2,845 research outputs found

    Combining Optimization and Machine Learning for the Formation of Collectives

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    This thesis considers the problem of forming collectives of agents for real-world applications aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (e.g., shared mobility and cooperative learning). Such problems require fast approaches that can produce solutions of high quality for hundreds of agents. With this goal in mind, existing solutions for the formation of collectives focus on enhancing the optimization approach by exploiting the characteristics of a domain. However, the resulting approaches rely on specific domain knowledge and are not transferable to other collective formation problems. Therefore, approaches that can be applied to various problems need to be studied in order to obtain general approaches that do not require prior knowledge of the domain. Along these lines, this thesis proposes a general approach for the formation of collectives based on a novel combination of machine learning and an \emph{Integer Linear Program}. More precisely, a machine learning component is trained to generate a set of promising collectives that are likely to be part of a solution. Then, such collectives and their corresponding utility values are introduced into an \emph{Integer Linear Program} which finds a solution to the collective formation problem. In that way, the machine learning component learns the structure shared by ``good'' collectives in a particular domain, making the whole approach valid for various applications. In addition, the empirical analysis conducted on two real-world domains (i.e., ridesharing and team formation) shows that the proposed approach provides solutions of comparable quality to state-of-the-art approaches specific to each domain. Finally, this thesis also shows that the proposed approach can be extended to problems that combine the formation of collectives with other optimization objectives. Thus, this thesis proposes an extension of the collective formation approach for assigning pickup and delivery locations to robots in a warehouse environment. The experimental evaluation shows that, although it is possible to use the collective formation approach for that purpose, several improvements are required to compete with state-of-the-art approaches. Overall, this thesis aims to demonstrate that machine learning can be successfully intertwined with classical optimization approaches for the formation of collectives by learning the structure of a domain, reducing the need for ad-hoc algorithms devised for a specific application

    Team Formation for Scheduling Educational Material in Massive Online Classes

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    Whether teaching in a classroom or a Massive Online Open Course it is crucial to present the material in a way that benefits the audience as a whole. We identify two important tasks to solve towards this objective, 1 group students so that they can maximally benefit from peer interaction and 2 find an optimal schedule of the educational material for each group. Thus, in this paper, we solve the problem of team formation and content scheduling for education. Given a time frame d, a set of students S with their required need to learn different activities T and given k as the number of desired groups, we study the problem of finding k group of students. The goal is to teach students within time frame d such that their potential for learning is maximized and find the best schedule for each group. We show this problem to be NP-hard and develop a polynomial algorithm for it. We show our algorithm to be effective both on synthetic as well as a real data set. For our experiments, we use real data on students' grades in a Computer Science department. As part of our contribution, we release a semi-synthetic dataset that mimics the properties of the real data

    Best matching processes in distributed systems

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    The growing complexity and dynamic behavior of modern manufacturing and service industries along with competitive and globalized markets have gradually transformed traditional centralized systems into distributed networks of e- (electronic) Systems. Emerging examples include e-Factories, virtual enterprises, smart farms, automated warehouses, and intelligent transportation systems. These (and similar) distributed systems, regardless of context and application, have a property in common: They all involve certain types of interactions (collaborative, competitive, or both) among their distributed individuals—from clusters of passive sensors and machines to complex networks of computers, intelligent robots, humans, and enterprises. Having this common property, such systems may encounter common challenges in terms of suboptimal interactions and thus poor performance, caused by potential mismatch between individuals. For example, mismatched subassembly parts, vehicles—routes, suppliers—retailers, employees—departments, and products—automated guided vehicles—storage locations may lead to low-quality products, congested roads, unstable supply networks, conflicts, and low service level, respectively. This research refers to this problem as best matching, and investigates it as a major design principle of CCT, the Collaborative Control Theory. The original contribution of this research is to elaborate on the fundamentals of best matching in distributed and collaborative systems, by providing general frameworks for (1) Systematic analysis, inclusive taxonomy, analogical and structural comparison between different matching processes; (2) Specification and formulation of problems, and development of algorithms and protocols for best matching; (3) Validation of the models, algorithms, and protocols through extensive numerical experiments and case studies. The first goal is addressed by investigating matching problems in distributed production, manufacturing, supply, and service systems based on a recently developed reference model, the PRISM Taxonomy of Best Matching. Following the second goal, the identified problems are then formulated as mixed-integer programs. Due to the computational complexity of matching problems, various optimization algorithms are developed for solving different problem instances, including modified genetic algorithms, tabu search, and neighbourhood search heuristics. The dynamic and collaborative/competitive behaviors of matching processes in distributed settings are also formulated and examined through various collaboration, best matching, and task administration protocols. In line with the third goal, four case studies are conducted on various manufacturing, supply, and service systems to highlight the impact of best matching on their operational performance, including service level, utilization, stability, and cost-effectiveness, and validate the computational merits of the developed solution methodologies

    A Reinforcement Learning-assisted Genetic Programming Algorithm for Team Formation Problem Considering Person-Job Matching

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    An efficient team is essential for the company to successfully complete new projects. To solve the team formation problem considering person-job matching (TFP-PJM), a 0-1 integer programming model is constructed, which considers both person-job matching and team members' willingness to communicate on team efficiency, with the person-job matching score calculated using intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Then, a reinforcement learning-assisted genetic programming algorithm (RL-GP) is proposed to enhance the quality of solutions. The RL-GP adopts the ensemble population strategies. Before the population evolution at each generation, the agent selects one from four population search modes according to the information obtained, thus realizing a sound balance of exploration and exploitation. In addition, surrogate models are used in the algorithm to evaluate the formation plans generated by individuals, which speeds up the algorithm learning process. Afterward, a series of comparison experiments are conducted to verify the overall performance of RL-GP and the effectiveness of the improved strategies within the algorithm. The hyper-heuristic rules obtained through efficient learning can be utilized as decision-making aids when forming project teams. This study reveals the advantages of reinforcement learning methods, ensemble strategies, and the surrogate model applied to the GP framework. The diversity and intelligent selection of search patterns along with fast adaptation evaluation, are distinct features that enable RL-GP to be deployed in real-world enterprise environments.Comment: 16 page

    Risk-Averse Matchings over Uncertain Graph Databases

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    A large number of applications such as querying sensor networks, and analyzing protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, rely on mining uncertain graph and hypergraph databases. In this work we study the following problem: given an uncertain, weighted (hyper)graph, how can we efficiently find a (hyper)matching with high expected reward, and low risk? This problem naturally arises in the context of several important applications, such as online dating, kidney exchanges, and team formation. We introduce a novel formulation for finding matchings with maximum expected reward and bounded risk under a general model of uncertain weighted (hyper)graphs that we introduce in this work. Our model generalizes probabilistic models used in prior work, and captures both continuous and discrete probability distributions, thus allowing to handle privacy related applications that inject appropriately distributed noise to (hyper)edge weights. Given that our optimization problem is NP-hard, we turn our attention to designing efficient approximation algorithms. For the case of uncertain weighted graphs, we provide a 13\frac{1}{3}-approximation algorithm, and a 15\frac{1}{5}-approximation algorithm with near optimal run time. For the case of uncertain weighted hypergraphs, we provide a Ω(1k)\Omega(\frac{1}{k})-approximation algorithm, where kk is the rank of the hypergraph (i.e., any hyperedge includes at most kk nodes), that runs in almost (modulo log factors) linear time. We complement our theoretical results by testing our approximation algorithms on a wide variety of synthetic experiments, where we observe in a controlled setting interesting findings on the trade-off between reward, and risk. We also provide an application of our formulation for providing recommendations of teams that are likely to collaborate, and have high impact.Comment: 25 page
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