247 research outputs found

    Characterization of disturbance sources for LISA: torsion pendulum results

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    A torsion pendulum allows ground-based investigation of the purity of free-fall for the LISA test masses inside their capacitive position sensor. This paper presents recent improvements in our torsion pendulum facility that have both increased the pendulum sensitivity and allowed detailed characterization of several important sources of acceleration noise for the LISA test masses. We discuss here an improved upper limit on random force noise originating in the sensor. Additionally, we present new measurement techniques and preliminary results for characterizing the forces caused by the sensor's residual electrostatic fields, dielectric losses, residual spring-like coupling, and temperature gradients.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Upper limits on stray force noise for LISA

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    We have developed a torsion pendulum facility for LISA gravitational reference sensor ground testing that allows us to put significant upper limits on residual stray forces exerted by LISA-like position sensors on a representative test mass and to characterize specific sources of disturbances for LISA. We present here the details of the facility, the experimental procedures used to maximize its sensitivity, and the techniques used to characterize the pendulum itself that allowed us to reach a torque sensitivity below 20 fNm /sqrt{Hz} from 0.3 to 10 mHz. We also discuss the implications of the obtained results for LISA.Comment: To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravity, special issue on Amaldi5 2003 conference proceedings (10 pages, 6 figures

    Possibilities for Measurement and Compensation of Stray DC Electric Fields Acting on Drag-Free Test Masses

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    DC electric fields can combine with test mass charging and thermal dielectric voltage noise to create significant force noise acting on the drag-free test masses in the LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) gravitational wave mission. This paper proposes a simple technique to measure and compensate average stray DC potentials at the mV level, yielding substantial reduction in this source of force noise. We discuss the attainable resolution for both flight and ground based experiments.Comment: To be published in Advances in Space Research, COSPAR 2002 conference proceedings (6 pages, 3 figures

    The LISA pathfinder mission

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    ISA Pathfinder (LPF), the second of the European Space Agency's Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology (SMART), is a dedicated technology validation mission for future spaceborne gravitational wave detectors, such as the proposed eLISA mission. LISA Pathfinder, and its scientific payload - the LISA Technology Package - will test, in flight, the critical technologies required for low frequency gravitational wave detection: it will put two test masses in a near-perfect gravitational free-fall and control and measure their motion with unprecedented accuracy. This is achieved through technology comprising inertial sensors, high precision laser metrology, drag-free control and an ultra-precise micro-Newton propulsion system. LISA Pathfinder is due to be launched in mid-2015, with first results on the performance of the system being available 6 months thereafter. The paper introduces the LISA Pathfinder mission, followed by an explanation of the physical principles of measurement concept and associated hardware. We then provide a detailed discussion of the LISA Technology Package, including both the inertial sensor and interferometric readout. As we approach the launch of the LISA Pathfinder, the focus of the development is shifting towards the science operations and data analysis - this is described in the final section of the paper

    A torsion balance as a weak-force testbed for novel optical inertial sensors

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    Torsion balances (TBs) are versatile instruments known for their ability to measure tiny forces and accelerations with high precision. We are currently commissioning a new TB facility to support the development and testing of novel optical inertial sensor units for future gravity-related space missions. Here, we report on the status of our apparatus and present first sensitivity curves that demonstrate acceleration and torque sensitivities of 5 ⋅ 10 − 11 m s − 2 and 1 ⋅ 10 − 12 N m H z − 1 at frequencies around 4 m H z , respectively. Capacitive sensors and optical levers measure the dynamics of the system with a displacement sensitivity of down to 9 ⋅ 10 − 10 m H z − 1 for the former and 2 ⋅ 10 − 11 m H z − 1 for the latter. Combining the readout of the suspended inertial member (IM) with environmental sensor signals, the system is characterized, and limiting noise sources are identified. We find that, in particular, the coupling of ambient seismic motion is limiting over a broad frequency range and show that due to its high susceptibility to ground motion, our TB is also a promising platform for exploring ground motion sensing in multiple degrees of freedom. Future upgrades will focus on mitigating seismic noise by controlling the torsion fiber suspension point using piezoelectric actuators and the integration of precision interferometric readout of the IM. These improvements will further increase the sensitivity towards the thermal noise limit which constrains the performance to 1 ⋅ 10 − 13 m s − 2 H z − 1 at 4 m H z


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    The challenges of designing simple, reliable, and high sensitivity graviinertial sensors are investigated. The sensor comprises a proof mass (PM) and is fixed with the housing by the elastic torsion suspension. PM makes small rotations under the action of gravitational forces or inertial forces.The distinctive features of the sensor are that the differential electrostatic system provides simultaneous reading of the desired signal and a control the torsional rigidity of suspension. In addition, the PM's rotational angular velocity transforms in the alternating current flowing through the capacitors. The presence of аlternating current (AC) voltage sources allows to get the parametric amplification of AC and significantly to improve the sensitivity of the sensor. In the simplest case, the sensor does not contain any feedback circuits.As an example, calculations of the micromechanical linear accelerations confirm that the periodic modulation of the coefficient of elastic stiffness of the suspension can significantly increase the sensitivity in the low frequency range, even in the absence of parametric resonance.Conditions for suppressions of background current participating in the output signal from a parametric pumping due to the asymmetry of the differential circuits are set. The frequency characteristics calculations of the sensor were carried out. It is expected, that the proposed sensor design ensures minimum noise level, which can be achievable in the graviinertial sensors. This design and the constructed theory can serve as a basis for creating a wide range of graviinertial devices operating on a movable base, for example, linear and angular accelerometer, gravity gradiometer, gravimeters, and inclinometers, which can be realized in the hybrid and in the micromechanical versions.Рассматривается задача создания простого, надежного и высокочувствительного маятникового гравиинерционного датчика. Датчик содержит подвижную массу, удерживаемую относительно корпуса с помощью упругого торсионного подвеса. Подвижная масса совершает малые повороты под действием момента силы, обусловленного действием гравитационных сил или силы инерции. Отличительная особенность датчика состоит в том, что дифференциальная электростатическая система обеспечивает одновременное считывание полезного сигнала и уменьшение крутильной жесткости подвеса. Также особенность датчика состоит в том, что его чувствительность определяется угловой скоростью поворота подвижной массы и пропорциональной ей амплитудой переменного тока, протекающего через конденсаторы. Наличие в датчике источников переменного напряжения позволяет осуществлять параметрическое усиление переменного тока и существенно увеличивать его чувствительность. В простейшем варианте в датчике отсутствуют цепи обратных связей.На примере микромеханического линейного акселерометра путем расчетов доказывается, что периодическая модуляция коэффициента жесткости упругого подвеса позволяет существенно увеличить чувствительность прибора в области низких частот, даже в условиях отсутствия параметрического резонанса. Анализируются условия подавления фоновых составляющих тока, проникающих в выходной сигнал от источников переменного напряжения вследствие несимметричности дифференциальной электрической цепи.Подобная конструкция и построенная теория могут служить основой при создании широкого круга различных гравиинерционных приборов, работающих на подвижном основании, таких как линейные и угловые акселерометры, гравитационные градиентометры, гравиметры, наклономеры, виброметры, в том числе в гибридном или микро исполнении

    Thermal gradient-induced forces on geodetic reference masses for LISA

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    The low frequency sensitivity of space-borne gravitational wave observatories will depend critically on the geodetic purity of the trajectories of orbiting test masses. Fluctuations in the temperature difference across the enclosure surrounding the free-falling test mass can produce noisy forces through several processes, including the radiometric effect, radiation pressure, and outgassing. We present here a detailed experimental investigation of thermal gradient-induced forces for the LISA gravitational wave mission and the LISA Pathfinder, employing high resolution torsion pendulum measurements of the torque on a LISA-like test mass suspended inside a prototype of the LISA gravitational reference sensor that will surround the test mass in orbit. The measurement campaign, accompanied by numerical simulations of the radiometric and radiation pressure effects, allows a more accurate and representative characterization of thermal-gradient forces in the specific geometry and environment relevant to LISA free-fall. The pressure dependence of the measured torques allows clear identification of the radiometric effect, in quantitative agreement with the model developed. In the limit of zero gas pressure, the measurements are most likely dominated by outgassing, but at a low level that does not threaten the LISA sensitivity goals.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Mechanical Properties of Low Dimensional Materials

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    Recent advances in low dimensional materials (LDMs) have paved the way for unprecedented technological advancements. The drive to reduce the dimensions of electronics has compelled researchers to devise newer techniques to not only synthesize novel materials, but also tailor their properties. Although micro and nanomaterials have shown phenomenal electronic properties, their mechanical robustness and a thorough understanding of their structure-property relationship are critical for their use in practical applications. However, the challenges in probing these mechanical properties dramatically increase as their dimensions shrink, rendering the commonly used techniques inadequate. This Dissertation focuses on developing techniques for accurate determination of elastic modulus of LDMs and their mechanical responses under tensile and shear stresses. Fibers with micron-sized diameters continuously undergo tensile and shear deformations through many phases of their processing and applications. Significant attention has been given to their tensile response and their structure-tensile properties relations are well understood, but the same cannot be said about their shear responses or the structure-shear properties. This is partly due to the lack of appropriate instruments that are capable of performing direct shear measurements. In an attempt to fill this void, this Dissertation describes the design of an inexpensive tabletop instrument, referred to as the twister, which can measure the shear modulus (G) and other longitudinal shear properties of micron-sized individual fibers. An automated system applies a pre-determined twist to the fiber sample and measures the resulting torque using a sensitive optical detector. The accuracy of the instrument was verified by measuring G for high purity copper and tungsten fibers. Two industrially important fibers, IM7 carbon fiber and Kevlar® 119, were found to have G = 17 and 2.4 GPa, respectively. In addition to measuring the shear properties directly on a single strand of fiber, the technique was automated to allow hysteresis, creep and fatigue studies. Zinc oxide (ZnO) semiconducting nanostructures are well known for their piezoelectric properties and are being integrated into several nanoelectro-mechanical (NEMS) devices. In spite of numerous studies on the mechanical response of ZnO nanostructures, there is not a consensus in its measured bending modulus (E). In this Dissertation, by employing an all-electrical Harmonic Detection of Resonance (HDR) technique on ZnO nanowhisker (NW) resonators, the underlying origin for electrically-induced mechanical oscillations in a ZnO NW was elucidated. Based on visual detection and electrical measurement of mechanical resonances under a scanning electron microscope (SEM), it was shown that the use of an electron beam as a resonance detection tool alters the intrinsic electrical character of the ZnO NW, and makes it difficult to identify the source of the charge necessary for the electrostatic actuation. A systematic study of the amplitude of electrically actuated as-grown and gold-coated ZnO NWs in the presence (absence) of an electron beam using an SEM (dark-field optical microscope) suggests that the oscillations seen in our ZnO NWs are due to intrinsic static charges. In experiments involving mechanical resonances of micro and nanostructured resonators, HDR is a tool for detecting transverse resonances and E of the cantilever material. To add to this HDR capability, a novel method of measuring the G using HDR is presented. We used a helically coiled carbon nanowire (HCNW) in singly-clamped cantilever configuration, and analyzed the complex (transverse and longitudinal) resonance behavior of the nonlinear geometry. Accordingly, a synergistic protocol was developed which (i) integrated analytical, numerical (i.e., finite element using COMSOL ®) and experimental (HDR) methods to obtain an empirically validated closed form expression for the G and resonance frequency of a singly-clamped HCNW, and (ii) provided an alternative for solving 12th order differential equations. A visual detection of resonances (using in situ SEM) combined with HDR revealed intriguing non-planar resonance modes at much lower driving forces relative to those needed for linear carbon nanotube cantilevers. Interestingly, despite the presence of mechanical and geometrical nonlinearities in the HCNW resonance behavior, the ratio of the first two transverse modes f2/f1 was found to be similar to the ratio predicted by the Euler-Bernoulli theorem for linear cantilevers