5,677 research outputs found

    Can the Adjustment of Consumer Finance Credit Line Cause Impulse Purchase?----An Analysis from the Perspective of E-commerce Promotion

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    Consumer finance has penetrated into people’s daily life, especially in the field of e-commerce online shopping. In order to stimulate consumers’ desire to buy, adjusting credit line has become the marketing strategy of many merchants. However, little research has been done on whether this method can really cause consumers to buy impulsively. This paper discusses the relationship between the credit line adjustment of e-commerce consumer finance and the impulse purchasing desire of consumers in the context of online sales promotion in the “double eleven shopping festival”. In this research, data is collected by adopting simulated methods, and the data is analyzed through the SPSS. The research result shows that the increase of the consumption finance credit line positively affects the consumer impulse purchasing desire, and positive emotion has mediating effect; the results of this research can help e-commerce platforms to manage the credit line reasonably and formulate effective marketing strategies to enhance its competitiveness in the online market

    Malaysian bilateral trade relations and economic growth

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    This paper examines the structure and trends of Malaysian bilateral exports and imports and then investigates whether these bilateral exports and imports have caused Malaysian economic growth. Although the structure of Malaysia’s trade has changed quite significantly over the last three decades, the direction of Malaysia’s trade remains generally the same. Broadly, ASEAN, the EU, East Asia, the US and Japan continue to be the Malaysia’s major trading partners. The Granger causality tests have shown that it is the bilateral imports that have caused economic growth in Malaysia rather than the bilateral exports

    Exchange rate misalignments in ASEAN-5 countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to estimate the exchange rate misalignments for Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand before the currency crisis. By employing the sticky-price monetary exchange rate model in the environment of vector error-correction, the results indicate that the Indonesia rupiah, Malaysian ringgit, Philippines peso and Singapore dollar were overvalued before the currency crisis while Thai baht was undervalued on the eve of the crisis. However, they suffered modest misalignment. Therefore, little evidence of exchange misalignment is found to exist in 1997:2. In particular, Indonesia rupiah, Malaysia ringgit, Philippines peso and Singapore dollar were only overvalued about 1 to 4 percent against US dollar while the Thai baht was only 2 percent undervalued against US dollar

    Contemporary Research on Business and Management

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    This book contains selected papers presented at the 4th International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2020), which was organized by the Alliance of Indonesian Master of Management Program (APMMI) and held in Surubaya, Indonesia, 25-27 November 2020. It was hosted by the Master of Management Program Indonesia University and co-hosts Airlangga University, Sriwijaya University, Trunojoyo University of Madura, and Telkom University, and supported by Telkom Indonesia and Triputra. The seminar aimed to provide a forum for leading scholars, academics, researchers, and practitioners in business and management area to reflect on current issues, challenges and opportunities, and to share the latest innovative research and best practice. This seminar brought together participants to exchange ideas on the future development of management disciplines: human resources, marketing, operations, finance, strategic management and entrepreneurship

    Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, v. 4, no. 2

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    FinTech\u27s Double Edges

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    This symposium essay examines the double-edged nature of financial technologies in financial transactions, especially transactions involving consumers. There are both benefits and risks—often undiscovered or hidden at first—in each new round of financial technologies. A FinTech tool may benefit consumers and then, applied later or in a different context, threaten consumer interests; a tool that harms consumer interests may then lead to development of a tool that favors them. This double-edged nature is an important but unappreciated structural feature of financial technologies. From the perspective of consumer protection, then, FinTech can neither be fully embraced as friend nor restricted as foe. Rather, it must be regulated with sensitivity to various competing goals: fostering innovation, policing abuse, and protecting access to markets, to financial services, and to the legal system. This essay cautiously endorses several strategies: the use of purposive and compliance-driven regulatory frameworks; regulatory “sandboxes” and other experimentalist and stakeholder-participatory approaches to FinTech governance; and the development of consumer-protective and consumer-enabling FinTech. It also calls attention the issues of distributive justice and equity that arise when there are prohibitive financial or cognitive barriers to effective use of FinTech; in other words, it calls attention to the fact that access to fair participation in the markets and access to justice may increasingly rely on access to FinTech

    Impacts of institutional change on industrial economy: a China's automobile industry perspective

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    China' s automobile industry is a perfect example of institutional change it went through a series of development stages including the shaping up of industrial system, rapid expansion, and competitiveness improvement, as the industry’s policy system and the implementation effects improve. Our main studies and conclusions include: (1) Review and analysis of institutional change and the development of China’s automobile industry. The continuous improvement of the policy system of China’s automobile industry, a s re presented by the above mentioned policies, as well as their implementation effects are the main drivers behind China’s ever improving independent R&D capability and global competitiveness. (2) Quantitative analysis of the characteristics of the impacts of institutional change on China’s automobile industry. As the research shows, the growth process of China's automobile industry and its key influencing factors can be described with the Cobb Douglas production function model containing institutional variable s. The intensity of the impact of institutional change variables on the automobile industry changes significantly over time. (3) Case study on the impacts of institutional change on China's automobile industry. As shown in the study, the automobile industry policy plays a significant role in driving the development of Chinese automobile companies who should therefore take such opportunities to enhance technological innovation, resource integration and other abilities.A indústria automobilística da China é um exemplo perfeito de mudança institucional passou por uma série de estágios de desenvolvimento, incluindo a formação do sistema industrial, a expansão rápida e a melhoria da competitividade, à medida que o sistema de políticas industriais e os efeitos da sua implementação melhoraram. Esta tese analisou as mudanças institucionais e o desenvolvimento da indústria automobilística chinesa. Em nossa opinião as mudanças institucionais que se consubstanciaram em políticas industriais para o setor automobilístico contribuíram para a crescente capacidade independente de pesquisa e desenvolvimento da indústria e da sua competitividade global . Procedemos também a uma análise quantitativa sobre as características do impacto das mudanças institucionais na indústria automobilística chinesa. Como mostra a nossa pesquisa, o processo de crescimento da indústria automobilística chinesa e seus principais fatores de influência podem ser descritos com o modelo de função de produção Cobb Douglas, introduzindo variáveis institucionais. A intensidade do impacto das variáveis de mudança institucional na indústria automobilística muda significativamen te a o longo do tempo. Procedemos também a um estudo de caso sobre os impactos das mudanças institucionais na indústria automobilística chinesa. Como mostra o estudo, as políticas industriais referentes à indústria automobilística desempenham um papel importante no desenvolvimento das empresas automobilísticas chinesas. As empresas devem estar atentas a estas políticas e aproveitar as oportunidades para aprimorar a inovação tecnológica, a integração de recursos e outras competências

    Financialisation and the Myth of Poverty Alleviation in Ghana: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Financial Liberalisation on Sustainable Economic Development

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    The key theme of the thesis is that the rise of finance (financialisation) in Ghana has done very little, if any, in the fight against poverty. It has, however, resulted in rising financial profits, financialising poverty and stagnating the real sector of the economy. The thesis analyses financialisation in a low middle-income country. The focus is to investigate the impact of the exponential growth of finance on poverty alleviation in Ghana. It adopts a political economy approach to the changing behaviour/conduct of banks, industrial enterprises and households. Different strands of thoughts are reviewed in their understanding of financialisation. The theoretical framework is set vis-Ă -vis the empirical reality to assess whether the Ghanaian economy is financialised. It has been presented in this thesis that Ghana is indeed a financialised economy. However, it demonstrates several unique characteristics for different sectors because of its subordinate/inferior status shaped by imperial relations between states in the world market. The thesis found rising profit for the banking industry, but limited lending to industrial enterprises for long-term investment. However, what is unique in the context of Ghana is excessive lending to the government. The capital structure of firms in Ghana composed of mainly internal funds, as banks are reluctant to lend to firms due to the lucrative returns on less risky government securities. Banks then demand high collateral from firms together with high interests on capital. These obstructive factors, coupled with other contradictions in the political-economic arrangement, impact high cost on firms and therefore limit their ability to make enough profit. Consequently, firms employ less labour and are unable to pay higher wages, resulting in chronic poverty. This thesis presents that financial inclusion policy as a way of empowering the poor makes poverty a financial problem, which requires new credit relation- the financialisation of poverty. The thesis, therefore, argues that poverty should be viewed as a monetary and non-monetary problem

    Supplement to Lauri Lahti's conference article "Educational exploration along the shortest paths in conceptual networks based on co-occurrence, language ability levels and frequency ranking"

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    A supplement to Lauri Lahti's conference article in 2015 "Educational exploration along the shortest paths in conceptual networks based on co-occurrence, language ability levels and frequency ranking" so that this supplement was referenced to by the original publication.Peer reviewe

    Currency Mismatch, Balance-sheet effect and Monetary Policy

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    This paper analyzes the impact of the currency mismatch between assets and liabilities on monetary policy. The currency mismatch causes macroeconomic instability through balance-sheet effects. To analyze the problem, we apply a small open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with international credit-market imperfections. As a result, despitethe currency mismatch and high trade openness, a targeting rule to address the terms of trade is not efficient. This result depends on the fact that the two balance sheet-based channels, a debt-side channel and an asset-side channel, exist. We indicate that stabilization on the assetside is more important for determining monetary policy than is stabilization on the debt side. Therefore, we suggest that authorities in emerging economies adopt a targeting rule to stabi-lize fluctuations on the asset side
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