9 research outputs found

    The Productivity Consequences of Two Ergonomic Interventions

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    Pre- and post-intervention data on health outcomes, absenteeism, and productivity from a longitudinal, quasi-experimental design field study of office workers was used to evaluate the economic consequences of two ergonomic interventions. Researchers assigned individuals in the study to three groups: a group that received an ergonomically designed chair and office ergonomics training; a group that received office ergonomics training only; and a control group. The results show that while training alone has neither a statistically significant effect on health nor productivity, the chair-with-training intervention substantially reduced pain and improved productivity. Neither intervention affected sick leave hours.ergonomics, chair, pain, DeRango, Upjohn

    The cost-effectiveness of the RSI QuickScan intervention programme for computer workers: Results of an economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The costs of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms are high. In order to decrease these costs employers implement interventions aimed at reducing these symptoms. One frequently used intervention is the RSI QuickScan intervention programme. It establishes a risk profile of the target population and subsequently advises interventions following a decision tree based on that risk profile. The purpose of this study was to perform an economic evaluation, from both the societal and companies' perspective, of the RSI QuickScan intervention programme for computer workers. In this study, effectiveness was defined at three levels: exposure to risk factors, prevalence of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms, and days of sick leave.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The economic evaluation was conducted alongside a randomised controlled trial (RCT). Participating computer workers from 7 companies (N = 638) were assigned to either the intervention group (N = 320) or the usual care group (N = 318) by means of cluster randomisation (N = 50). The intervention consisted of a tailor-made programme, based on a previously established risk profile. At baseline, 6 and 12 month follow-up, the participants completed the RSI QuickScan questionnaire. Analyses to estimate the effect of the intervention were done according to the intention-to-treat principle. To compare costs between groups, confidence intervals for cost differences were computed by bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrapping.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean intervention costs, paid by the employer, were 59 euro per participant in the intervention and 28 euro in the usual care group. Mean total health care and non-health care costs per participant were 108 euro in both groups. As to the cost-effectiveness, improvement in received information on healthy computer use as well as in their work posture and movement was observed at higher costs. With regard to the other risk factors, symptoms and sick leave, only small and non-significant effects were found.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study, the RSI QuickScan intervention programme did not prove to be cost-effective from the both the societal and companies' perspective and, therefore, this study does not provide a financial reason for implementing this intervention. However, with a relatively small investment, the programme did increase the number of workers who received information on healthy computer use and improved their work posture and movement.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Trial registration number: NTR1117</p

    The predictive validity of the RSI QuickScan questionnaire with respect to arm, shoulder and neck symptoms in computer workers

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether results from the RSI QuickScan questionnaire on risk factors for arm, shoulder and neck symptoms can predict future arm, neck and shoulder symptoms in a population of computer workers. For this prospective cohort study, with a follow-up of 24 months, 3383 workers who regularly worked with a computer were approached. Generalised estimating equations (GEE) with 6, 12, 18 and 24 months time lags were used to determine whether high exposure was related to symptoms at follow-up. The results showed that high scores on 9 out of 13 scales, including previous symptoms, were significantly related to arm, shoulder and neck symptoms at follow-up. These results provide support for the predictive validity of the RSI QuickScan questionnaire.Practitioner Summary: The results showed that high scores on 9 out of 13 scales, including previous symptoms, were significantly related to arm, shoulder and neck symptoms at follow-up. The RSI QuickScan questionnaire may be recommended as a tool in the identification of computer workers who should be targeted with interventions aimed at prevention of future symptoms. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    The Productivity Consequences of Two Ergonomic Interventions

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    Pre- and post-intervention data on health outcomes, absenteeism, and productivity from a longitudinal, quasi-experimental design field study of office workers was used to evaluate the economic consequences of two ergonomic interventions. Researchers assigned individuals in the study to three groups: a group that received an ergonomically designed chair and office ergonomics training; a group that received office ergonomics training only; and a control group. The results show that while training alone has neither a statistically significant effect on health nor productivity, the chair-with-training intervention substantially reduced pain and improved productivity. Neither intervention affected sick leave hours

    Workplace-based rehabilitation of upper limb conditions : a systematic review

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    Thesis (MOccTher)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: Upper limb conditions are a common and growing cause of work related ill health and disability. International and South African legislation support work rehabilitation and specifically workplace-based rehabilitation, but the availability of workplace-based rehabilitation services appears to be limited in South Africa, with more focus on once-off work evaluations. Evidence is needed on the effectiveness of workplace-based rehabilitation services, in order to inform future service delivery. Objective: The objective of this systematic review was to identify, collate and analyse the current available evidence on the effectiveness of workplace-based rehabilitative interventions in workers with upper limb conditions on work performance, pain, absenteeism, productivity and other outcomes such as ergonomic risk and mental health. Methods: This systematic review was designed in accordance with PRISMA guidelines and registered with PROSPERO as number: PROSPERO CRD42017059708. We searched Medline (PubMed), Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier, Africa-Wide, CINAHL), OTSeeker and PEDro with search terms in four broad areas: upper limb, intervention, workplace and clinical trial (no date limits). Studies including neck pain only or musculoskeletal pain in other areas were not included. Risk of bias in included studies was assessed using a question and rating system developed by the Institute for Work and Health (IWH). As meta-analysis was not possible, study results were analysed through a narrative synthesis. Results: The initial literature search located 1071 articles, of which 80 were full text reviewed. Seventeen studies were included, across 28 articles, reporting on various outcomes. Nine studies were of high methodological quality, seven of medium quality, and one of low quality. Studies were sorted into intervention categories: Ergonomic controls (n=3), ergonomic training and workstation adjustments (n=4), exercise and resistance training (n=6), clinic-based versus workplace-based work hardening (n=1), nurse case manager training (n=1), physiotherapy versus Feldenkrais (n=1), and ambulant myofeedback training (n=1). The largest body of evidence supported workplace exercise programs, with positive effects for ergonomic training and workstation adjustments, and mixed effects for ergonomic controls. Ambulant myofeedback training had no effect. The remaining three categories had positive effects in the single study on each intervention. Conclusion and Recommendations: There is substantial evidence supporting workplace exercise programs. Further research needs to be conducted on the remaining intervention categories. Researchers are encouraged to collaborate with clinicians to enable more high quality research in “real-life” rehabilitation contexts, including individualised work rehabilitation. Clinicians should build partnerships with the Department of Labour and stakeholders at workplaces, in order to develop rehabilitation resources in work environments.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Boonste ledemaat toestande is ‘n algemene en toenemende oorsaak van werkverwante siektes en gestremdheid. Internasionale en Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing ondersteun werkrehabilitasie, veral rehabilitasie wat by die werkplek plaasvind. In Suid-Afrika is rehabilitasie by die werkplek nog beperk, met meer fokus op eenmalige werk evaluerings. Inligting oor die doeltreffendheid van werkplek gebaseerde rehabilitasie dienste is nodig ten leiding aangaande toekomstige dienslewering. Doelwit: Die doelwit van hierdie sistematiese oorsig was om die huidige beskikbare navorsing oor die effektiwiteit van werkplek gebaseerde rehabilitasie dienste in werkers met boonste ledemaatstoestande op werkverrigting, pyn, afwesigheid, produktiwiteit en ander uitkomste soos ergonomiese risiko en geestesgesondheid, te identifiseer, saam te voeg en te analiseer. Metode: Hierdie sistematiese oorsig is volgens PRISMA riglyne ontwerp en by PROSPERO geregistreer: PROSPERO CRD42017059708. Ons het gesoek in Medline (PubMed), Cochrane Biblioteek, Scopus, Web of Science, EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier, Africa-Wide, CINAHL), OTSeeker en PEDro met sleutelwoorde in die volgende vier areas: boonste ledemaat, intervensie, werkplek en kliniese proef (met geen datum limiete). Studies oor slegs nekpyn of muskuloskeletale pyn in ander gebiede, is nie ingesluit nie. Risiko van vooroordeel in ingeslote studies is beoordeel deur 'n vraag- en graderingstelsel wat deur die Instituut vir Werk en Gesondheid (Institute for Work and Health (IWH)) ontwikkel is. Aangesien ‘n meta-analise nie moontlik was nie, is studie-uitslae geanaliseer deur middel van 'n narratiewe sintese. Resultate: Die aanvanklike literatuursoektog het 1071 artikels opgetref, waarvan 80 volledige artikels ge-evalueer is. Sewentien studies is ingesluit, vanuit 28 artikels wat oor verskeie uitkomste verslag lewer. Nege studies was van hoë metodologiese gehalte, sewe van medium gehalte en een van lae gehalte. Studies is gesorteer in intervensie kategorieë: Ergonomiese kontrole (n=3), ergonomiese opleiding en werkstasie aanpassings (n=4), oefening en weerstandsopleiding (n=6), kliniek gebaseerde teenoor werkplek gebaseerde werkverharding (n=1), verpleegkundige bestuurder opleiding (n=1), fisioterapie teenoor Feldenkrais (n=1), en ambulante myoterugvoer opleiding (n=1). Werkplek oefenprogramme is deur die meeste navorsing ondersteun, met positiewe gevolge vir ergonomiese opleiding en werkstasie aanpassings, en gemengde effekte vir ergonomiese kontrole. Ambulante myoterugvoer opleiding het geen effek getoon nie. Die oorblywende drie kategorieë het positiewe effekte getoon in die enkele studie oor elke intervensie. Gevolgtrekking en Aanbevelings: Werkplek-oefenprogramme word goed deur navorsing ondersteun. Verdere navorsing moet gedoen word oor die oorblywende intervensie kategorieë. Navorsers word aangemoedig om met terapeute saam te werk, ten einde meer hoë kwaliteit navorsing in rehabilitasie omgewings te doen, insluitende geïndividualiseerde werkrehabilitasie. Terapeute moet met die Departement van Arbeid en belanghebbendes by werksplekke vennootskappe bou, om rehabilitasie hulpbronne in werksplekke te ontwikkel

    Computer work and musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper extremity: A systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This review examines the evidence for an association between computer work and neck and upper extremity disorders (except carpal tunnel syndrome).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic critical review of studies of computer work and musculoskeletal disorders verified by a physical examination was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 22 studies (26 articles) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Results show limited evidence for a causal relationship between computer work per se, computer mouse and keyboard time related to a diagnosis of wrist tendonitis, and for an association between computer mouse time and forearm disorders. Limited evidence was also found for a causal relationship between computer work per se and computer mouse time related to tension neck syndrome, but the evidence for keyboard time was insufficient. Insufficient evidence was found for an association between other musculoskeletal diagnoses of the neck and upper extremities, including shoulder tendonitis and epicondylitis, and any aspect of computer work.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There is limited epidemiological evidence for an association between aspects of computer work and some of the clinical diagnoses studied. None of the evidence was considered as moderate or strong and there is a need for more and better documentation.</p

    Cambios biomecánicos, percepción del grado de confort y desordenes musculoesqueléticos en miembro superior asociados al uso de diferentes tipos de mouse. Revisión sistemática

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    Introducción: en este estudio se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre el uso del mouse teniendo en cuenta la biomecánica del miembro superior, el disconfort y los posibles desordenes musculoesqueléticos (DME) reportados por el uso de este dispositivo. Objetivo: describir los factores de riesgo biomecánicos, la percepción de disconfort y el desarrollo de desórdenes musculoesqueléticos en miembro superior asociados al uso de diferentes tipos de mouse. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre biomecánica, confort/disconfort, lesiones osteomusculares o DME en miembro superior relacionadas con el uso de diversos diseños de mouse, búsqueda sistemática realizada en bases de datos como medline, Pubmed y Scielo. Después de la revisión y clasificación de cada una, se tomaron 41 artículos relacionados con los temas de interés y que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: se encontró que en el 41% de los estudios el mouse más usados es el convencional, en los artículos que evaluaron biomecánica el 76% evaluaron los 3 grupos musculares implicados en la utilización del mouse (flexores del carpo y los dedos, extensores del carpo y los dedos, trapecio). En 16 artículos se tuvo en cuenta el apoyo en muñeca y antebrazo. En la evaluación de confort el 27% escogió el mouse horizontal/convencional con más confortable independiente del método usado para evaluar confort. Conclusión: el mouse inclinado hacia de derecha y el mouse vertical, ofrecen posiciones de la extremidad superior biomecánicamente más adecuadas. El mouse convencional, al producir pronación del antebrazo insista a la abducción del hombro lo que podría generar molestias en el hombro y el cuello, pero al ser el diseño de mouse más utilizado por los trabajadores de oficina, ha creado un hábito que es percibido como confortable o cómodo por los participantes. El cuestionario ISO 9241-9 para cuantificar confort, electromiografía para actividad muscular y electrogoniómetro para posturas y movimientos, fueron los instrumentos de medición más utilizados en las investigaciones.Introduction: this study A literature review on the use of the mouse taking into account the biomechanics of the upper limb, the discomfort and possible musculoskeletal disorders reported (DME) for the use of device is made. Objective: to describe the biomechanical risk factors, perception of discomfort and Development of musculoskeletal disorders is higher member associated with the use of different types of mouse. Materials and Methods: A literature search on biomechanics, comfort / discomfort, musculoskeletal injuries or DME is a member related to higher use of various mouse designs, Systematic search conducted databases such as MEDLINE, PubMed and SciELO. After review and classification of each, 41 related to the topics of interest and met the inclusion criteria items were taken. Results: we found that in 41% of the studies USED MORE mouse is conventional, in the articles evaluated Biomechanics 76% evaluated 3 muscle groups in the use of the mouse (flexor carpi and fingers extensors carpus and fingers, Trapeze). Is 16 items did consider the Support wrist and forearm. The evaluation of comfort in 27% chose the mouse horizontal / Conventional more independent Reservations Comfortable used to evaluate comfort v Method. Conclusion: mouse Tilt and continues right vertical mouse, provide Positions biomechanically more suitable Upper Extremity. The conventional mouse, to produce forearm pronation insist to shoulder abduction which could cause discomfort in the shoulder and neck, but being and the design mouse More used by office workers, has created a habit that is perceived comfortable or by participants. The ISO 9241-9 Questionnaire to quantify comfort, paragraph electromyography muscle activity, and paragraph electrogoniometer postures and movements, Were the more Measuring Instruments used in research

    Effectiveness of an intervention programme on arm, shoulder and neck symptoms in computer workers

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    Dieen, J.H. van [Promotor]Beek, A.J. van der [Promotor]Hoozemans, M.J.M. [Copromotor]Blatter, B.M. [Copromotor

    Desenvolvimento e análise ergonómica de dispositivos manuais apontadores para computador

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    O trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de dois dispositivos manuais apontadores para computador com vista à adoção de posturas mais neutras por parte dos utilizadores (relativamente aos dispositivos convencionais), e à melhoria do seu desempenho. Procedeu-se à avaliação e à validação ergonómica através de estudos de usabilidade e da atividade muscular, contemplando comparativamente dispositivos comerciais dos tipos convencional e alternativos, designadamente dispositivos apelidados de ‘inclinados’ e ‘verticais’. Estas novas geometrias são muitas vezes apresentadas ao utilizador como produtos ergonómicos, não se encontrando na bibliografia disponível informação científica que possa, de alguma forma, comprovar essa presunção para a maioria destas geometrias. Para além disso, os operadores de desenho e de projeto assistidos por computador realizam, tipicamente, tarefas que conduzem à utilização permanente deste tipo de dispositivos, constituindo-se, por conseguinte, como principal população alvo para este estudo. No desenvolvimento das duas geometrias alternativas ao mouse convencional (simétrico), teve-se como principais premissas o apoio palmar, de modo a promover posturas neutras e a movimentação do dispositivo com o mínimo de atividade muscular, sem comprometer a eficiência. A componente experimental, composta por três fases, contou com a colaboração de 40 jovens participantes repartidos pelas duas fases relativas à experimentação laboratorial, 20 do sexo masculino e 20 do sexo feminino, contou ainda, com outros 10 participantes na fase da experimentação de campo. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação informática de implementação das tarefas permitindo simultaneamente o registo dos tempos de execução, das falhas e dos desvios. Os participantes preencheram um instrumento composto por várias escalas com vista à avaliação da usabilidade. Procedeu-se à avaliação subjetiva da satisfação e ao cálculo da eficácia e da eficiência. Nesta vertente foi desenvolvido e testado um novo indicador de desempenho, que foi caracterizado para um software de CAD particular, valorando-se entre 50 e 60%, de acordo com o dispositivo. Procedeu-se também ao registo eletromiográfico de superfície da atividade muscular relativamente a quatro músculos do antebraço em 20 sujeitos que participaram na experimentação de laboratório. Neste âmbito foi desenvolvido e testado um novo indicador de dinamismo da atividade muscular para ajudar a desambiguar a avaliação relacionada com a atividade muscular estática nestes casos (atingindo valores desde 0 – elevada estaticidade, até 3 – elevado dinamismo). Embora o registo da atividade muscular (atingindo níveis de pico na ordem de 10 a 20 de %MVC) não permita distinguir perentória e inequivocamente os dispositivos entre si, permite concluir que o tamanho da mão constitui um parâmetro muito importante na seleção do dispositivo apontador. O grupo comparativamente com menores dimensões da mão registou maior atividade muscular, globalmente nos 5 dispositivos, e é principalmente nos músculos Abductor Pollicis Longus e Extensor Carpi Ulnaris onde se registam as maiores diferenças entre as duas categorias de tamanho da mão e para a maioria das tarefas. O dispositivo convencional obteve, comparativamente, um bom desempenho global durante a realização das tarefas de teste; contrariamente à premissa inicial de que os testes a este modelo conduziriam a maior atividade muscular dos músculos Abductor Pollicis Longus, Extensor Carpi Radialis, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris e Extensor Digitorum face aos restantes modelos. Relativamente à eficiência, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o dispositivo convencional seguido do modelo alternativo ‘vertical’ Anker®, concluindo-se que a inclinação do dispositivo manual apontador para computador não afeta negativamente a eficiência. A investigação conduzida permitiu também concluir que as duas geometrias desenvolvidas, prototipadas e testadas comparativamente no grupo de dispositivos, se posicionaram em níveis intermédios no conjunto de dispositivos manuais apontadores sob avaliação, em ambas as vertentes de usabilidade e de atividade dos músculos considerados.This dissertation presents the development of two computer pointing devices with a view to adoption of more neutral postures by users (compared to conventional devices), and to improving their performance. Ergonomic assessment and validation through usability studies and muscle activity monitoring was carried out, looking comparatively at commercial devices of conventional and alternative types, including devices nicknamed as ‘slanted’ and ‘vertical’. These new geometries are often presented to the public as ergonomic products, but no scientific information is available in literature that may, somehow, prove this assumption for most of these geometries. Furthermore, computer aided design operators typically perform tasks that lead to permanent use of such devices, constituting, therefore, a primary target population for this study. The development of two alternative geometries to the conventional (symmetric) mouse had as main assumptions offering palm support, in order to promote both neutral posture and movement of the device with minimal muscle activity, without compromising efficiency. The experimental component, made up of three phases, received the collaboration of 40 young participants distributed among the two laboratory experimental phases, 20 male and 20 female, with another 10 additional participants in the field experiment phase. For this purpose a computer application was developed to enable implementation of tasks while allowing registration of runtimes, faults and deviations. Participants filled in an instrument composed of several scales to assess usability. In addition to the calculation of effectiveness and efficiency as well as the subjective assessment of satisfaction. In this domain, a new performance indicator was developed and tested, which was characterized for a particular CAD application, valueing between 50 and 60%, according to the device. Surface EMG recording of the activity of 4 forearm muscles also took place in 20 laboratory experiment participants. A new muscle activity dynamism indicator was developed and tested in this area to help disambiguate the evaluation related to the static muscle activity in these cases (reaching values from 0 - high stativity up to 3 - high dynamicity). Although the registration of muscle activity (reaching peak levels in the order of 10 to 20% MVC) does not enable distinguishing among the devices peremptorily and unequivocally, it shows that hand size is a very important parameter in the selection of a pointing device. The group with smaller hand dimensions comapratively showed higher muscle activity for all 5 devices, for most tasks and mainly in the Abductor Pollicis Longus and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris muscles where there are major differences between the two hand size categories. The conventional device obtained comparatively good overall performance were found as an outcome of the testing tasks; contrary to the initial assumption positing that the tests to this model would reveal greater muscle activity of Abductor Pollicis Longus, Extensor Carpi Radialis, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris and Extensor Digitorum muscles, compared to other models. With regard to efficiency, the best results were obtained with the conventional device followed by the Anker® ‘vertical’ model, leading to conclude that an approximately vertical slope does not adversely affect efficiency. The research conducted also led to conclude that the two geometries developed, prototyped and tested comparatively within the set of devices, positioned themselves at intermediate levels among the set of manual pointing devices under evaluation in both the domains of usability and of activity of the muscles considered