65 research outputs found

    Detection of Malware By Using Support Vector Machine

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    Investigate the structure of the program by using bytes or text strings N-gram analysis is an approach . A basic issue with N-gram analysis is selection of feature ,the explosion of features that occurs when N is increased .The experimental details within this paper represent programs as operational code density histograms which are gained from dynamic analysis .A support vector machine is used for the creation of reference model ,also having two methods of feature reduction, first is area of intersect and subspace analysis using eigenvectors .then analysis show that the relationships between features are complex and simple statistics filtering approaches do not provide a viable approach. use eigenvector subspace analysis to produces a suitable filter. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15069

    Towards Vulnerability Discovery Using Staged Program Analysis

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    Eliminating vulnerabilities from low-level code is vital for securing software. Static analysis is a promising approach for discovering vulnerabilities since it can provide developers early feedback on the code they write. But, it presents multiple challenges not the least of which is understanding what makes a bug exploitable and conveying this information to the developer. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a practical vulnerability assessment framework, called Melange. Melange performs data and control flow analysis to diagnose potential security bugs, and outputs well-formatted bug reports that help developers understand and fix security bugs. Based on the intuition that real-world vulnerabilities manifest themselves across multiple parts of a program, Melange performs both local and global analyses. To scale up to large programs, global analysis is demand-driven. Our prototype detects multiple vulnerability classes in C and C++ code including type confusion, and garbage memory reads. We have evaluated Melange extensively. Our case studies show that Melange scales up to large codebases such as Chromium, is easy-to-use, and most importantly, capable of discovering vulnerabilities in real-world code. Our findings indicate that static analysis is a viable reinforcement to the software testing tool set.Comment: A revised version to appear in the proceedings of the 13th conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA), July 201

    Bridging statistical learning and formal reasoning for cyber attack detection

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    Current cyber-infrastructures are facing increasingly stealthy attacks that implant malicious payloads under the cover of benign programs. Current attack detection approaches based on statistical learning methods may generate misleading decision boundaries when processing noisy data with such a mixture of benign and malicious behaviors. On the other hand, attack detection based on formal program analysis may lack completeness or adaptivity when modeling attack behaviors. In light of these limitations, we have developed LEAPS, an attack detection system based on supervised statistical learning to classify benign and malicious system events. Furthermore, we leverage control flow graphs inferred from the system event logs to enable automatic pruning of the training data, which leads to a more accurate classification model when applied to the testing data. Our extensive evaluation shows that, compared with pure statistical learning models, LEAPS achieves consistently higher accuracy when detecting real-world camouflaged attackswith benign program cover-up

    Metamorphic Detection Using Function Call Graph Analysis

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    Well-designed metamorphic malware can evade many commonly used malware detection techniques including signature scanning. In this research, we consider a score based on function call graph analysis. We test this score on several challenging classes of metamorphic malware and we show that the resulting detection rates yield an improvement over previous research

    Signature Base Method Dataset Feature Reduction of Opcode Using Pre-Processing Approach

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    Malware can be defined as any type of malicious code that has the potential to harm a computer or network. To detect unknown malware families, the frequency of the appearance of Opcode (Operation Code) sequences are used through dynamic analysis. Opcode n-gram analysis used to extract features from the inspected files. Opcode n-grams are used as features during the classification process with the aim of identifying unknown malicious code. A support vector machine (SVM) is used to create a reference model, which is used to evaluate two methods of feature reduction, which are area of intersect. The SVM is configured to traverse through the dataset searching for Opcodes that have a positive impact on the classification of benign and malicious software. The dataset is constructed by representing each executable file as a set of Opcode density histograms. Classification tasks involve separating dataset into training and test data. The training sets are classified into benign and malicious software. In area of interest the characteristics of benign and malicious Opcodes are plotted as normal distributions. They are grouped into density curves of a single Opcode. The key feature to note is the overlapping area of the two density curves. In Subspace analysis the importance of individual Opcodes, are investigated by the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in subspace .PCA is used for data compression and mapping. The eigenvector filter Opcodes coincides with the SVM chose Opcodes

    Eliminating stack overflow by abstract interpretation

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    ManuscriptAn important correctness criterion for software running on embedded microcontrollers is stack safety: a guarantee that the call stack does not overflow. Our first contribution is a method for statically guaranteeing stack safety of interrupt-driven embedded software using an approach based on context-sensitive dataflow analysis of object code. We have implemented a prototype stack analysis tool that targets software for Atmel AVR microcontrollers and tested it on embedded applications compiled from up to 30,000 lines of C. We experimentally validate the accuracy of the tool, which runs in under 10 sec on the largest programs that we tested. The second contribution of this paper is the development of two novel ways to reduce stack memory requirements of embedded software
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