10 research outputs found


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    This research aims to identify and explain the problems students face when solving mathematics problems related to the operation of calculating mixed fractions. This research uses a qualitative approach and uses case studies as a research method. This research was conducted on 23 elementary school students in Serang Regency, Banten. The data collection used story questions about adding and subtracting mixed fractions and unstructured interviews. The collected data was analyzed in depth using qualitative methods (data reduction, data display, and conclusion) to obtain meaningful phenomena that occurred related to the difficulties faced by students. The research results show that students face problems in solving verbal problems, concepts and principles. Other findings also show that students who score above the minimum completion standard (KKM) experience difficulty in solving mathematics problems related to adding and subtracting mixed fractions. This research can be a reference for other research to research or overcome the difficulties faced by elementary school students, especially in learning mathematics


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    This research aims to identify and explain the problems students face when solving mathematics problems related to the operation of calculating mixed fractions. This research uses a qualitative approach and uses case studies as a research method. This research was conducted on 23 elementary school students in Serang Regency, Banten. The data collection used story questions about adding and subtracting mixed fractions and unstructured interviews. The collected data was analyzed in depth using qualitative methods (data reduction, data display, and conclusion) to obtain meaningful phenomena that occurred related to the difficulties faced by students. The research results show that students face problems in solving verbal problems, concepts and principles. Other findings also show that students who score above the minimum completion standard (KKM) experience difficulty in solving mathematics problems related to adding and subtracting mixed fractions. This research can be a reference for other research to research or overcome the difficulties faced by elementary school students, especially in learning mathematics

    Guest Editorial: Fostering deep learning in problem solving contexts with the support of technology

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    Factors affecting the study time of first and final year students of a world class university

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    Many activities compete for the time students spent on academic activities, but few works have been done on the factors affecting the study times of first and final year students. Questionnaires were given to 150 first and final year students from four colleges of a worldclass university located in Ogun State, Nigeria and the aim is to investigate the factors affecting their study time. Ninety-eight representing 65.3% of the students study between 1 and 4 hours per day. Gender, age, level and college affiliation are not associated with their perceived desired results. In the same vein, it was observed that gender and age are not associated with hours of study. However, there are significant associations between the duo of level and college and study hours. Also, there is no significant association (i) Between the number of hours spent on sleeping and the number of hours spent on studying and (ii). The hours spent on study and the desired result. In conclusion, strategies are needed to be crafted and deployed to increase the hours spent on studying by the first and final year students which are likely to give them their desired results and improve the art of learning. Logistic regression on the desired results was predicted by the 3 moderation variables, namely; the gender and level, age and college, and level and college. Intervention programmes are to be incorporated into the curriculum to motivate students in achieving their desired results. Tutorial classes, investment in learning tools, promotion of discussion groups, counselling are recommended for first and final year students to stimulate their interests in their chosen course of study and to prepare them for successful careers

    Factors affecting the study time of first and final year students of a world class university

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    Many activities compete for the time students spent on academic activities, but few works have been done on the factors affecting the study times of first and final year students.Questionnaires were given to 150 first and final year students from four colleges of a world-class university located in Ogun State, Nigeria and the aim is to investigate the factors affecting their study time. Ninety-eight representing 65.3% of the students study between 1 and 4 hours per day. Gender, age, level and college affiliation are not associated with their perceived desired results. In the same vein, it was observed that gender and age are not associated with hours of study. However, there are significant associations between the duo of level and college and study hours. Also, there is no significant association (i) Between the number of hours spent on sleeping and the number of hours spent on studying and (ii). The hours spent on study and the desired result. In conclusion, strategies are needed to be crafted and deployed to increase the hours spent on studying by the first and final year students which are likely to give them their desired results and improve the art of learning. Logistic regression on the desired results was predicted by the 3 moderation variables, namely; the gender and level, age and college, and level and college. Intervention programmes are to be incorporated into the curriculum to motivate students in achieving their desired results. Tutorial classes, investment in learning tools, promotion of discussion groups, counselling are recommended for first and final year students to stimulate their interests in their chosen course of study and to prepare them for successful careers

    Looking through different point of views: characteristics of a good mathematics teacher

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    Mathematics is essentially used in many fields. Due to its importance, nurturing mathematical knowledge in students is deemed crucial in education now. Providing a good mathematics teacher is an important factor in developing students' mathematical skills and knowledge. This study aims to explore the characteristics of a good mathematics teacher from the points of view of teachers and students. In order to investigate the characteristics, this study employed a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions involving twenty-three informants consisting of mathematics teachers and students. The informants were purposively selected from several schools in the southern region of Malaysia. Once the data were collected, they were qualitatively analysed using thematic analysis. Based on the findings, there are two main perspectives on the characteristics of a good mathematics teacher based on the teacher's and student's perspectives. Teachers define the characteristic of a good mathematics teacher from the aspects of the teacher's knowledge and experience. In comparison, students viewed it from the aspects of teachers' personalities, teaching styles, and delivery instructions. So, in conclusion, mathematics teachers and students have different points of view when describing the characteristics of a good mathematics teacher

    Desain Didaktis Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan Pecahan Campuran di Sekolah Dasar

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    This research was motivated by the students' learning obstacle in understanding the addition and subtraction of mixed fractions. So this research aims to develop a didactic design on the addition and subtraction of mixed fractions in grade 5 elementary schools based on student learning trajectories and can improve students' learning obstacles on addition and subtraction of mixed fractions. This research used the Didactical Design Research (DDR) method in one of the elementary schools in Bandung, with the subjects being 30 students in grade 5 and 29 students in grade 6. The data collection techniques used tests, interview, document analysis, focus group discussion (FGD), and observation. The results of this research indicated that the Didactic Design has a positive impact on student understanding and reduces the students' learning obstacles which are ontogenic, epistemological and didactical on the addition and subtraction of mixed fractions. Then, the average score of the students after the didactic design implementation was 75.3. This research is expected to be a reference for teachers in developing didactic designs for learning mathematics, especially fraction material in elementary schools using Didactical Design Research (DDR).Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hambatan belajar (learning obstacle) siswa dalam memahami penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan campuran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan desain didaktis penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan campuran di kelas 5 sekolah dasar sesuai dengan learning trajectory siswa dan dapat mengatasi learning obstacle pada materi pecahan campuran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Didactical Design Research (DDR) di salah satu sekolah dasar di Kota Bandung, dengan subjeknya adalah 30 siswa kelas 5 dan 29 siswa kelas 6. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, wawancara, analisis dokumen, focus group discussion (FGD), dan observasi. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Desain Didaktis memberikan dampak positif terhadap pemahaman siswa dan mengurangi hambatan belajar siswa yang sifatnya ontogenic, epistemological dan didactical pada penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan campuran. Hasil rata-rata skor siswa setelah implementasi desain adalah 75,3. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi guru dalam mengembangkan desain didaktis pembelajaran matematika khususnya materi pecahan di sekolah dasar dengan menggunakan Didactical Design Research (DDR)

    Twenty-First Century Skill Building for Students With Special Needs Through Problem-Based Learning: An Examination Of Homeschool Teacher Blogs

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    Although problem-based learning (PBL) is not a new educational teaching method, little is known about the experiences of homeschool teachers who implement this teaching and learning approach with students with special needs. An increase in the number students with special needs being homeschooled made this study necessary and timely. The purpose of this study was to explore how publicly shared PBL experiences of homeschool teachers of students with special needs reflect 21st-century skills. The study was framed using 3 skill areas from a 21st-century skills framework including communication and collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking, and cross-disciplinary knowledge. Data were collected from 20 blog sites that were each written by a homeschool teacher of at least 1 student with special needs. The sites had a minimum of 3 blog posts that referenced teaching and learning that aligned with the fundamentals of PBL. Deductive-dominant content analysis was completed on 87 blog posts through 2 levels of coding using both a priori and emergent coding. Key findings showed that the blog posts of homeschool teachers of students with special needs most often described (a) sharing, (b) creating inquiry environments and supports, and (c) cross-discipline content. Because the blog posts of homeschool teachers who use a PBL approach with their students with special needs reflect 21st-century skills, this study may encourage more teachers in the homeschool community to implement a PBL approach. The results from this study may contribute to positive social change by providing insights for homeschool teachers interested in purposefully implementing PBL experiences where students with special needs practice 21st-century skills

    Viabilidade e efeitos de um programa de exercício multimodal nas funções executivas, na aptidão funcional e na composição corporal de pessoas idosas a residir na comunidade

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    Objetivo: Determinar a viabilidade e os efeitos de um programa de exercício multimodal nas funções executivas, na aptidão funcional e na composição corporal em pessoas idosas a residir na comunidade. Metodologia: Estudo exploratório quasi-experimental incluindo um programa de exercício multimodal (3x8 sessões/semana). Este estudo iniciou-se com 51 participantes com 74.1±6.0 anos (grupo de controlo: n=26; grupo experimental [GE]: n=25). Avaliou-se as funções executivas, força rápida e resistente, agilidade, equilíbrio, composição corporal, absentismo, perceção subjetiva de esforço e nível de satisfação. Resultados: O GE melhorou significativamente as funções executivas, a força rápida e resistente, a agilidade e o equilíbrio (p<0.05). A adesão foi 80%, o nível de satisfação foi “extremamente satisfeito” e o esforço percecionado foi “um pouco intenso”. Conclusão: O programa de exercício multimodal mostrou-se viável e bem tolerado pelos participantes, tendo os resultados sugerido que o mesmo promove melhorias nas funções executivas, força rápida e resistente, agilidade e equilíbrio; Abstract: Objective: To determine the feasibility and the effects of a multimodal exercise program on executive functions, functional fitness and body composition in community-dwelling older adults. Methodology: Quasi-experimental exploratory study. This study was started comprising 51 participants with 74.1 ± 6.0 years (control group: n = 26; experimental group [GE]: n = 25). Executive functions, explosive and resistant strength, agility, balance, body composition, absenteeism, perceived exertion, and satisfaction level were evaluated. Results: GE improved significantly on executive functions, explosive and resistant strength, agility, and balance, (p <0.05). Adherence was 80%, the satisfaction level was “extremely satisfied”, and the perceived effort was “somewhat hard”. Conclusion: The multimodal exercise program proved to be feasible and well tolerated by the participants, with the results suggesting that it promotes improvements in executive functions; fast and resistant strength; agility and balance

    Current School District Administrators’ and Math Teachers’ Perspectives of Teacher Buy-In for Problem-Based Learning in Middle School Math

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    Project-Based Learning (PBL) in middle school math classrooms is a topic that has not been well-researched, even though math scores in the United States have been declining. In a school district in the Southcentral United States, the local problem was that teacher buy-in for PBL in middle school math classes was unknown, as current literature regarding administrator and teacher perspectives on teacher buy-in is limited. The purpose of the study was to explore current school district administrators’ and math teachers’ perspectives of teacher buy-in for PBL in middle school math in a Southcentral U.S. state. Vygotsky’s social constructivist theory contributes to the understanding that student learning is created through social interactions with others and formed the basis for the conceptual framework of this study. Basic qualitative research with semistructured interviews was the design for the study. Purposeful sampling was used to identify 10 participants: five current school district administrators and five middle school math teachers who had some knowledge of a PBL instructional model and had at least three years of teaching experience. Open and a priori coding was used to identify units of meaning. The results of these analyses indicated emerging themes of equipping teachers with autonomy, engaging all students in real-world learning, engaging students to build confidence, equipping teachers to meet external teaching demands, and empowering teachers to adapt and take control. School districts may benefit from the results of this study by embracing teacher perspectives when creating professional development to include leadership and coaching support that results in increased math student outcomes