3 research outputs found

    Dynamic Restaurants Quality Mapping Using Online User Reviews

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    Millions of users post comments to TripAdvisor daily, together with a numeric evaluation of their experience using a rating scale of between 1 and 5 stars. At the same time, inspectors dispatched by national and local authorities visit restaurant premises regularly to audit hygiene standards, safe food practices, and overall cleanliness. The purpose of our study is to analyze the use of online-generated reviews (OGRs) as a tool to complement official restaurant inspection procedures. Our case study-based approach, with the help of a Python-based scraping library, consists of collecting OGR data from TripAdvisor and comparing them to extant restaurants’ health inspection reports. Our findings reveal that a correlation does exist between OGRs and national health system scorings. In other words, OGRs were found to provide valid indicators of restaurant quality based on inspection ratings and can thus contribute to the prevention of foodborne illness among citizens in real time. The originality of the paper resides in the use of big data and social network data as a an easily accessible, zero-cost, and complementary tool in disease prevention systems. Incorporated in restaurant management dashboards, it will aid in determining what action plans are necessary to improve quality and customer experience on the premises

    Syrian Economic Crisis in Arabic News: A Critical Discourse Analysis

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    This research utilizes the discourse analysis methodology developed by Fairclough and Leeuwen to scrutinize the portrayal of the Syrian economic crisis in Arabic news outlets such as Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and Al-Ikhbariyah, Syria. The study seeks to understand the methods of excluding and incorporating the discourse about Syria's economic crisis in Arabic news and elucidate the various factors and their implications on Syria's economy and societal progress. The analysis is based on data collected from the aforementioned Arabic news outlets between 2021 and 2022. The research findings include instances of exclusionary discourse in reporting Syria's economic crisis, manifested through one instance of Passivation, one of Nominalization, and three cases of Subject Substitution. The study also identified the active discourse, evidenced by one instance of abstraction, one of identification, two of Association, and one of Individualization. The research demonstrated that various Arabic news outlets accurately depicted the discourse surrounding Syria's economic crisis and offered mutual clarification. Nevertheless, the employed discourse strategies varied, resulting in differing viewpoints on the issue. A primary exacerbating factor identified was the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which transformed Syrian territory into a conduit for weaponry and food, thereby escalating the economic crisis in Syria. The fallout from this economic turmoil is expected to reverberate into neighboring nations such as Lebanon and Iran

    The construction of the linguistic identity of Santiago Abascal on Twitter

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    Los discursos de campañas políticas que tradicionalmente han sido analizados se centraban en mítines o programas. No obstante, ya entrado el siglo XXI las redes sociales han comenzado a formar parte de ese discurso político. En este caso se analiza la cuenta de Twitter de Santiago Abascal, líder del partido político español de extrema derecha VOX, con el fin de describir la utilización que hace de las lenguas cooficiales. Nuestra hipótesis es que existe una evitación de su uso para alinearse en posturas nacionalistas españolas que promueven el monolingüismo como parte de su concepto de españolidad. Para ello se ha elaborado un corpus ad hoc de todas sus publicaciones durante 2019. La recogida de datos fue automática y manual. La conclusión es que evita el uso de las lenguas cooficiales y que en particular españoliza términos como Generalidad para destacar y diferenciarse como más español que los demás partidos y candidatos.Political campaign speeches that have traditionally been analyzed were focused on rallies or programs. However, in the 21st century, social networks have begun to be an essential part of that political discourse. In this paper, the Twitter account of Santiago Abascal, leader of the far-right Spanish political party VOX, is analyzed in order to describe his use of co-official languages. Our hypothesis is that there is an avoidance of its use to align itself with Spanish nationalist positions that promotes monolingualism as part of its concept of Spanishness. For this, an ad hoc corpus of all his publications in 2019 has been prepared. Data collection was automatic and manual. The conclusion is that Santiago Abascal avoids the use of co-official languages and that even he Spanishizes terms such as Generalidad to stand out and differentiate itself as more Spanish than the other parties and candidates