2,190 research outputs found

    The energy dilemma and its impact on air transportation

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    The dimensions of the energy situation are discussed in relation to air travel. Energy conservation, fuel consumption, and combustion efficiency are examined, as well as the proposal for subsonic aircraft using hydrogen fuel

    Finding the Balance Between Price and Protection: Establishing a Surface-to-Air Fire Risk-Reduction Training Policy for Air-Carrier Pilots

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    Currently, U.S. air carriers do not provide equipment or training necessary to mitigate the risk posed by surface-to-air fire (SAFIRE) threats. These threats consist of self-guided weapons (infrared shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles), manually-aimed threats (small arms, recoilless grenade launchers, rockets, and light anti-aircraft artillery), and hand-held lasers. Technological solutions to counter infrared shoulder-fired missiles have been explored, but were rejected due to prohibitive equipment and maintenance costs. A lower cost option, providing air-carrier pilots with SAFIRE risk-reduction training, has not been formally addressed by the air-carrier industry or the U.S. federal government. This effort will use a business concept, the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), to illustrate a method that could be used to help policy makers and stakeholders determine if the SAFIRE threat warrants the individual air-carrier expense associated with a mandatory SAFIRE risk-reduction training program. This project advocates the creation of a panel with (a) the expertise necessary to conduct a detailed CBA of air-carrier expense to determine the necessity for a federally mandated SAFIRE risk-reduction training program; and (b) the authority to implement the policy as determined by the lead agency. To understand the issues surrounding the CBA, it is necessary to examine the nature of the three primary categories of SAFIRE threats, identify potential stakeholders, review notional training options, examine statistical tools, and quantify potential expenses. Two notional CBAs were used to show the difference in results between potential statistical methodologies, with the Direct Comparison model validating the concept and the Expectant Value model showing that the training expense far outweighed the financial risk. Although this project describes how a training program could be developed and implemented, it is not intended to support either the implementation or the absence of SAFIRE risk-reduction training

    Особливості реконфігурації пасажирського літака у вантажний

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету". Керівник роботи: доцент, к.т.н. Юцкевич Святослав СергійовичThis thesis is dedicated to the features of reconfiguration of the passenger aircraft into a cargo aircraft, which will meet international flight standards, safety standards, economy and reliability, as well as the development of changes in mass characteristics to increase the loading of commercial cargo of the reconfigured aircraft. The work has used methods of analytical design, computer design using CAD/CAM/CAE systems, practical design of new reconfigured aircraft and shows the changes in the systems and devices. Practical value of the work is achieving a complete reconfiguration of the aircraft from passenger to cargo, by describing the features for structural and design solutions to receive the necessary certification in accordance with airworthiness standards. The materials of the master's diploma can be used in the aviation industry and in the educational process of aviation specialties.Дана дипломна робота присвячена розгляду особливостей реконфігурації пасажирського літака у вантажний, що буде відповідати міжнародним стандартам польотів, нормам безпеки, економічності та надійності, а також розробці змін масових характеристик для збільшення навантаження комерційним грузом реконфігурованого літака. В роботі було використано методи аналітичного розрахунку, компьютерного проєктування за допомогою CAD/CAM/CAE систем, ескізного проєктування нового реконфігурованого літака та показано зміни у системах та пристроях. Практичне значення результату дипломної роботи магістра полягає в досягненні повної реконфігурації літака з пасажирського на вантажний, шляхом опису особливостей конструктивно-конструкторських рішень для отримання необхідної сертифікації відповідно до стандартів льотної придатності. Матеріали дипломної роботи магістра можуть бути використані в навчальному процесі та в практичній діяльності конструкторів спеціалізованих проєктних установ

    Commercial Carriage and Military Traffic

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    A feasibility study for advanced technology integration for general aviation

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    An investigation was conducted to identify candidate technologies and specific developments which offer greatest promise for improving safety, fuel efficiency, performance, and utility of general aviation airplanes. Interviews were conducted with general aviation airframe and systems manufacturers and NASA research centers. The following technologies were evaluated for use in airplane design tradeoff studies conducted during the study: avionics, aerodynamics, configurations, structures, flight controls, and propulsion. Based on industry interviews and design tradeoff studies, several recommendations were made for further high payoff research. The most attractive technologies for use by the general aviation industry appear to be advanced engines, composite materials, natural laminar flow airfoils, and advanced integrated avionics systems. The integration of these technologies in airplane design can yield significant increases in speeds, ranges, and payloads over present aircraft with 40 percent to 50 percent reductions in fuel used

    Comparison of Commercial Aircraft Fuel Requirements in Regards to FAR, Flight Profile Simulation, and Flight Operational Techniques

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    abstract: There are significant fuel consumption consequences for non-optimal flight operations. This study is intended to analyze and highlight areas of interest that affect fuel consumption in typical flight operations. By gathering information from actual flight operators (pilots, dispatch, performance engineers, and air traffic controllers), real performance issues can be addressed and analyzed. A series of interviews were performed with various individuals in the industry and organizations. The wide range of insight directed this study to focus on FAA regulations, airline policy, the ATC system, weather, and flight planning. The goal is to highlight where operational performance differs from design intent in order to better connect optimization with actual flight operations. After further investigation and consensus from the experienced participants, the FAA regulations do not need any serious attention until newer technologies and capabilities are implemented. The ATC system is severely out of date and is one of the largest limiting factors in current flight operations. Although participants are pessimistic about its timely implementation, the FAA's NextGen program for a future National Airspace System should help improve the efficiency of flight operations. This includes situational awareness, weather monitoring, communication, information management, optimized routing, and cleaner flight profiles like Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Continuous Descent Approach (CDA). Working off the interview results, trade-studies were performed using an in-house flight profile simulation of a Boeing 737-300, integrating NASA legacy codes EDET and NPSS with a custom written mission performance and point-performance "Skymap" calculator. From these trade-studies, it was found that certain flight conditions affect flight operations more than others. With weather, traffic, and unforeseeable risks, flight planning is still limited by its high level of precaution. From this study, it is recommended that air carriers increase focus on defining policies like load scheduling, CG management, reduction in zero fuel weight, inclusion of performance measurement systems, and adapting to the regulations to best optimize the spirit of the requirement.. As well, air carriers should create a larger drive to implement the FAA's NextGen system and move the industry into the future.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Aerospace Engineering 201

    Annual report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (28th).administrative report including Technical Report nos. 727 to 751

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    Report includes the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics letter of submittal to the President, summaries of the committee's activities and research accomplished, bibliographies, and financial report

    Potential structural materials and design concepts for light airplanes Final report

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    Potential structural materials and design concepts evaluated for light aircraft application

    Philosophy and ethics of aerospace engineering

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    Engineering was a recognized human activity at a certain period of the history (17th / 18th centuries) when some militaries designed, constructed, operated, and maintained fortifications and engines of war, and then those activities were transferred into non-military applications. Engineering has continued to change geographically and socially and presently is extremely broad and its relevance it’s not solely technology based. However, its role in technology is decisive since is largely by technology that current society keeps its coherence. Philosophy of Technology has particularly attentive to the impact of technology on society and culture, rather than with technology itself. Actually, Philosophy has not paid adequate attention to engineering. On the contrary, at least since the 1960s, members of the philosophical community have been accusing engineers of polluting the natural world, transforming the climate, making useless consumer products, etc. Only in 1994 a new branch of Philosophy of Technology has emerged that is concerned with the technology itself, and may be called Engineering Philosophy of Technology or Philosophy and Ethics of Engineering. This is a new way of looking through engineering, that not only considers the ethical aspects but also many other modern issues that are being transformed by technical creations such as new existentialisms of risk projection, electronic networking, virtual reality, trans human and remote sensation and perception, graphic media presentations and probability analysis, interactive internet web sites, food, housing, transportation, communications, economics, etc. The present work starts with an expedition to the history of the Aeronautical Engineering in parallel with the Philosophy and Ethics in order to demonstrate the relationship between them. This thesis is intended to show the link between the aerospace/aeronautical engineering and world-wide economy growth (or lack of it!). This is done by analyzing some economic data in terms of world impact as well as the relevant social aspects such as the salaries of the airplane industry in the United States, France and Brazil, and their relation to the company income and country. These countries were selected due to their constant increase in state-of-the-art equipment proven in companies like Boeing, Airbus and Embraer.A Engenharia é uma atividade humana reconhecida num determinado período da história (séculos XVII e XVIII), quando alguns militares projetaram, construíram, operaram e mantiveram fortificações e máquinas de guerra e, em seguida, essas atividades foram transferidas para aplicações não militares. A Engenharia continuou a mudar geográfica e socialmente e atualmente tem uma abrangência extremamente ampla e a sua relevância não é apenas baseada em tecnologia. No entanto, o seu papel na tecnologia é decisivo, pois é em grande parte pela tecnologia que a sociedade atual mantém sua coerência. A Filosofia da Tecnologia tem estado particularmente atenta ao impacto da tecnologia na sociedade e na cultura, mas não na própria tecnologia. Na verdade, a Filosofia não deu uma atenção adequada à engenharia. Pelo contrário, ao menos desde a década de 1960, membros da comunidade filosófica têm acusado os engenheiros de poluir o mundo natural, transformando o clima, fazendo produtos de consumo inúteis, etc. Somente em 1994 surgiu um novo ramo da Filosofia da Tecnologia que é se preocupa, também, com a própria tecnologia, e pode ser chamado Filosofia de Engenharia da Tecnologia (por contraponto à Filosofia de Humanidades da Tecnologia, versando apenas os aspetos das Humanidades – Humanities Philosophy of Technology) ou Filosofia e Ética da Engenharia. Trata-se de uma nova forma de olhar através da Engenharia, que não só considera os aspetos éticos, mas também muitos outros temas modernos que estão sendo transformados por criações técnicas como os novos existencialismos de projeção de riscos, redes informáticas, realidade virtual, sensação e perceção transumana e remota, apresentações gráficas e análise de probabilidades, sítios de internet interativos, alimentação, alojamento, transporte, comunicações, economia, etc. O presente trabalho começa com uma expedição à história da Engenharia Aeronáutica em paralelo com a Filosofia e Ética, a fim de demonstrar a relação entre eles. Esta tese destina-se a mostrar a ligação entre a engenharia Aeroespacial / Aeronáutica e o crescimento da economia mundial (ou falta dela!). Isto é feito analisando alguns dados econômicos em termos de impacto mundial, bem como os aspetos sociais relevantes, tais como os salários da indústria de aviões nos Estados Unidos, França e Brasil, e sua relação com o rendimento da empresa e país. Estes países foram selecionados devido ao constante aumento de equipamentos de última geração comprovados em empresas como Boeing, Airbus e Embraer