7,657 research outputs found

    Can a Robot Hear the Shape and Dimensions of a Room?

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    © 2019 IEEE. Knowing the geometry of a space is desirable for many applications, e.g. sound source localization, sound field reproduction or auralization. In circumstances where only acoustic signals can be obtained, estimating the geometry of a room is a challenging proposition. Existing methods have been proposed to reconstruct a room from the room impulse responses (RIRs). However, the sound source and microphones must be deployed in a feasible region of the room for it to work, which is impractical when the room is unknown. This work propose to employ a robot equipped with a sound source and four acoustic sensors, to follow a proposed path planning strategy to moves around the room to collect first image sources for room geometry estimation. The strategy can effectively drives the robot from a random initial location through the room so that the room geometry is guaranteed to be revealed. Effectiveness of the proposed approach is extensively validated in a synthetic environment, where the results obtained are highly promising

    Omnidirectional Bats, Point-to-Plane Distances, and the Price of Uniqueness

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    We study simultaneous localization and mapping with a device that uses reflections to measure its distance from walls. Such a device can be realized acoustically with a synchronized collocated source and receiver; it behaves like a bat with no capacity for directional hearing or vocalizing. In this paper we generalize our previous work in 2D, and show that the 3D case is not just a simple extension, but rather a fundamentally different inverse problem. While generically the 2D problem has a unique solution, in 3D uniqueness is always absent in rooms with fewer than nine walls. In addition to the complete characterization of ambiguities which arise due to this non-uniqueness, we propose a robust solution for inexact measurements similar to analogous results for Euclidean Distance Matrices. Our theoretical results have important consequences for the design of collocated range-only SLAM systems, and we support them with an array of computer experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, submitted to ICASSP 201

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    Complete Issue 18, 1998

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    Autonomous behaviour in tangible user interfaces as a design factor

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis critically explores the design space of autonomous and actuated artefacts, considering how autonomous behaviours in interactive technologies might shape and influence users’ interactions and behaviours. Since the invention of gearing and clockwork, mechanical devices were built that both fascinate and intrigue people through their mechanical actuation. There seems to be something magical about moving devices, which draws our attention and piques our interest. Progress in the development of computational hardware is allowing increasingly complex commercial products to be available to broad consumer-markets. New technologies emerge very fast, ranging from personal devices with strong computational power to diverse user interfaces, like multi-touch surfaces or gestural input devices. Electronic systems are becoming smaller and smarter, as they comprise sensing, controlling and actuation. From this, new opportunities arise in integrating more sensors and technology in physical objects. These trends raise some specific questions around the impacts smarter systems might have on people and interaction: how do people perceive smart systems that are tangible and what implications does this perception have for user interface design? Which design opportunities are opened up through smart systems? There is a tendency in humans to attribute life-like qualities onto non-animate objects, which evokes social behaviour towards technology. Maybe it would be possible to build user interfaces that utilise such behaviours to motivate people towards frequent use, or even motivate them to build relationships in which the users care for their devices. Their aim is not to increase the efficiency of user interfaces, but to create interfaces that are more engaging to interact with and excite people to bond with these tangible objects. This thesis sets out to explore autonomous behaviours in physical interfaces. More specifically, I am interested in the factors that make a user interpret an interface as autonomous. Through a review of literature concerned with animated objects, autonomous technology and robots, I have mapped out a design space exploring the factors that are important in developing autonomous interfaces. Building on this and utilising workshops conducted with other researchers, I have vi developed a framework that identifies key elements for the design of Tangible Autonomous Interfaces (TAIs). To validate the dimensions of this framework and to further unpack the impacts on users of interacting with autonomous interfaces I have adopted a ‘research through design’ approach. I have iteratively designed and realised a series of autonomous, interactive prototypes, which demonstrate the potential of such interfaces to establish themselves as social entities. Through two deeper case studies, consisting of an actuated helium balloon and desktop lamp, I provide insights into how autonomy could be implemented into Tangible User Interfaces. My studies revealed that through their autonomous behaviour (guided by the framework) these devices established themselves, in interaction, as social entities. They furthermore turned out to be acceptable, especially if people were able to find a purpose for them in their lives. This thesis closes with a discussion of findings and provides specific implications for design of autonomous behaviour in interfaces

    Designing a robot to evaluate group formations

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    Robots are making their way in environments inhabited by people. Whether in domestic or public crowded environments, robots should take into consideration social norms and behaviors in order to become a social robot. This dissertation focuses on the problem of how to develop a robotic platform in order to validate human-robot interaction experiences in realistic environments. More specifically, we are concerned with social interactions in human-robot groups in public scenarios, where a variety of people can converge. Our final goal is the develop of a social robot based on certain theories of group behavior and the use of space, known as spatial relationships. The intermediate goals are related with the design and development of the experiences in the wild: as minor changes as possible in the scenario, definition of social tasks, gradual development of a robotic platform as transparent as possible from the robotic side. Initially, this research introduces several preliminary studies of human-robot interaction (HRI) with the PAL Robotics’ REEM robot at the CosmoCaixa Science Museum in Barcelona. Based on certain theories about the use of space as a form of social communication or interaction, the task under study with the commercial robot is as a museum guide, both when the group was in motion (\ie when it was being guided) as well as a group in a static place. Moreover, a second HRI study with REEM robot accomplishing the task of a teacher's assistant was carried out to analyze the perception of the robot's social presence and identity. Likewise, the development of a robotic platform, known as MASHI, for the study of HRI is presented. Based on the service to be completed by the robot, improvements in the experimental robotic platform (structure, morphology, head, face, arms) were carried out in continuous cycles following the development of HRI experiences. This structure should be hold as simple as possible in order to make it `transparent' in the social HRI study. Next, the field study of human-robot social interaction with the MASHI robot with the role of exhibition guide in a cultural center is presented. Based on direct observation techniques, a study is made of the different spatial relationships that are generated when a robot interacts with a person or groups of people. Finally, a novel approach to represent the spatial relationships of HRI in a qualitative way is introduced for future experiences. In this concluding study, we analyze different spatial arrangements generated in a social scenario with a robot within the guide role. As a main conclusion, it can be stated that people follow social norms, in the form of spatial relationships, when interacting with a robot that provide a social service in a public space. Children, however, recurrently challenge these social norms, probably because they are constantly learning about the norms that regulate our coexistence. Spatial relationships are clearly reinforced when the role assigned to the robot is more explicit and understood by people. Spatial relationships can be affected by the characteristics of the environment, either by the available space or by the elements arranged in it, as well as by the number of people who inhabit it. Overall, this dissertation points out that the provided service, and its understanding from the user’s side, is more important that the robotic skills of the robotic platform in order to improve user experiences in public environments.Los robots se abren paso en entornos habitados por personas. Ya sea en entornos domésticos o públicos, los robots deben tener en cuenta ciertas normas y comportamientos sociales para convertirse en un robot social. Esta disertación se centra en el problema de cómo desarrollar una plataforma robótica para validar experiencias de interacción humano-robot en entornos realistas. Más específicamente, nos preocupamos por las interacciones sociales en grupos humano-robot en escenarios públicos, donde una gran variedad de personas puede converger. Nuestro objetivo final es el desarrollo de un robot social basado en ciertas teorías de comportamiento grupal y el uso del espacio, conocidas como relaciones espaciales. Los objetivos intermedios están relacionados con el diseño y desarrollo de las experiencias `en la naturaleza': cambios mínimos como sea posible en el escenario, definición de tareas sociales, desarrollo gradual de una plataforma robótica lo más transparente posible desde el lado robótico. Inicialmente, esta investigación presenta varios estudios preliminares de interacción humano-robot (HRI) con el robot REEM de PAL Robotics en el Museo de Ciencias CosmoCaixa de Barcelona. Basado en ciertas teorías sobre el uso del espacio como una forma de comunicación o interacción social, la tarea en este estudio con el robot comercial es como guía de museo, tanto cuando el grupo estaba en movimiento (es decir, cuando estaba siendo guiado) como cuando el grupo estaba en un lugar estático. Además, se llevó a cabo un segundo estudio de HRI con un robot REEM que realizaba la tarea de un asistente de profesor para analizar la percepción de la presencia e identidad social del robot. Asimismo, se presenta el desarrollo de una plataforma robótica, conocida como MASHI, para el estudio de la HRI. En función del servicio que debe completar el robot, las mejoras en la plataforma robótica experimental (estructura, morfología, cabeza, cara, brazos) se llevaron a cabo en ciclos continuos siguiendo el desarrollo de las experiencias de HRI. Esta estructura debe mantenerse lo más simple posible para que sea 'transparente' en el estudio de HRI social. A continuación, se presenta el estudio de campo de la interacción social humano-robot con el robot MASHI con el papel de guía de exposición en un centro cultural. Con base en técnicas de observación directa, se realiza un estudio de las diferentes relaciones espaciales que se generan cuando un robot interactúa con una persona o grupos de personas. Finalmente, se introduce un enfoque novedoso para representar las relaciones espaciales de la HRI de forma cualitativa para las experiencias futuras. En este estudio final, analizamos diferentes arreglos espaciales generados en un escenario social con un robot con el rol de guía. Como conclusión principal, se puede afirmar que las personas siguen normas sociales, en forma de relaciones espaciales, cuando interactúan con un robot que brinda un servicio social en un espacio público. Los niños, sin embargo, desafían recurrentemente estas normas sociales, probablemente porque están aprendiendo constantemente sobre las normas que regulan nuestra convivencia. Las relaciones espaciales se refuerzan claramente cuando el rol asignado al robot es más explícito y entendido por las personas. Las relaciones espaciales pueden verse afectadas por las características del entorno, ya sea por el espacio disponible o por los elementos dispuestos en él, así como por el número de personas que lo habitan. En general, esta disertación señala que el servicio prestado, y su comprensión del lado del usuario, es más importante que las habilidades robóticas de la plataforma robótica con el fin de mejorar las experiencias del usuario en entornos público

    The Portal of Orion

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    The Portal of Orionis a science fiction novel that centers on Rigel Barnard, a novice inventor who has been in self-isolation for years after a failed college presentation caused his friend and work partner, Jericho Slate, to be transported into another universe. Rigel is currently trying to bring his friend back by recreating the device that went awry and sent Jericho into an unknown dimension. Along the way, Rigel teams up with Archer, a mysterious stranger he finds floating in space, and Lyra, a teenage girl with an interest in magical studies.They aim to help him as much as they possibly can. At the same time, unbeknownst to Rigel, Jericho, still stuck in that alternate dimension, is trying against all odds to return home. It is a story with science fiction elements as well as fantasy and serves as both a cautionary tale and an adventure
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