11 research outputs found

    A real case study on transportation scenario comparison

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    This paper presents a real case study dealing with the comparison of transport scenarios. The study is conducted within a larger project concerning the establishment of the maritime traffic policy in Greece. The paper presents the problem situation and an appropriate problem formulation. Moreover a detailed version of the evaluation model is presented in the paper. The model consists of a complex hierarchy of evaluation models enabling us to take into account the multiple dimensions and points of view of the actors involved in the evaluations

    Logique, épistémologie et méthodologie en sciences de gestion.

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    Le statut épistémologique des sciences de gestion suscite, encore aujourd’hui, de nombreux débats. Que peut-on, en gestion, considérer comme relevant de la science ? Le management, comme il est souvent dit, ne serait-il qu’un art pratique, qui n’aurait de scientifique que ce qu’il emprunte à l’économie, à la sociologie, à la psychologie ou aux sciences cognitives ? Et n’y aurait-il de science que dans l’observation méthodique mais passive de l’action des gestionnaires ? Les travaux sont nombreux qui remettent en cause cette vision des choses. Piaget (1970) et la position de l’ingénierie dans la spirale des sciences, Simon (1981) et les sciences de l’artificiel, Checkland (1984) et la Soft Systems Methodology, Argyris (1985) et l’Action Science, Hatchuel et Molet (1986) et le rôle de la modélisation rationnelle dans la compréhension et la transformation des systèmes organisés, Le Moigne (in Martinet, 1990) et le constructivisme en sciences de gestion, Roy (1992) et la science de l’aide à la décision, Koenig (1997) et la recherche-action diagnostic, pour ne citer que ces travaux, contribuent à un fondement épistémologique et méthodologique spécifique aux sciences de gestion.Nous allons tenter, dans les lignes qui suivent, d’apporter notre contribution à ces débats scientifiques. Pour à la fois progresser dans les voies tracées par les travaux cités ci-dessus et contribuer à fédérer un certain nombre d’approches épistémologiques et méthodologiques, nous allons ici étayer trois hypothèses de travail : ß Il faut considérer globalement, dans la génération des connaissances scientifiques, dépasser l’opposition classique entre démarche inductive et démarche hypothético- déductive et considérer une boucle récursive abduction/déduction/induction. Cette boucle n’a pas besoin d’être parcourue intégralement par chaque chercheur ou au sein de chaque dispositif de recherche : il suffit qu’elle le soit collectivement dans la communauté scientifique. ß Il faut dépasser l’opposition entre positivisme et constructivisme, dissiper certaines confusions, par exemple celles résultant d’associations trompeuses entre positivisme et méthodes quantitatives ou, de manière symétrique, entre constructivisme et méthodes qualitatives, pour explorer les différentes implications d’une conception constructiviste en sciences de gestion. ß Les méthodologies en usage sont très variées et souvent perçues comme concurrentes ou antinomiques. Il faut, là encore, dépasser ces oppositions et intégrer les différentes approches au sein d’un même schéma conceptuel. La littérature de référence sur les questions de logique, d'épistémologie et de méthodologie est extrêmement abondante. Nous nous appuierons ici principalement, bien que pas uniquement, sur des textes et auteurs classiques de l'épistémologie des sciences ainsi que, pour ce qui concerne les sciences de gestion, aux textes qui ont, parmi les premiers, contribué à donner à ces sciences un statut épistémologique et méthodologique. Pour étayer les trois hypothèses de travail annoncées plus haut, nous aborderons, tout d’abord, les trois formes du raisonnement et nous montrerons qu’il est impossible de considérer séparément les aspects abductifs, déductifs et inductifs et qu’il faut, au contraire, prendre en compte dans sa globalité une boucle récursive abduction/déduction/induction. Nous détaillerons les différents niveaux d’abduction et nous préciserons les conditions de validation des éléments de connaissance qui en sont issus. Nous rappellerons ensuite l’opposition aujourd’hui classique entre une conception positiviste et une conception constructiviste des sciences de gestion pour enfin dépasser cette opposition et aborder à la fois une typologie des recherches et une théorie de l’intervention en sciences de gestion.Sciences de gestion; sciences sociales; épistémologie;

    Integrating Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models Into the Decision Support System Framework for Marketing Decisions

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    The paper focuses on integrating the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) models within the decision support system (DSS) framework to encourage greater use of these models. A DSS framework and the criteria used for the choice of a model is discussed. Based on these criteria MCDM models generally used in the marketing field are evaluated. The possibility of using a mixture of MCDM models within the DSS framework is also explored. Following this, the role of the MCDM models in DSS is delineated. It is argued that, within the problem-solving process, the confluence of MCDM models and DSS plays a vital role in developing high-quality solutions

    Integrating Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models Into the Decision Support System Framework for Marketing Decisions

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    The paper focuses on integrating the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) models within the decision support system (DSS) framework to encourage greater use of these models. A DSS framework and the criteria used for the choice of a model is discussed. Based on these criteria MCDM models generally used in the marketing field are evaluated. The possibility of using a mixture of MCDM models within the DSS framework is also explored. Following this, the role of the MCDM models in DSS is delineated. It is argued that, within the problem-solving process, the confluence of MCDM models and DSS plays a vital role in developing high-quality solutions

    Conflict Resolution Support System: A Software for the Resolution of Conflicts in Water Resource Management

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    Water is an important factor in conflicts among stakeholders at the local, regional, and international level. Water conflicts have taken many forms, but they almost always arise from the fact that the freshwater resources of the world are not partitioned to match the political borders, nor are they evenly distributed in space and time. Sharing a limited water resource by several stakeholders can create conflicts among them when their requirements exceed availability. In such situations, water allocation based on a traditional optimization or simulation modeling may not resolve the dispute among them due to the lack of their participation in the solution process. Direct involvement of the stakeholders in the conflict resolution process provides for a better understanding of the conflict and offers a significant opportunity for its resolution. A systemic approach has been taken in this research to approach resolution of conflicts over water. By helping stakeholders to explore and resolve the underlying structural causes of conflict our approach offers a significant opportunity for its resolution. We define the five main functional activities for assisting the conflict resolution process as: (i) communication; (ii) problem formulation; (iii) data gathering and information generation; (iv) information sharing; and (v) evaluation of consequences. A computerized technical support is developed in the form of the Conflict Resolution Support System (CRSS) for implementation of a systemic approach to water conflicts. The CRSS includes computational modules necessary to resolve conflicts resulting from water shortages in irrigation, drinking water supply, and hydropower generation and flood control. Its principal components include an artificial intelligence-based communication system, a database management system, and a model base management system. The use of CRSS is demonstrated through its application to three types of water sharing conflicts. The CRSS is developed as a tool to assist a conflict resolution process and a tool for training stakeholders in the conflict resolution process.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wrrr/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Döntéselemzés vezetőkkel : Esetpéldák a döntéstámogatásra

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    Négy esettanulmányi módszer gyakorlati alkalmazásának részletes bemutatása. 1. esettanulmány: Alapítsunk új vállalatot? 2. esettanulmány: Mit érdemes fejleszteni? 3. esettanulmány: Veszélyes hulladék égetőmű telepítése 4. esettanulmány: Mit kutassunk

    State-of-the-Art Report on Systems Analysis Methods for Resolution of Conflicts in Water Resources Management

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    Water is an important factor in conflicts among stakeholders at the local, regional, and even international level. Water conflicts have taken many forms, but they almost always arise from the fact that the freshwater resources of the world are not partitioned to match the political borders, nor are they evenly distributed in space and time. Two or more countries share the watersheds of 261 major rivers and nearly half of the land area of the wo rld is in international river basins. Water has been used as a military and political goal. Water has been a weapon of war. Water systems have been targets during the war. A role of systems approach has been investigated in this report as an approach for resolution of conflicts over water. A review of systems approach provides some basic knowledge of tools and techniques as they apply to water management and conflict resolution. Report provides a classification and description of water conflicts by addressing issues of scale, integrated water management and the role of stakeholders. Four large-scale examples are selected to illustrate the application of systems approach to water conflicts: (a) hydropower development in Canada; (b) multipurpose use of Danube river in Europe; (c) international water conflict between USA and Canada; and (d) Aral See in Asia. Water conflict resolution process involves various sources of uncertainty. One section of the report provides some examples of systems tools that can be used to address objective and subjective uncertainties with special emphasis on the utility of the fuzzy set theory. Systems analysis is known to be driven by the development of computer technology. Last section of the report provides one view of the future and systems tools that will be used for water resources management. Role of the virtual databases, computer and communication networks is investigated in the context of water conflicts and their resolution.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wrrr/1005/thumbnail.jp


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