31 research outputs found

    Results of Fitted Neural Network Models on Malaysian Aggregate Dataset

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    This result-based paper presents the best results of both fitted BPNN-NAR and BPNN-NARMA on MCCI Aggregate dataset with respect to different error measures.  This section discusses on the results in terms of the performance of the fitted forecasting models by each set of input lags and error lags used, the performance of the fitted forecasting models by the different hidden nodes used, the performance of the fitted forecasting models when combining both inputs and hidden nodes, the consistency of error measures used for the fitted forecasting models, as well as the overall best fitted forecasting models for Malaysian aggregate cost indices dataset

    Network congestion management using Call Admission Control

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    Abstract: Call Admission Control schemes have been used extensively in improving mobile network quality. Signal quality degradation, interference and network congestion has been a real issue for Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) as the number of mobile users increased rapidly. It has been an issue in providing a decent Quality of Service (QoS) to the network users especially during the period of high network traffic. It is essential to maintain a certain level of quality in handling mobile network congestion. Fortunately, Call Admission Control is a strategy that can provide credible QoS by limiting the number of connections into the cellular network thereby reducing network congestions, dropping of calls, interference and other QoS problems. In this paper, we discuss issues around mobile network congestion, overview of congestion management schemes, attributes and benefits of Call Admission Control (CAC). We also highlight different handoff schemes. We simulated a typical CAC scheme comparing the new call blocking probability and handoff call probability

    Рекуррентный алгоритм расчета стационарного распределения вероятностей состояний модели с прерыванием одноадресных соединений трафиком мультивещания

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    LTE fourth generation networks become one of the most important trends in the modernization of telecommunications systems. According to international standards, LTE networks specify nine types of services, that differ in terms of the bit-rate (guaranteed or non-guaranteed) and priority level. Depending on the bit rate overall traffic generated during the service providing is divided into three types: unicast streaming, streaming multicast, and elastic. The priority level can be realized with use of different mechanisms - bit rate degradation, service interruption, reservation, threshold and probabilistic management - that form the foundations of the radio admission control schemes. In the paper, a model of RAC scheme is proposed with service interruption of unicast traffic and two service disciplines for multicast traffic. The recursive algorithm is proposed for calculating main performance measures of model - blocking and pre-emption probabilities for unicast traffic.Сети мобильной связи четвёртого поколения на базе технологии LTE (Long Term Evolution) в настоящее время стали одним из важнейших направлений в модернизации телекоммуникационных систем. Согласно международным стандартам в сетях LTE выделяют девять типов услуг, каждый из которых, в первую очередь, характеризуется гарантированной или негарантированной скоростью передачи данных и приоритетом в обслуживании. В зависимости от значения скорости передачи данных устанавливается соответствие между услугой и типом генерируемого ей трафика - потоковым одноадресным, потоковым многоадресным или эластичным. В зависимости от значения приоритета в обслуживании для услуги могут быть реализованы различные сценарии доступа к ресурсам сети, основанные, как правило, на следующих механизмах: снижение скорости передачи информации, прерывание обслуживания, резервирование, пороговое и вероятностное управление. В статье построена модель схемы доступа к ресурсам соты сети LTE с прерыванием передачи менее приоритетного потокового одноадресного трафика и двумя дисциплинами обслуживания более приоритетного потокового многоадресного трафика. Получен алгоритм для расчёта стационарного распределения вероятностей состояний модели, предложены формулы расчёта основных характеристик модели - вероятностей блокировки и прерывания обслуживания запросов на передачу одноадресного трафика


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    Este artículo presenta el comportamiento de los algoritmos control de admisión de llamada CAC y reorganización de la carga LDR. Se  analizan dos escenarios donde son utilizados para mejorar el rendimiento de la red 3G. En el primero de ellos se presenta un caso de congestión de potencia en el uplink y en el segundo se analiza el nivel de congestión de elementos de canal CE en el uplink

    GSM-Based Smart Energy Meter With Arduino Uno

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    This paper proposed and demonstrated Smart Energy Meter that the users will be able to monitor their current power consumptions (bill) anytime from anywhere by using their mobile phone via Short Message Services (SMS).It would be a huge beneficial for the customers if they can monitor their energy meter’s power consumptions (bill) on a real-time basis.Arduino UNO, main controller,was the interface between energy meter and Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) module.GSM module connect the energy meter to users’ mobile phone.Real Time Clock (RTC) DS1307 was used to get the real time to count and store the usage into the EEPROM.The program developed in C language with the Arduino syntax in the Arduino IDE.The proposed system demonstrated its capability to check the current usage (bill),notify when reaching the limit,reset the usage (bill) successfully,only via accessing GSM-based mobile phone

    Adaptive Admission Control in Interference-Coupled Wireless Data Networks: A Planning and Optimization Tool Set

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    Abstract-Typically, wireless network performance decreases in high traf c regimes, e. g., at traf c hot spots and peak hours, since a large number of active users have to share limited radio resources. From a network perspective, even congestion may occur in some cells, which may lead to drastic deterioration of user throughputs. As a consequence, network operators employ admission control in their base stations in order to prevent congestion and enhance quality of experience. In this paper, we develop an effective network planning and optimization tool set, which considers the dynamic behavior of mobile traf c. The tool set allows for a more accurate prediction of data request blocking probabilities and data throughputs under admission control, since it explicitly considers the inter-cell interference coupled nature of frequency reuse one networks. This enables more reliable planning and (self-) optimization of wireless networks. We prove utility by applying the tool set to a traf c-adaptive admission control scheme and compare the resulting network performance with that of static admission control schemes under demands of high mobile data traf c. We nd that the adaptive algorithm is able to exploit the trade-offs between blocking of requests, reduced interference, and guaranteed resources for individual data transmissions in each of the cells. Under high traf c conditions, it yields better performance compared to any other static scheme investigated

    Cava wine authentication employing a voltammetric electronic tongue

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    The application of an Electronic Tongue for the classification of cava samples based on their different ageing times is reported. As such, voltammetric responses were obtained from an array of six bulk-modified graphite-epoxy electrodes, which exhibited marked mix-responses towards the different samples. Obtained responses were then preprocessed employing FFT and the resulting coefficients were input to a LDA model which allowed the classification of the samples according to its vintage time. Besides, a quantitative model employing ANNs was built for the prediction of the total amount of sugar present in the samples, a parameter also used to classify cava samples