225 research outputs found

    Multi-Way Relay Networks: Orthogonal Uplink, Source-Channel Separation and Code Design

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    We consider a multi-way relay network with an orthogonal uplink and correlated sources, and we characterise reliable communication (in the usual Shannon sense) with a single-letter expression. The characterisation is obtained using a joint source-channel random-coding argument, which is based on a combination of Wyner et al.'s "Cascaded Slepian-Wolf Source Coding" and Tuncel's "Slepian-Wolf Coding over Broadcast Channels". We prove a separation theorem for the special case of two nodes; that is, we show that a modular code architecture with separate source and channel coding functions is (asymptotically) optimal. Finally, we propose a practical coding scheme based on low-density parity-check codes, and we analyse its performance using multi-edge density evolution.Comment: Authors' final version (accepted and to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications

    Continuous Variable Optimisation of Quantum Randomness and Probabilistic Linear Amplification

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    In the past decade, quantum communication protocols based on continuous variables (CV) has seen considerable development in both theoretical and experimental aspects. Nonetheless, challenges remain in both the practical security and the operating range for CV systems, before such systems may be used extensively. In this thesis, we present the optimisation of experimental parameters for secure randomness generation and propose a non-deterministic approach to enhance amplification of CV quantum state. The first part of this thesis examines the security of quantum devices: in particular, we investigate quantum random number generators (QRNG) and quantum key distribution (QKD) schemes. In a realistic scenario, the output of a quantum random number generator is inevitably tainted by classical technical noise, which potentially compromises the security of such a device. To safeguard against this, we propose and experimentally demonstrate an approach that produces side-information independent randomness. We present a method for maximising such randomness contained in a number sequence generated from a given quantum-to-classical-noise ratio. The detected photocurrent in our experiment is shown to have a real-time random-number generation rate of 14 (Mbit/s)/MHz. Next, we study the one-sided device-independent (1sDI) quantum key distribution scheme in the context of continuous variables. By exploiting recently proven entropic uncertainty relations, one may bound the information leaked to an eavesdropper. We use such a bound to further derive the secret key rate, that depends only upon the conditional Shannon entropies accessible to Alice and Bob, the two honest communicating parties. We identify and experimentally demonstrate such a protocol, using only coherent states as the resource. We measure the correlations necessary for 1sDI key distribution up to an applied loss equivalent to 3.5 km of fibre transmission. The second part of this thesis concerns the improvement in the transmission of a quantum state. We study two approximate implementations of a probabilistic noiseless linear amplifier (NLA): a physical implementation that truncates the working space of the NLA or a measurement-based implementation that realises the truncation by a bounded postselection filter. We do this by conducting a full analysis on the measurement-based NLA (MB-NLA), making explicit the relationship between its various operating parameters, such as amplification gain and the cut-off of operating domain. We compare it with its physical counterpart in terms of the Husimi Q-distribution and their probability of success. We took our investigations further by combining a probabilistic NLA with an ideal deterministic linear amplifier (DLA). In particular, we show that when NLA gain is strictly lesser than the DLA gain, this combination can be realised by integrating an MB-NLA in an optical DLA setup. This results in a hybrid device which we refer to as the heralded hybrid quantum amplifier. A quantum cloning machine based on this hybrid amplifier is constructed through an amplify-then-split method. We perform probabilistic cloning of arbitrary coherent states, and demonstrate the production of up to five clones, with the fidelity of each clone clearly exceeding the corresponding no-cloning limit

    A New Framework for Decomposing Multivariate Information

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    What are the distinct ways in which a set of predictor variables can provide information about a target variable? When does a variable provide unique information, when do variables share redundant information, and when do variables combine synergistically to provide complementary information? The redundancy lattice from the partial information decomposition of Williams and Beer provided a promising glimpse at the answer to these questions. However, this structure was constructed using a much-criticised measure of redundant information, and despite sustained research, no completely satisfactory replacement measure has been proposed. This thesis presents a new framework for information decomposition that is based upon the decomposition of pointwise mutual information rather than mutual information. The framework is derived in two separate ways. The first of these derivations is based upon a modified version of the original axiomatic approach taken by Williams and Beer. However, to overcome the difficulty associated with signed pointwise mutual information, the decomposition is applied separately to the unsigned entropic components of pointwise mutual information which are referred to as the specificity and ambiguity. This yields a separate redundancy lattice for each component. Based upon an operational interpretation of redundancy, measures of redundant specificity and redundant ambiguity are defined which enables one to evaluate the partial information atoms separately for each lattice. These separate atoms can then be recombined to yield the sought-after multivariate information decomposition. This framework is applied to canonical examples from the literature and the results and various properties of the decomposition are discussed. In particular, the pointwise decomposition using specificity and ambiguity is shown to satisfy a chain rule over target variables, which provides new insights into the so-called two-bit-copy example. The second approach begins by considering the distinct ways in which two marginal observers can share their information with the non-observing individual third party. Several novel measures of information content are introduced, namely the union, intersection and unique information contents. Next, the algebraic structure of these new measures of shared marginal information is explored, and it is shown that the structure of shared marginal information is that of a distributive lattice. Furthermore, by using the fundamental theorem of distributive lattices, it is shown that these new measures are isomorphic to a ring of sets. Finally, by combining this structure together with the semi-lattice of joint information, the redundancy lattice form partial information decomposition is found to be embedded within this larger algebraic structure. However, since this structure considers information contents, it is actually equivalent to the specificity lattice from the first derivation of pointwise partial information decomposition. The thesis then closes with a discussion about whether or not one should combine the information contents from the specificity and ambiguity lattices

    Approaches to causality and multi-agent paradoxes in non-classical theories

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    Causality and logic are both fundamental to our understanding of the universe, but our intuitions about these are challenged by quantum phenomena. This thesis reports progress in the analysis of causality and multi-agent logical paradoxes in quantum and post-quantum theories. Both these research areas are highly relevant for the development of quantum technologies such as quantum cryptography and computing. Part I of this thesis focuses on causality. Firstly, we develop techniques for using generalised entropies to analyse distinctions between classical and non-classical causal structures. We derive new properties of classical and quantum Tsallis entropies of systems that follow from the relevant causal structure, and apply these to obtain new necessary constraints for classicality in the Triangle causal structure. Supplementing the method with the post-selection technique, we provide evidence that Shannon and Tsallis entropic constraints are insufficient for detecting non-classicality in Bell scenarios with non-binary outcomes. This points to the need for better methods of characterising correlations in non-classical causal structures. Secondly, we investigate the relationships between causality and space-time by developing a framework for modelling cyclic and fine-tuned influences in non-classical theories. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for such causal models to be compatible with a space-time structure and for ruling out operationally detectable causal loops. In particular, this provides an operational framework for analysing post-quantum theories admitting jamming non-local correlations. In Part II of this thesis, we investigate multi-agent logical paradoxes, of which the quantum Frauchiger-Renner paradox has been the only example. We develop a framework for analysing such paradoxes in arbitrary physical theories. Applying this to box world, a post-quantum theory, we derive a stronger paradox that does not rely on post-selection. Our results reveal that reversible, unitary evolution of agents' memories is not necessary for deriving multi-agent logical paradoxes, rather that certain forms of contextuality could be

    Nonclassicality detection and communication bounds in quantum networks

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    Quantum information investigates the possibility of enhancing our ability to process and transmit information by directly exploiting quantum mechanical laws. When searching for improvement opportunities, one typically starts by assessing the range of outcomes classically attainable, and then investigates to what extent control over the quantum features of the system could be helpful, as well as the best performance that could be achieved. In this thesis we provide examples of these aspects, in linear optics, quantum metrology, and quantum communication. We start by providing a criterion able to certify whether the outcome of a linear optical evolution cannot be explained by the classical wave-like theory of light. We do so by identifying a tight lower bound on the amount of correlations that could be detected among output intensities, when classical electrodynamics theory is used to describe the fields. Rather than simply detecting nonclassicality, we then focus on its quantification. In particular, we consider the characterisation of the amount of squeezing encoded on selected quantum probes by an unknown external device, without prior information on the direction of application. We identify the single-mode Gaussian probes leading to the largest average precision in noiseless and noisy conditions, and discuss the advantages arising from the use of correlated two-mode probes. Finally, we improve current bounds on the ultimate performance attainable in a quantum communication scenario. Specifically, we bound the number of maximally entangled qubits, or private bits, shared by two parties after a communication protocol over a quantum network, without restrictions on their classical communication. As in previous investigations, our approach is based on the evaluation of the maximum amount of entanglement that could be generated by the channels in the network, but it includes the possibility of changing entanglement measure on a channel-by-channel basis. Examples where this is advantageous are discussed.Open Acces

    Integrated information theory in complex neural systems

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    This thesis concerns Integrated Information Theory (IIT), a branch of information theory aimed at providing a fundamental theory of consciousness. At its core, lie two powerful intuitions: • That a system that is somehow more than the sum of its parts has non-zero integrated information, Φ; and • That a system with non-zero integrated information is conscious. The audacity of IIT’s claims about consciousness has (understandably) sparked vigorous criticism, and experimental evidence for IIT as a theory of consciousness remains scarce and indirect. Nevertheless, I argue that IIT still has merits as a theory of informational complexity within complexity science, leaving aside all claims about consciousness. In my work I follow this broad line of reasoning: showcasing applications where IIT yields rich analyses of complex systems, while critically examining its merits and limitations as a theory of consciousness. This thesis is divided in three parts. First, I describe three example applications of IIT to complex systems from the computational neuroscience literature (coupled oscillators, spiking neurons, and cellular automata), and develop novel Φ estimators to extend IIT’s range of applicability. Second, I show two important limitations of current IIT: that its axiomatic foundation is not specific enough to determine a unique measure of integrated information; and that available measures do not behave as predicted by the theory when applied to neurophysiological data. Finally, I present new theoretical developments aimed at alleviating some of IIT’s flaws. These are based on the concepts of partial information decomposition and lead to a unification of both theories, Integrated Information Decomposition, or ΦID. The thesis concludes with two experimental studies on M/EEG data, showing that a much simpler informational theory of consciousness – the entropic brain hypothesis – can yield valuable insight without the mathematical challenges brought by IIT.Open Acces

    Beyond islands: A free probabilistic approach

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    We give a free probabilistic proposal to compute the fine-grained radiation entropy for an arbitrary bulk radiation state, in the context of the Penington-Shenker-Stanford-Yang (PSSY) model where the gravitational path integral can be implemented with full control. We observe that the replica trick gravitational path integral is combinatorially matching the free multiplicative convolution between the spectra of the gravitational sector and the matter sector respectively. The convolution formula computes the radiation entropy accurately even in cases when the island formula fails to apply. It also helps to justify this gravitational replica trick as a soluble Hausdorff moment problem. We then work out how the free convolution formula can be evaluated using free harmonic analysis, which also gives a new free probabilistic treatment of resolving the separable sample covariance matrix spectrum. The free convolution formula suggests that the quantum information encoded in competing quantum extremal surfaces can be modelled as free random variables in a finite von Neumann algebra. Using the close tie between free probability and random matrix theory, we show that the PSSY model can be described as a random matrix model that is essentially a generalization of Page's model. It is then manifest that the island formula is only applicable when the convolution factorizes in regimes characterized by the one-shot entropies. We further show that the convolution formula can be reorganized to a generalized entropy formula in terms of the relative entropy.Comment: 48+10 page
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