investment of a new line of stoppers based on agglomerated cork requires knowledge of the composition and its contribution to its performance. For this, it is necessary to observe the leading products on the market and to test a series of prototypes with different formulations. The development of manufacturing products made by cork, such as bottle stoppers, benefits strongly from accurate chemical and structural characterizations, correlated to the final material performance. A wise starting point to fulfill such requirement consist of comparing available products in the market to be compared with different prototypes with varying composition. This work presents a blind characterization of a series of cork samples through a non-supervised exploratory analysis designed to select agglomerated corks for spirits and still wines in the packaging industry. A total of 18 batches, with 3 of them being high-end commercial products, were used to build 15 different prototypes. They were subsequently characterized with the exact composition of microgranulated cork as the unknown variable. Statistical results based on 14 parameters related to the physic-thermo-mechanical properties indicate that the suitability of selecting the stopper relies on the study of only 4 or 5 of the initial parameters. Hence, it is shown that a reduced number of parameters may be considered to properly describe the mechanical behavior of agglomerated cork, allowing the wise choice of the most convenient material for the intended application. The factorial map reveals that the only sample batch manufactured based on the tested prototypes correlates with the three of the products supplied by the competence.This work was funded by the Junta de Andalucía (Research groups INNANOMAT, ref. TEP-946 and TMA, ref. TEP-181). Co-funding from UE is also acknowledged. The authors wish to thank “TORRENT INNOVA, S.A.”. MdlM acknowledges the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship from MICINN (IJCI-2017–31507)

    Characterization and production of agglomerated cork stoppers for spirits based on a factor analysis method

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    The decision-making in the investment of a new line of stoppers based on agglomerated cork requires knowledge of the composition and its contribution to its performance. For this, it is necessary to observe the leading products on the market and to test a series of prototypes with different formulations. The development of manufacturing products made by cork, such as bottle stoppers, benefits strongly from accurate chemical and structural characterizations, correlated to the final material performance. A wise starting point to fulfill such requirement consist of comparing available products in the market to be compared with different prototypes with varying composition. This work presents a blind characterization of a series of cork samples through a non-supervised exploratory analysis designed to select agglomerated corks for spirits and still wines in the packaging industry. A total of 18 batches, with 3 of them being high-end commercial products, were used to build 15 different prototypes. They were subsequently characterized with the exact composition of microgranulated cork as the unknown variable. Statistical results based on 14 parameters related to the physic-thermo-mechanical properties indicate that the suitability of selecting the stopper relies on the study of only 4 or 5 of the initial parameters. Hence, it is shown that a reduced number of parameters may be considered to properly describe the mechanical behavior of agglomerated cork, allowing the wise choice of the most convenient material for the intended application. The factorial map reveals that the only sample batch manufactured based on the tested prototypes correlates with the three of the products supplied by the competence. © 2022 The Author


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    We propose a theoretical device for modeling the creation of new indiscernible semantic objects during program execution. The method fits well with the semantics of imperative, functional, and object-oriented languages and promotes equational reasoning about higher-order state

    Capsules and Closures

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    Capsules are a clean representation of the state of a computation in higher-order programming languages with effects. Their intent is to simplify and replace the notion of closure. They naturally provide support for functional and imperative features, including recursion and mutable bindings, and ensure lexical scoping without the use of closures, heaps, stacks or combinators. We present a comparison of the use of closures and capsules in the semantics of higher-order programming languages with effects. In proving soundness of one to the other, we give a precise account of how capsule environments and closure environments relate to each other