7 research outputs found

    Transformation Towards Self-Built Architecture

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    أُسْتُثِمَر مفهوم التحول في العمارة باستخدام المحاكاة الحيوية وسيلة لإنتاج عمارة تستجيب للمؤثرات المختلفة. هذه القدرة تعود على العمارة بفوائد وظيفية مع استجابة ذكية للبيئة المبنية, فالتشابه بين البيئة الطبيعية والبيئة المبنية ظهر بوضوح في محاولات المعماريين لإدخال هوية جديدة للعمارة , بإظهار مقومات الحياة في العمارة المعاصرة, يتحول المبنى بطريقة مشابهة الى سلوك الكائنات الحية  في تكيفها مع المؤثرات البيئية خلال أنشاء بنيتها, فظهرت أعمال أبداعية تحمل صفات لكيانات ذاتية البناء, ولغياب الأطار المعرفي الذي يوضح مفهوم عمارة ذاتية البناء بالرغم من وجود مشاريع ضمن النتاج المعماري المعاصر تحمل طابع البناء الذاتي إلا أنه لم يظهر هذا المفهوم بشكل واضح , مما يؤكد وجود نقص معرفي والحاجة الى توضيح مفهوم ومنهج التحول نحو عمارة ذاتية البناء والذي يٌعبر عن هدف البحث في بناء إطار نظري لدراسة المشكلة البحثية واستخلاصه من طرق التصميم والتنفيذ المختلفة في المشاريع المعمارية والتوصل الى عدد من المفردات الرئيسية والثانوية وتطبيقها على مشاريع منتخبة  وإجراء القياس وكانت نتائج البحث التركيز على استخدام آليات النمو والتصنيع الرقمي بإستخدام مواد متطورة  وهو التوجه المستقبلي للعمارة لتكون ذاتية البناء.The concept of transformation has been invested in architecture using bio-simulation as a means to produce architecture that responds to different influences. In a similar way, the building transforms the behavior of living organisms in its adaptation to environmental influences during the construction of its structure. The need to clarify the concept and approach to the transition towards self-construction architecture, which expresses the goal of research in building a theoretical framework to study the research problem and extracted from the various design and implementation methods in architectural projects and to reach a number of key and secondary vocabulary and applied to selected projects and conduct measurement. Using mechanics of growth and manufacturing using advanced digital materials is the future orientation ofarchitecture to be self-construct

    Impresión 3D para la construcción: un enfoque basado en el procedimiento y los materiales

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    3D printing for construction is stagnated at an early stage of development, especially regarding material optimization and procedural issues. These limitations are due to the specific knowledge that these technologies imply, the total cost of the machinery involved, and the lack of clear procedural guidelines. This paper presents a methodology that aims at overcoming these limitations through a workflow that allows for the ease of use of 6-axis robotic arms. A technique for the optimization of material usage is presented. A test case that shows the integration the design-to-fabrication process combining Integrated Robotic Systems (IRS) and Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM) techniques is discussed. A structure-based approach to material optimization and smart infill patterning is introduced. A 0.4 x 0.4 x 1.5 m test part is shown as technological demonstrator.Las aplicaciones de impresión 3D para construcción se encuentran en una fase inicial de desarrollo, tanto en lo referente a materiales y piezas como a procedimientos. Dichas limitaciones se deben a la especificidad del sector, el coste de la maquinaria necesaria y una ausencia de un patrón procedimental característico. El artículo presenta una metodología innovadora para superar estas limitaciones mediante un flujo de trabajo sencillo que permita el uso generalista de brazos robóticos mediante software integrativo y un uso de materiales optimizado. Asimismo se expone la integración de diseño y fabricación combinando Sistemas de Integración Robótica y técnicas de Fabricación por Deposición. Finalmente se muestra un modelo de optimización de material y patrones de relleno inteligentes. Se expone una pieza real de 0,4 x 0,4 x 1,5 metros como demostrador tecnológico de gran escala

    The Art of Imitating Life: The Potential Contribution of Biomimicry in Shaping the Future of Our Cities

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    This paper discusses the significance of biomimicry as a design methodology within the context of urban infrastructure planning and design. The application of biomimicry principles to urban infrastructure problems is examined by analysing case studies that used biomimicry inspired designs rather than ‘mainstream’ infrastructure approaches. Biomimicry is presented as an ontology of the city that fosters innovative and collaborative urban infrastructure design and management, supplements dominant future city paradigms like the ‘smart’ city, and is worthy of further, detailed study. Keywords: Biomimicry; Sustainable urban infrastructure; Transdisciplinarity; Design methodology; Ontology; Innovation; Integrated Infrastructur

    BIM e DFMA visando a redução da quantidade de partes da construção

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Sergio ScheerAcompanha CD-ROMDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Construção Civil. Defesa: Curitiba, 2016Inclui referências : f. 104-108Area de concentração : Ambiente construído e gestãoResumo: A construção civil tem apresentado produtividade baixa nos últimos anos e que não melhorou na mesma proporção que outros setores da economia, como o automobilístico ou de manufatura. Algumas alternativas vêm sendo pensadas e implantadas para melhorar esse quadro enfrentado pela indústria da construção civil (ICC). Dentre elas, a Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM). Entretanto, salienta-se que o que chama a atenção nos setores cuja produtividade é crescente, refere-se à alta industrialização e automatização da fabricação de produtos. Sabe-se que um dos processos responsáveis por esse aumento de produtividade é a possibilidade de reduzir o número de partes de um projeto por intermédio do projeto para fabricação e montagem (DFMA), atualmente adotado pelo setor aeroespacial, automobilístico e de manufatura. A hipótese levantada foi a de que a aplicação de BIM e DFMA em conjunto no processo de projeto pode diminuir a quantidade de "partes da construção" e, consequentemente, trazer diversos benefícios para os projetos. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação teve como objetivo utilizar o processo BIM aliado com DFMA para o desenvolvimento de um projeto visando a redução do número de "partes da construção". O método utilizado foi o Design Science Research e contemplou uma revisão bibliográfica de fontes primárias e de artigos publicados em periódicos de alto impacto e a elaboração de um artefato utilizando BIM e DFMA em conjunto. Foi desenvolvida uma modelagem de um projeto residencial, a partir de projetos convencionais. Esse modelo foi desenvolvido posteriormente através da metodologia DFMA com o objetivo de reduzir a quantidade de partes da construção utilizando outras soluções alternativas pré-fabricadas ou industrializadas. Após análise do artefato entende-se que foi possível reduzir a quantidade de partes do projeto e que nesse caso específico houve expressiva redução da quantidade de partes (98,35%). A partir da revisão bibliográfica, pode-se afirmar que a diminuição da quantidade de partes de um produto gera uma melhora na análise do projeto. Pode-se afirmar também que a redução da quantidade de partes pode gerar muitos benefícios ao projeto, como maior controle do projeto, maior velocidade de execução e montagem, possuir menos informação a ser trocada durante a montagem e execução do produto, gerar redução de custos, dentre outros benefícios possíveis. Também, constatou-se que se o projeto utiliza soluções prémoldadas e modulares, BIM se torna uma ferramenta poderosa para o levantamento da quantidade de partes da construção. Palavras chave: BIM, DFMA, ICC, partes da construção.Abstract: The productivity of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry in recent years has not grown in the same proportion as it has in other sectors, such as automotive or manufacturing. Some alternatives are emerging to improve this situation faced by the AEC industry, among them, the Building Information Modeling (BIM). However, one important aspect observed in those sectors whose productivity is growing, refers to the high industrialization and automation of the manufacturing products. It is known that one of the processes responsible for this increased productivity is the possibility of reducing the number of parts of a building design through the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA), currently adopted by the aerospace, manufacturing and automotive areas. The hypothesis was that the application of BIM and DFMA together in the design process may decrease the amount of "construction parts" and therefore have various benefits for the projects. In this sense, this work aimed to use the BIM process combined with DFMA to develop a project aimed at reducing the number of "construction parts." The method used was the Design Science Research and included a literature review of primary sources and articles published in high impact journals on the subject and the development of an artifact using BIM and DFMA together. A residential project model was developed from conventional designs. This model was developed by DFMA method to reduce the number of construction parts using prefabricated or industrialized solutions. After artifact analysis was possible to reduce the number of parts and in this particular case there was a significant reduction in the construction parts (98,35%). From the literature review, it can be said that the decrease in number of parts generates an improvement in project analysis. One can also say that reducing the number of parts can generate many benefits to the project as greater control of the project, greater speed of execution and assembly, less information to be exchanged during assembly, cost reduction, among other possible benefits. Also, it was found that if the design utilizes modular or industrialized solutions, BIM becomes a powerful tool for quantify construction parts. Keywords: BIM, DFMA, AEC, construction parts

    Beyond Rapid Prototyping: automation of robotic 3D printing for construction

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, leída el 18-04-2017La fabricación aditiva se desarrolló por vez primera hace más de 20 años. A pesar de este hecho,se ha mantenido encapsulada y aislada como una técnica de prototipado rápido hasta su eclosión y su crecimiento exponencial subsiguiente, experimentado en los últimos 10 años. Como consecuencia, la fabricación aditiva se considera una de las tecnologías más disruptivas del siglo, capaz de dar forma al futuro de la fabricación.Las técnicas de prototipado rápido ya han llegado al público en general, permitiendo la emergencia de nuevos modelos de fabricación y distribución a muchos niveles. No obstante, muchas aplicaciones profesionales de la impresión en 3D están aún por explorar. La tesis se centra en la impresión 3D para la construcción, que se encuentra estancada en una etapa temprana de desarrollo, especialmente en lo relativo a materiales y productos finales de gran tamaño. Algunos esfuerzos se han llevado a cabo en esta dirección,con vistas a aumentar la capacidad de la tecnología en cuestiones de tamaño, velocidad, o variedad demateriales. En la presente investigación se analizan los tres ámbitos, dentro de un marco sistémico y que sirve como base para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de fabricación aditiva con fines industriales, basados en el empleo de robots de seis ejes. Por lo tanto, es posible superar las limitaciones actuales de la tecnología de impresión 3D en términos de sus aplicaciones en la industria de la arquitectura, ingeniería y la construcción (AEC), lo que representa la versatilidad de la herramienta, materiales, calidad de acabado, y las cuestiones ambientales que dicha tecnología implica...Additive Manufacturing was first developed more than 20 years ago. Despite this fact, it hasremained encapsulated as a Rapid Prototyping technique until its eruption and subsequent exponentialgrowth, which it has experienced in the last 10 years, being considered, as a consequence, one of the mostdisruptive technologies to shape the future of fabrication.Rapid prototyping techniques have already reached the general public, causing new fabricationand distribution models to arise at many levels. Nonetheless, many professional applications of 3D printingstay unexplored. The thesis focuses on 3D printing for construction, which is stagnated at an early stage ofdevelopment, especially regarding materials and oversized final products. Some efforts have been carriedout in this direction, aiming at increasing size, speed, or materials. The current research discusses all three,within a globally interrelated systemic framework that serves as basis for the development of industrial,robot-based Additive Manufacturing applications. Thus, it is possible to overcome the current limitationsof 3D printing technology in terms of its applications in the AEC industries, accounting for tool versatility,materials, finish quality, and environmental issues...Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu