136 research outputs found

    Assessing Structural Complexity of Individual Scots Pine Trees by Comparing Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Point Clouds

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    Structural complexity of trees is related to various ecological processes and ecosystem services. To support management for complexity, there is a need to assess the level of structural complexity objectively. The fractal-based box dimension (Db) provides a holistic measure of the structural complexity of individual trees. This study aimed to compare the structural complexity of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees assessed with Db that was generated with point cloud data from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and aerial imagery acquired with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). UAV imagery was converted into point clouds with structure from motion (SfM) and dense matching techniques. TLS and UAV measured Db-values were found to differ from each other significantly (TLS: 1.51 ± 0.11, UAV: 1.59 ± 0.15). UAV measured Db-values were 5% higher, and the range was wider (TLS: 0.81–1.81, UAV: 0.23–1.88). The divergence between TLS and UAV measurements was found to be explained by the differences in the number and distribution of the points and the differences in the estimated tree heights and number of boxes in the Db-method. The average point density was 15 times higher with TLS than with UAV (TLS: 494,000, UAV 32,000 points/tree), and TLS received more points below the midpoint of tree heights (65% below, 35% above), while UAV did the opposite (22% below, 78% above). Compared to the field measurements, UAV underestimated tree heights more than TLS (TLS: 34 cm, UAV: 54 cm), resulting in more boxes of Db-method being needed (4–64%, depending on the box size). Forest structure (two thinning intensities, three thinning types, and a control group) significantly affected the variation of both TLS and UAV measured Db-values. Still, the divergence between the two approaches remained in all treatments. However, TLS and UAV measured Db-values were consistent, and the correlation between them was 75%

    Detection of Exhaust Particulate Induced Blood Clotting Anomalies using Rheometric Techniques

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    Characterisation of viscoelastic materials through exploitation of the frequency independent gel point (GP) can be used to study blood clotting anomalies. Information regarding the sol-gel transition can be obtained for gelling systems by employing small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) measurements over a range of oscillatory shear frequencies. Analysis of the fractal dimension, , at the GP has previously been used as a biomarker for pathologies related to thromboembolic disease. This thesis investigates the potential adverse clotting characteristics induced by the presence of exhaust particulates using rheometric techniques. SAOS experiments conducted using a combined motor transducer (CMT) rheometer are susceptible to inertial artefacts at high frequencies, leading to potentially significant error in the reported GP. Herein, the development and evaluation of an enhanced rheometer inertia correction procedure (ERIC) is shown to allow valid GP data to be obtained post-acquisition at previously inaccessible frequencies. The potential impact of soot particulates on coagulation is likely to be small due to the weakly elastic gelling systems being studied, thus necessitating the use of the ERIC procedure to remove the presence of any inertial artefacts causing miscalculation of the GP. Fibrin gels were studied as model blood clots to assess the effects of the inclusion of soot particulates on the GP. The impact of the inclusion of increasing concentrations of soot solution on the GP proved inconclusive after the application of ERIC. However, in whole blood clots, the post-ERIC GP data indicated an increase in the density of the clot formed with increasing soot concentration, suggesting an elevated health risk as a possible result of interruption of the clotting cascade due to soot particulates

    Interaction of reactive gases with platinum aerosol particles at room temperature: effects on morphology and surface properties

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    Nanoparticles produced in technical aerosol processes exhibit often dendritic structures, composed of primary particles. Surprisingly, a small but consistent discrepancy was observed between the results of common aggregation models and in situ measurements of structural parameters, such as fractal dimension or mass-mobility exponent. A phenomenon which has received little attention so far is the interaction of agglomerates with admixed gases, which might be responsible for this discrepancy. In this work, we present an analytical series, which underlines the agglomerate morphology depending on the reducing or oxidizing nature of a carrier gas for platinum particles. When hydrogen is added to openly structured particles, as investigated by tandem differential mobility analysis (DMA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis, Pt particles compact already at room temperature, resulting in an increased fractal dimension. Aerosol Photoemission Spectroscopy (APES) was also able to demonstrate the interaction of a gas with a nanoscaled platinum surface, resulting in a changed sintering behavior for reducing and oxidizing atmospheres in comparison to nitrogen. The main message of this work is about the structural change of particles exposed to a new environment after complete particle formation. We suspect significant implications for the interpretation of agglomerate formation, as many aerosol processes involve reactive gases or slightly contaminated gases in terms of trace amounts of unintended species

    On the spatial distributions of stars and gas in numerical simulations of molecular clouds

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.We compare the spatial distribution of stars which form in hydrodynamical simulations to the spatial distribution of the gas, using the Q -parameter. The Q-parameter enables a self-consistent comparison between the stars and gas because it uses a pixelated image of the gas as a distribution of points, in the same way that the stars (sink particles in the simulations) are a distribution of points. We find that, whereas the stars have a substructured, or hierarchical spatial distribution (Q∌0.4−0.7), the gas is dominated by a smooth, concentrated component and typically has Q∌0.9. We also find no statistical difference between the structure of the gas in simulations that form with feedback, and those that form without, despite these two processes producing visually different distributions. These results suggest that the link between the spatial distributions of gas, and the stars which form from them, is non-trivial.Peer reviewe

    Electric field-induced interfacial instability in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal

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    Studies of sessile droplets and fluid bridges of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal in externally applied electric fields are presented. It is found that above a threshold a fingering instability occurs, resembling to Rayleigh-type instability observed in charged droplets in electric fields or circular drop-type instabilities observed in ferromagnetic liquids in magnetic field. The frequency dependence of the threshold voltage was determined in various geometries. The nematic director and ferroelectric polarization direction was found to point along the tip of the fingers that appear to repel each other, indicating that the ferroelectric polarization is essentially parallel to the director. The results are interpreted in analogy to the Rayleigh and circular drop-type instabilities

    Dark Matter Nature

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    The cosmological constant problem arises because the magnitude of vacuum energy density predicted by quantum eld theory is about 120 orders of magnitude larger than the value implied by cosmological observations of accelerating cosmic expansion. We pointed out that the fractal nature of the quantum space-time with negative Hausdor- Colombeau dimensions can resolve this tension. The canonical Quantum Field Theory is widely believed to break down at some fundamental high-energy cuto and therefore the quantum uctuations in the vacuum can be treated classically seriously only up to this high-energy cuto. In this paper we argue that Quantum Field Theory in fractal space-time with negative Hausdor-Colombeau dimensions gives high-energy cuto on natural way. We argue that there exists hidden physical mechanism which cancel divergences in canonical QED4;QCD4; Higher-Derivative - Quantum-Gravity, etc. In fact we argue that corresponding supermassive Pauli-Villars ghost elds really exists. It means that there exists the ghost-driven acceleration of the univers hidden in cosmological constant. In order to obtain desired physical result we apply the canonical Pauli-Villars regularization up to : This would t in the observed value of the dark energy needed to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe if we choose highly symmetric masses distribution between standard matter and ghost matter below that scale ;i.e., fs:m (

    Carbon nanotubes affect the toxicity of CuO nanoparticles to denitrification in marine sediments by altering cellular internalization of nanoparticle

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    Denitrification is an important pathway for nitrate transformation in marine sediments, and this process has been observed to be negatively affected by engineered nanomaterials. However, previous studies only focused on the potential effect of a certain type of nanomaterial on microbial denitrification. Here we show that the toxicity of CuO nanoparticles (NPs) to denitrification in marine sediments is highly affected by the presence of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). It was found that the removal efficiency of total NOX−-N (NO3−-N and NO2−-N) in the presence of CuO NPs was only 62.3%, but it increased to 81.1% when CNTs appeared in this circumstance. Our data revealed that CuO NPs were more easily attached to CNTs rather than cell surface because of the lower energy barrier (3.5 versus 36.2 kT). Further studies confirmed that the presence of CNTs caused the formation of large, incompact, non-uniform dispersed, and more negatively charged CuO-CNTs heteroaggregates, and thus reduced the nanoparticle internalization by cells, leading to less toxicity to metabolism of carbon source, generation of reduction equivalent, and activities of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase. These results indicate that assessing nanomaterial-induced risks in real circumstances needs to consider the “mixed” effects of nanomaterials
