5 research outputs found

    Can eye movements be quantitatively applied to image quality studies?

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    The aim of the study is to find out whether subjective image quality evaluations can be quantified by eye movement tracking. We want to map objective or physically measurable image quality to subjective evaluations and eye movement data. Results show that eye movement parameters consistently change according to the instructions given to the user, and according to physical image quality. These results indicate that eye movement tracking could be used to differentiate image quality evaluation strategies that the users have. Results also show that eye movements would help mapping between technological and subjective image quality. We also propose to extend the widely used image quality process model, the Image Quality Circle. We suggest adding the objective measurements of a viewer (e.g. eye tracking) in parallel with customer perceptions as an option to gather information of customer perceptions of image quality

    Understanding the role of visual attention on wines’ purchase intention: an eye-tracking study

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    Purpose: Wine bottles compete for consumers’ attention in the shelf during the decisive moment of choice. This study aims to explore the role that visual attention to wine labels has on the purchase decision and the mediating role of quality perceptions and desire on such purchase behaviours. Wine awards and consumption situation are used as moderators. Design/methodology/approach: The study was conducted in Portugal and 36 individuals participated in a 2 × 2 within subjects design (awarded/not awarded × self-consumption/social-consumption). For each scenario, individuals’ attention, perceptions of quality, desire and purchase intentions were recorded. Findings: Data from eye-tracking shows that, during the purchase process, the amount of attention given to a bottle is determinant of individuals’ purchase intentions, a relationship that increases in significance for bottles with awards and for when consumers are buying wine for a consumption situation involving a social environment. In addition, both quality perceptions and desire are confirmed to positively influence wines’ purchase intentions. Originality/value: By using an eye monitoring method, this paper brings new insights into the wine industry by highlighting the impact that wines’ labels and different consumption situations have on individuals’ attention and purchase intention. Wine producers and retailers may benefit from the insights provided by the current study to refine their communication strategies by either highlighting product characteristics and pictorial elements, as it is the case of the awards, or communicating about their products for different consumption situations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The impact of attention on wines' purchase intention: the moderating role of awards and consumption situations

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    On every supermarket shelf, wines compete for consumers’ attention, which is decisive in consumers’ final choice. This investigation aims at clarifying the impact that wines’ labels have on individuals’ attention and how that can determine purchase intention. Simultaneously, it is evaluated the impact and the role that quality perceptions and desire have on inducting purchase behaviors. Besides, it is investigated the role of wine awards and the consumption situation as moderators of such relationships. Thirty-nine individuals participated in an experiment based on a 2 x 2 design (awarded/not awarded x self-consumption/social-consumption). For each scenario individuals’ attention, perceptions of quality, desire and purchase intentions were recorded. Data from eye-tracking shows that, the amount of attention given to a bottle is determinant of individuals’ purchase intentions, a relationship that increases in significance for bottles with awards and for when consumers are buying wine for a consumption situation involving a social environment. Also, both quality perceptions and desire were confirmed to positively influence wines’ purchase intentions. It was verified that attention moderates the relationship between quality perception and purchase intention in the case of awarded wines. Nevertheless, for self-consumption situations, desire is more determinant for purchase intentions, while for social consumption situations quality perception is more significant, due to the increased weight that individuals give to quality when buying for those situations. By using an eye monitoring method, this thesis brings fresh and new insights to the wine industry by highlighting the impact that wines’ labels and different consumption situations have on individuals’ attention and purchase intention.Em qualquer prateleira de supermercado, diferentes garrafas de vinho competem pela atenção dos consumidores, a qual é decisiva na escolha final dos mesmos. Esta investigação visa esclarecer o impacto que os rótulos dos vinhos têm na atenção dos indivíduos e como esta, a perceção de qualidade e o desejo podem determinar a intenção de compra. Simultaneamente, é avaliado o papel que os prémios e as situações de consumo têm como moderadores de tais relações. Trinta e nove indivíduos participaram numa experiência, baseada num desenho 2 x 2 (premiado/não premiado x consumo-próprio/consumo social). Para cada cenário, a atenção, perceção de qualidade, desejo e intenção de compra foram registados. Os dados recolhidos através de eye-tracking evidenciam que a atenção dada a uma garrafa é determinante na intenção de compra do indivíduo, a qual aumenta no caso de garrafas com prémios e quando os consumidores compram para uma situação de consumo social. Verificou-se ainda que a perceção de qualidade e o desejo influenciam a intenção de compra de vinho e que a relação entre esta e a perceção de qualidade é moderada pela no caso de vinhos premiados. Para situações de consumo próprio, o desejo é mais provável de determinar a intenção de compra, enquanto que para situações de consumo sociais a perceção de qualidade é mais importante. Através do uso de um método de monitoramento ocular, esta dissertação traz novos conhecimentos à indústria do vinho, colocando em evidência o impacto que a presença de prémios e as diferentes situações de consumo têm na atenção e intenção de compra dos indivíduos