15 research outputs found

    Analysis of hierarchical cellular networks with mobile base stations

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    In this paper. we develop and evaluate a hierarchical cellular architecture for totally mobile wireless networks (TMWNs). Extensive performance tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of a two-tier system and compare its throughput, handoff blocking rate and new call success rate with those obtained by a one-tier model. Our tests have shown that when the total number of channels is kept the same, the two-tier system outperformed the one-tier counterpart under all load conditions. Under the constraint of equal power consumption, the two-tier system still achieved improvement over the one-tier system. especially at light and medium load levels. The improvement of the two-tier system over the one-tier system was observed to diminish as the degree of randomness in the mobility model is reduced scenarios where the one-tier system outperforms the two-tier system are given. Load balancing schemes based on the concept of reversible handoffs are introduced and their performance improvements are analyzed. Comparison results on the percentage of terminal coverage are presented. An analytical model to compute the new call and handoff blocking probabilities in TMWN is given and evaluated. The model extends the Markov chain approach previously used in hierarchical architectures with stationary base stations and uses a corrected derivation for the handoff blocking probability

    Network lifetime extension, power conservation and interference suppression for next generation mobile wireless networks

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    Two major focus research areas related to the design of the next generation multihop wireless networks are network lifetime extension and interference suppression. In this dissertation, these two issues are addressed. In the area of interference suppression, a new family of projection multiuser detectors, based on a generalized, two-stage design is proposed. Projection multiuser detectors provide efficient protection against undesired interference of unknown power, while preserving simple design, with closed-form solution for error probabilities. It is shown that these detectors are linearly optimal, if the interference power is unknown. In the area of network lifetime extension, a new approach to minimum energy routing for multihop wireless networks in Rayleigh fading channels is proposed. It is based on the concept of power combining, whereby two users transmit same signal to the destination user, emulating transmit diversity with two transmit antennas. Analytical framework for the evaluation of the benefits of power combining, in terms of the total transmit power reduction, is defined. Simulation results, which match closely the analytical results, indicate that significant improvements, in terms of transmit power reduction and network lifetime extension, are achievable. The messaging load, generated by the new scheme, is moderate, and can be further optimized

    Efficient admission control schemes in cellular IP networks

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    The rapid growth of real-time multimedia applications over IP (Internet Protocol) networks has made the Quality of Service (QoS) a critical issue. One important factor affecting the QoS in the overall IP networks is the admission control in the fast expanding wireless IP networks. Due to the limitations of wireless bandwidth, wireless IP networks (cellular IP networks in particular) are generally considered to be the bottlenecks of the global IP networks. Admission control is to maintain the QoS level for the services admitted. It determines whether to admit or reject a new call request in the mobile cell based on the availability of the bandwidth. In this thesis, the term “call” is for general IP services including voice calls (VoIP) and the term “wireless IP” is used interchangeably with “cellular IP”, which means “cellular or mobile networks supporting IP applications”. In the wireless IP networks, apart from new calls, there are handoff (handover) calls which are calls moving from one cell to another. The general admission control includes the new call admission control and handoff call admission control. The desired admission control schemes should have the QoS maintained in specified levels and network resources (i.e. bandwidth in this case) are utilised efficiently. The study conducted in this thesis is on reviewing current admission control schemes and developing new schemes. Threshold Access Sharing (TAS) scheme is one of the existing schemes with good performance on general call admission. Our work started with enhancing TAS. We have proposed an improved Threshold Access Sharing (iTAS) scheme with the simplified ratebased borrowing which is an adaptive mechanism. The iTAS aims to lower handoff call dropping probability and to maximise the resource utilisation. The scheme works at the cell level (i.e. it is applied at the base station), on the basis of reserving a fixed amount of bandwidth for handoff calls. Prioritised calls can be admitted by “borrowing” bandwidth from other ongoing calls. Our simulation has shown that the new scheme has outperformed the original TAS in terms of handoff prioritisation and handling, especially for bandwidth adaptive calls. However, in iTAS, the admission decision is made solely based on bandwidth related criteria. All calls of same class are assumed having similar behaviour. In the real situation, many factors can be referred in decision making of the admission control, especially the handoff call handling. We have proposed a novice scheme, which considered multiple criteria with different weights. The total weights are used to make a decision for a handoff. These criteria are hard to be modelled in the traditional admission models. Our simulated result has demonstrated that this scheme yields better performance in terms of handoff call xiv dropping compared with iTAS. We further expand the coverage of the admission control from a cell level to a system level in the hierarchical networks. A new admission control model was built, aiming to optimise bandwidth utilisation by separating the signalling channels and traffic channels in different tiers. In the new model, handoff calls are also prioritised using call classification and admission levels. Calls belonging to a certain class follow a pre-defined admission rule. The admission levels can be adjusted to suit the traffic situation in the system. Our simulated results show that this model works better than the normal 2-tier hierarchical networks in terms of handoff calls. The model settings are adjustable to reflect real situation. Finally we conclude our research and suggest some possible future work

    A Novel Load Balancing Scheme for Hot-spot Cells

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    The radio spectrum that is available to us is very limited. The cellular network works fine when the traffic conditions are normal or below normal. But when the cellular traffic increases the network cannot perform efficiently under this increasing traffic load as the radio spectrum to serve this increasing traffic is very limited. To avoid degradation and to increase performance of wireless cellular network frequency reuse and channel allocation techniques are used. The sole purpose of the channel allocation techniques is to allocate the available channel in such a way that the call blocking probability is reduced. In this paper we propose a HCA technique which will reduce the call blocking probability when the Cell becomes a hot spot i.e. the cellular traffic is beyond normal. These papers propose a novel load balancing scheme that will allocate channel to the overburden cell using hot spot notification. The HCA scheme is a combination of FCA and DCA scheme which effectively utilize the central pool for allocation of channels to the cells under heavy traffic. This HCA Scheme work like FCA in initial stages i.e. under low traffic levels and more like DCA at later stages i.e. high traffic levels and also reduces the Call blocking probability to great extent

    Efficient radio resource management for future generation heterogeneous wireless networks

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    The heterogeneous deployment of small cells (e.g., femtocells) in the coverage area of the traditional macrocells is a cost-efficient solution to provide network capacity, indoor coverage and green communications towards sustainable environments in the future fifth generation (5G) wireless networks. However, the unplanned and ultra-dense deployment of femtocells with their uncoordinated operations will result in technical challenges such as severe interference, a significant increase in total energy consumption, unfairness in radio resource sharing and inadequate quality of service provisioning. Therefore, there is a need to develop efficient radio resource management algorithms that will address the above-mentioned technical challenges. The aim of this thesis is to develop and evaluate new efficient radio resource management algorithms that will be implemented in cognitive radio enabled femtocells to guarantee the economical sustainability of broadband wireless communications and users' quality of service in terms of throughput and fairness. Cognitive Radio (CR) technology with the Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) and stochastic process are the key technologies utilized in this research to increase the spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency at limited interference. This thesis essentially investigates three research issues relating to the efficient radio resource management: Firstly, a self-organizing radio resource management algorithm for radio resource allocation and interference management is proposed. The algorithm considers the effect of imperfect spectrum sensing in detecting the available transmission opportunities to maximize the throughput of femtocell users while keeping interference below pre-determined thresholds and ensuring fairness in radio resource sharing among users. Secondly, the effect of maximizing the energy efficiency and the spectrum efficiency individually on radio resource management is investigated. Then, an energy-efficient radio resource management algorithm and a spectrum-efficient radio resource management algorithm are proposed for green communication, to improve the probabilities of spectrum access and further increase the network capacity for sustainable environments. Also, a joint maximization of the energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency of the overall networks is considered since joint optimization of energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency is one of the goals of 5G wireless networks. Unfortunately, maximizing the energy efficiency results in low performance of the spectrum efficiency and vice versa. Therefore, there is an investigation on how to balance the trade-off that arises when maximizing both the energy efficiency and the spectrum efficiency simultaneously. Hence, a joint energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency trade-off algorithm is proposed for radio resource allocation in ultra-dense heterogeneous networks based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access. Lastly, a joint radio resource allocation with adaptive modulation and coding scheme is proposed to minimize the total transmit power across femtocells by considering the location and the service requirements of each user in the network. The performance of the proposed algorithms is evaluated by simulation and numerical analysis to demonstrate the impact of ultra-dense deployment of femtocells on the macrocell networks. The results show that the proposed algorithms offer improved performance in terms of throughput, fairness, power control, spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency. Also, the proposed algorithms display excellent performance in dynamic wireless environments

    Handover management strategies in LTE-advanced heterogeneous networks.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Meeting the increasing demand for data due to the proliferation of high-specification mobile devices in the cellular systems has led to the improvement of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) framework to the LTE-Advanced systems. Different aspects such as Massive Multiple-Input Multiple Output (MIMO), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), heterogeneous networks and Carrier Aggregation have been considered in the LTE-Advanced to improve the performance of the system. The small cells like the femtocells and the relays play a significant role in increasing the coverage and the capacity of the mobile cellular networks in LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) heterogeneous network. However, the user equipment (UE) are faced with the frequent handover problems in the heterogeneous systems than the homogeneous systems due to the users‟ mobility and densely populated cells. The objective of this research work is to analyse the handover performance in the current LTE/LTE-A network and to propose various handover management strategies to handle the frequent handover problems in the LTE-Advance heterogeneous networks. To achieve this, an event driven simulator using C# was developed based on the 3GPP LTE/LTE-A standard to evaluate the proposed strategies. To start with, admission control which is a major requirement during the handover initiation stage is discussed and this research work has therefore proposed a channel borrowing admission control scheme for the LTE-A networks. With this scheme in place, resources are better utilized and more calls are accepted than in the conventional schemes where the channel borrowing is not applied. Also proposed is an enhanced strategy for the handover management in two-tier femtocell-macrocell networks. The proposed strategy takes into consideration the speed of user and other parameters in other to effectively reduce the frequent and unnecessary handovers, and as well as the ratio of target femtocells in the system. We also consider scenarios such as the one that dominate the future networks where femtocells will be densely populated to handle very heavy traffic. To achieve this, a Call Admission Control (CAC)-based handover management strategy is proposed to manage the handover in dense femtocell-macrocell integration in the LTE-A network. The handover probability, the handover call dropping probability and the call blocking probability are reduced considerably with the proposed strategy. Finally, the handover management for the mobile relays in a moving vehicle is considered (using train as a case study). We propose a group handover strategy where the Mobile Relay Node (MRN) is integrated with a special mobile device called “mdev” to prepare the group information prior to the handover time. This is done to prepare the UE‟s group information and services for timely handover due to the speed of the train. This strategy reduces the number of handovers and the call dropping probability in the moving vehicle.Publications and conferences listed on page iv-v

    An Innovative RAN Architecture for Emerging Heterogeneous Networks: The Road to the 5G Era

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    The global demand for mobile-broadband data services has experienced phenomenal growth over the last few years, driven by the rapid proliferation of smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. This growth is expected to continue unabated as mobile data traffic is predicted to grow anywhere from 20 to 50 times over the next 5 years. Exacerbating the problem is that such unprecedented surge in smartphones usage, which is characterized by frequent short on/off connections and mobility, generates heavy signaling traffic load in the network signaling storms . This consumes a disproportion amount of network resources, compromising network throughput and efficiency, and in extreme cases can cause the Third-Generation (3G) or 4G (long-term evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A)) cellular networks to crash. As the conventional approaches of improving the spectral efficiency and/or allocation additional spectrum are fast approaching their theoretical limits, there is a growing consensus that current 3G and 4G (LTE/LTE-A) cellular radio access technologies (RATs) won\u27t be able to meet the anticipated growth in mobile traffic demand. To address these challenges, the wireless industry and standardization bodies have initiated a roadmap for transition from 4G to 5G cellular technology with a key objective to increase capacity by 1000Ã? by 2020 . Even though the technology hasn\u27t been invented yet, the hype around 5G networks has begun to bubble. The emerging consensus is that 5G is not a single technology, but rather a synergistic collection of interworking technical innovations and solutions that collectively address the challenge of traffic growth. The core emerging ingredients that are widely considered the key enabling technologies to realize the envisioned 5G era, listed in the order of importance, are: 1) Heterogeneous networks (HetNets); 2) flexible backhauling; 3) efficient traffic offload techniques; and 4) Self Organizing Networks (SONs). The anticipated solutions delivered by efficient interworking/ integration of these enabling technologies are not simply about throwing more resources and /or spectrum at the challenge. The envisioned solution, however, requires radically different cellular RAN and mobile core architectures that efficiently and cost-effectively deploy and manage radio resources as well as offload mobile traffic from the overloaded core network. The main objective of this thesis is to address the key techno-economics challenges facing the transition from current Fourth-Generation (4G) cellular technology to the 5G era in the context of proposing a novel high-risk revolutionary direction to the design and implementation of the envisioned 5G cellular networks. The ultimate goal is to explore the potential and viability of cost-effectively implementing the 1000x capacity challenge while continuing to provide adequate mobile broadband experience to users. Specifically, this work proposes and devises a novel PON-based HetNet mobile backhaul RAN architecture that: 1) holistically addresses the key techno-economics hurdles facing the implementation of the envisioned 5G cellular technology, specifically, the backhauling and signaling challenges; and 2) enables, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the support of efficient ground-breaking mobile data and signaling offload techniques, which significantly enhance the performance of both the HetNet-based RAN and LTE-A\u27s core network (Evolved Packet Core (EPC) per 3GPP standard), ensure that core network equipment is used more productively, and moderate the evolving 5G\u27s signaling growth and optimize its impact. To address the backhauling challenge, we propose a cost-effective fiber-based small cell backhaul infrastructure, which leverages existing fibered and powered facilities associated with a PON-based fiber-to-the-Node/Home (FTTN/FTTH)) residential access network. Due to the sharing of existing valuable fiber assets, the proposed PON-based backhaul architecture, in which the small cells are collocated with existing FTTN remote terminals (optical network units (ONUs)), is much more economical than conventional point-to-point (PTP) fiber backhaul designs. A fully distributed ring-based EPON architecture is utilized here as the fiber-based HetNet backhaul. The techno-economics merits of utilizing the proposed PON-based FTTx access HetNet RAN architecture versus that of traditional 4G LTE-A\u27s RAN will be thoroughly examined and quantified. Specifically, we quantify the techno-economics merits of the proposed PON-based HetNet backhaul by comparing its performance versus that of a conventional fiber-based PTP backhaul architecture as a benchmark. It is shown that the purposely selected ring-based PON architecture along with the supporting distributed control plane enable the proposed PON-based FTTx RAN architecture to support several key salient networking features that collectively significantly enhance the overall performance of both the HetNet-based RAN and 4G LTE-A\u27s core (EPC) compared to that of the typical fiber-based PTP backhaul architecture in terms of handoff capability, signaling overhead, overall network throughput and latency, and QoS support. It will also been shown that the proposed HetNet-based RAN architecture is not only capable of providing the typical macro-cell offloading gain (RAN gain) but also can provide ground-breaking EPC offloading gain. The simulation results indicate that the overall capacity of the proposed HetNet scales with the number of deployed small cells, thanks to LTE-A\u27s advanced interference management techniques. For example, if there are 10 deployed outdoor small cells for every macrocell in the network, then the overall capacity will be approximately 10-11x capacity gain over a macro-only network. To reach the 1000x capacity goal, numerous small cells including 3G, 4G, and WiFi (femtos, picos, metros, relays, remote radio heads, distributed antenna systems) need to be deployed indoors and outdoors, at all possible venues (residences and enterprises)

    Distributed radio resource allocation in wireless heterogeneous networks

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    This dissertation studies the problem of resource allocation in the radio access network of heterogeneous small-cell networks (HetSNets). A HetSNet is constructed by introducing smallcells(SCs) to a geographical area that is served by a well-structured macrocell network. These SCs reuse the frequency bands of the macro-network and operate in the interference-limited region. Thus, complex radio resource allocation schemes are required to manage interference and improve spectral efficiency. Both centralized and distributed approaches have been suggested by researchers to solve this problem. This dissertation follows the distributed approach under the self-organizing networks (SONs) paradigm. In particular, it develops game-theoretic and learning-theoretic modeling, analysis, and algorithms. Even though SONs may perform subpar to a centralized optimal controller, they are highly scalable and fault-tolerant. There are many facets to the problem of wireless resource allocation. They vary by the application, solution, methodology, and resource type. Therefore, this thesis restricts the treatment to four subproblems that were chosen due to their significant impact on network performance and suitability to our interests and expertise. Game theory and mechanism design are the main tools used since they provide a sufficiently rich environment to model the SON problem. Firstly, this thesis takes into consideration the problem of uplink orthogonal channel access in a dense cluster of SCs that is deployed in a macrocell service area. Two variations of this problem are modeled as noncooperative Bayesian games and the existence of pure-Bayesian Nash symmetric equilibria are demonstrated. Secondly, this thesis presents the generalized satisfaction equilibrium (GSE) for games in satisfaction-form. Each wireless agent has a constraint to satisfy and the GSE is a mixed-strategy profile from which no unsatisfied agent can unilaterally deviate to satisfaction. The objective of the GSE is to propose an alternative equilibrium that is designed specifically to model wireless users. The existence of the GSE, its computational complexity, and its performance compared to the Nash equilibrium are discussed. Thirdly, this thesis introduces verification mechanisms for dynamic self-organization of Wireless access networks. The main focus of verification mechanisms is to replace monetary transfers that are prevalent in current research. In the wireless environment particular private information of the wireless agents, such as block error rate and application class, can be verified at the access points. This verification capability can be used to threaten false reports with backhaul throttling. The agents then learn the truthful equilibrium over time by observing the rewards and punishments. Finally, the problem of admission control in the interfering-multiple access channel with rate constraints is addressed. In the incomplete information setting, with compact convex channel power gains, the resulting Bayesian game possesses at least one pureBayesian Nash equilibrium in on-off threshold strategies. The above-summarized results of this thesis demonstrate that the HetSNets are amenable to self-organization, albeit with adapted incentives and equilibria to fit the wireless environment. Further research problems to expand these results are identified at the end of this document