23,986 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknologi Augmented Reality Pada Media Promosi Fasilitas SMP Bhakti Mulia Jakarta Timur

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    Abstrak: Media promosi SMP Bhakti Mulya merupakan alat atau bentuk perantara yang dipakai untuk menyebarkan informasi. Biasanya media promosi SMP Bhakti Mulya yang paling banyak digunakan adalah media konvensional, seperti spanduk dan brosur. Akibatnya, daya tarik untuk para peminat disekolah SMP Bhakti Mulya menjadi berkurang dikarenakan informasi mengenai beberapa fasilitas yang terdapat di SMP Bhakti Mulya kurang tergambarkan dengan jelas untuk para calon siswa baru. Maka dibutuhkan suatu media promosi sekolah bagi calon siswa baru yang lebih kreatif dan menarik yang dapat memberikan gambaran visualisasi 3D dengan menggunakan teknologi augmented reality. Augmented Reality (AR) adalah suatu lingkungan yang memasukkan objek virtual 3D kedalam lingkungan nyata secara real-time karena dalam hal ini dikarenakan perpaduan dari script pemrograman serta seni 3 Dimensi yang diwujudkan kedalam sebuah aplikasi secara bersamaan. Aplikasi augmented reality yang dibangun berjalan pada platform mobile, dimana kamera bekerja sebagai sumber input dengan cara membaca dan melacak marker (penanda) dengan sistem tracking. Untuk penggunaan perancangan aplikasi, maka digunakan perangkat lunak seperti Unity 3D, Vuforia, Adobe Illustrator, Visual Studio. Dengan hal ini menggunakan model pengembangan yaitu metode Prototyping dengan tipe requirement prototype karena dalam impelementasi akan menjadi mudah dan untuk pengguna sistem sudah mempunyai gambaran tentang sistem. Dengan adanya, media promosi fasilitas dengan menggunakan teknologi augmented reality ini diharapkan para calon siswa baru akan mendapatkan informasi yang lengkap mengenai sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia di SMP Bhakti Mulya.   Kata kunci: Media Promosi, Augmented Reality, Prototyping, Unity 3D, Vuforia.   Abstract: Promotional media for SMP Bhakti Mulya is a tool or form of intermediary used to disseminate information. Usually the promotional media for SMP Bhakti Mulya that are most widely used are conventional media, such as banners and brochures. As a result, the attraction for enthusiasts at the Bhakti Mulya Middle School is reduced because information about some of the facilities available at Bhakti Mulya Junior High School is not clearly described for prospective new students. So we need a school promotion media for prospective new students who are more creative and interesting who can provide a 3D visualization picture using augmented reality technology. Augmented Reality (AR) is an environment that inserts 3D virtual objects into a real environment in real-time because in this case it is due to a combination of programming scripts and 3D art that are realized into an application simultaneously. The augmented reality application that is built runs on a mobile platform, where the camera works as an input source by reading and tracking markers with a tracking system. For application design use, software such as Unity 3D, Vuforia, Adobe Illustrator, Visual Studio are used. In this case, using a development model, namely the Prototyping method with the requirement prototype type because the implementation will be easy and for system users already have an overview of the system. With the existence of this media promotion of facilities using augmented reality technology, it is hoped that prospective new students will get complete information about the facilities and infrastructure available at SMP Bhakti Mulya.   Keywords: Promotional Media, Augmented Reality, Prototyping, Unity 3D, Vuforia


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    The development of technology has a major impact on marketing and sales, with the many sophistication of tools and systems in producing food, it is likely that it is considered safe and sterile, including packaged food. The word price and expiration period is very sensitive to a consumer when he wants to buy an item at a shopping place, consumers want to know for sure the price and expiration date of an item, therefore an augmented reality application media is needed that works to get information about a product with fast and easy. In this study, researchers used the Marker Based Tracking method, which in augmented reality systems require markers, namely using the camera feature on the service to analyze the captured markers and display 3D objects, and the existence of tools to define requirements, design, and The architectural description used by researchers consists of Use Case Diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, this application also uses the C # programming language (pronounced "See Sharp") and for application design using Unity software which is accompanied by a dataset as augmented reality planning. In this augmented reality application contains information about the product, price and expiration date of packaged products

    Replication of the Climbing Post on Mount Arjuno Using Augmented Reality (AR) With the Open Asset Import Library Method: Replikasi Pos Pendakian Di Gunung Arjuno Menggunakan Augmented Reality (AR) Dengan Metode Open Asset Import Library

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    Mount Arjuno is a 3,339 meter high cone-shaped volcano located in East Java, Indonesia. At this time, information about climbers that is spread in online media makes it easy, there are many features that can be used to find climbing information on Mount Arjuno. Making this Arjuno augmented reality application uses the Rapid Application Development model with the main goal of producing high quality and quantity. Where this method places more emphasis on working on application software and user feedback in the planner. And testing for the tracking distance of the camera to the marker, to ensure the distance that can be traveled by the camera when scanning objects to targets. By creating an android application that uses the Marker Based Tracking method which can assist climbers in choosing hiking trails on Mount Arjuno so that climbers know the distance of the path traveled when climbing

    Augmented reality meeting table: a novel multi-user interface for architectural design

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    Immersive virtual environments have received widespread attention as providing possible replacements for the media and systems that designers traditionally use, as well as, more generally, in providing support for collaborative work. Relatively little attention has been given to date however to the problem of how to merge immersive virtual environments into real world work settings, and so to add to the media at the disposal of the designer and the design team, rather than to replace it. In this paper we report on a research project in which optical see-through augmented reality displays have been developed together with prototype decision support software for architectural and urban design. We suggest that a critical characteristic of multi user augmented reality is its ability to generate visualisations from a first person perspective in which the scale of rendition of the design model follows many of the conventions that designers are used to. Different scales of model appear to allow designers to focus on different aspects of the design under consideration. Augmenting the scene with simulations of pedestrian movement appears to assist both in scale recognition, and in moving from a first person to a third person understanding of the design. This research project is funded by the European Commission IST program (IST-2000-28559)

    Paper-based Mixed Reality Sketch Augmentation as a Conceptual Design Support Tool

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    This undergraduate student paper explores usage of mixed reality techniques as support tools for conceptual design. A proof-of-concept was developed to illustrate this principle. Using this as an example, a small group of designers was interviewed to determine their views on the use of this technology. These interviews are the main contribution of this paper. Several interesting applications were determined, suggesting possible usage in a wide range of domains. Paper-based sketching, mixed reality and sketch augmentation techniques complement each other, and the combination results in a highly intuitive interface
