2 research outputs found

    Gradio: Hassle-Free Sharing and Testing of ML Models in the Wild

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    Accessibility is a major challenge of machine learning (ML). Typical ML models are built by specialists and require specialized hardware/software as well as ML experience to validate. This makes it challenging for non-technical collaborators and endpoint users (e.g. physicians) to easily provide feedback on model development and to gain trust in ML. The accessibility challenge also makes collaboration more difficult and limits the ML researcher's exposure to realistic data and scenarios that occur in the wild. To improve accessibility and facilitate collaboration, we developed an open-source Python package, Gradio, which allows researchers to rapidly generate a visual interface for their ML models. Gradio makes accessing any ML model as easy as sharing a URL. Our development of Gradio is informed by interviews with a number of machine learning researchers who participate in interdisciplinary collaborations. Their feedback identified that Gradio should support a variety of interfaces and frameworks, allow for easy sharing of the interface, allow for input manipulation and interactive inference by the domain expert, as well as allow embedding the interface in iPython notebooks. We developed these features and carried out a case study to understand Gradio's usefulness and usability in the setting of a machine learning collaboration between a researcher and a cardiologist.Comment: Presented at 2019 ICML Workshop on Human in the Loop Learning (HILL 2019), Long Beach, US

    Relaxed Parameter Sharing: Effectively Modeling Time-Varying Relationships in Clinical Time-Series

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are commonly applied to clinical time-series data with the goal of learning patient risk stratification models. Their effectiveness is due, in part, to their use of parameter sharing over time (i.e., cells are repeated hence the name recurrent). We hypothesize, however, that this trait also contributes to the increased difficulty such models have with learning relationships that change over time. Conditional shift, i.e., changes in the relationship between the input X and the output y, arises when risk factors associated with the event of interest change over the course of a patient admission. While in theory, RNNs and gated RNNs (e.g., LSTMs) in particular should be capable of learning time-varying relationships, when training data are limited, such models often fail to accurately capture these dynamics. We illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of complete parameter sharing (RNNs) by comparing an LSTM with shared parameters to a sequential architecture with time-varying parameters on prediction tasks involving three clinically-relevant outcomes: acute respiratory failure (ARF), shock, and in-hospital mortality. In experiments using synthetic data, we demonstrate how parameter sharing in LSTMs leads to worse performance in the presence of conditional shift. To improve upon the dichotomy between complete parameter sharing and no parameter sharing, we propose a novel RNN formulation based on a mixture model in which we relax parameter sharing over time. The proposed method outperforms standard LSTMs and other state-of-the-art baselines across all tasks. In settings with limited data, relaxed parameter sharing can lead to improved patient risk stratification performance.Comment: Machine Learning for Healthcare 201