117 research outputs found

    Cache-Aware Compositional Analysis of Real-Time Multicore Virtualization Platforms

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    Multicore processors are becoming ubiquitous, and it is becoming increasingly common to run multiple real-time systems on a shared multicore platform. While this trend helps to reduce cost and to increase performance, it also makes it more challenging to achieve timing guarantees and functional isolation. One approach to achieving functional isolation is to use virtualization. However, virtualization also introduces many challenges to the multicore timing analysis; for instance, the overhead due to cache misses becomes harder to predict, since it depends not only on the direct interference between tasks but also on the indirect interference between virtual processors and the tasks executing on them. In this paper, we present a cache-aware compositional analysis technique that can be used to ensure timing guarantees of components scheduled on a multicore virtualization platform. Our technique improves on previous multicore compositional analyses by accounting for the cache-related overhead in the components’ interfaces, and it addresses the new virtualization-specific challenges in the overhead analysis. To demonstrate the utility of our technique, we report results from an extensive evaluation based on randomly generated workloads

    Cache-Aware Compositional Analysis of Real-Time Multicore Virtualization Platforms

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    Multicore processors are becoming ubiquitous, and it is becoming increasingly common to run multiple real-time systems on a shared multicore platform. While this trend helps to reduce cost and to increase performance, it also makes it more challenging to achieve timing guarantees and functional isolation. One approach to achieving functional isolation is to use virtualization. However, virtualization also introduces many challenges to the multicore timing analysis; for instance, the overhead due to cache misses becomes harder to predict, since it depends not only on the direct interference between tasks but also on the indirect interference between virtual processors and the tasks executing on them. In this paper, we present a cache-aware compositional analysis technique that can be used to ensure timing guarantees of components scheduled on a multicore virtualization platform. Our technique improves on previous multicore compositional analyses by accounting for the cache-related overhead in the components’ interfaces, and it addresses the new virtualization-specific challenges in the overhead analysis. To demonstrate the utility of our technique, we report results from an extensive evaluation based on randomly generated workload

    Cache-Aware Real-Time Virtualization

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    Virtualization has been adopted in diverse computing environments, ranging from cloud computing to embedded systems. It enables the consolidation of multi-tenant legacy systems onto a multicore processor for Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) benefits. In order to be adopted in timing-critical systems, virtualization must provide real-time guarantee for tasks and virtual machines (VMs). However, existing virtualization technologies cannot offer such timing guarantee. Tasks in VMs can interfere with each other through shared hardware components. CPU cache, in particular, is a major source of interference that is hard to analyze or manage. In this work, we focus on challenges of the impact of cache-related interferences on the real-time guarantee of virtualization systems. We propose the cache-aware real-time virtualization that provides both system techniques and theoretical analysis for tackling the challenges. We start with the challenge of the private cache overhead and propose the private cache-aware compositional analysis. To tackle the challenge of the shared cache interference, we start with non-virtualization systems and propose a shared cache-aware scheduler for operating systems to co-allocate both CPU and cache resources to tasks and develop the analysis. We then investigate virtualization systems and propose a dynamic cache management framework that hierarchically allocates shared cache to tasks. After that, we further investigate the resource allocation and analysis technique that considers not only cache resource but also CPU and memory bandwidth resources. Our solutions are applicable to commodity hardware and are essential steps to advance virtualization technology into timing-critical systems

    Cache-aware Interfaces for Compositional Real-Time Systems

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    Interface-based compositional analysis is by now a fairly established area of research in real-time systems. However, current research has not yet fully considered practical aspects, such as the effects of cache interferences on multicore platforms. This position paper discusses the analysis challenges and motivates the need for cache scheduling in this setting, and it highlights several research questions towards cache-aware interfaces for compositional systems on multicore platforms

    A survey of techniques for reducing interference in real-time applications on multicore platforms

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    This survey reviews the scientific literature on techniques for reducing interference in real-time multicore systems, focusing on the approaches proposed between 2015 and 2020. It also presents proposals that use interference reduction techniques without considering the predictability issue. The survey highlights interference sources and categorizes proposals from the perspective of the shared resource. It covers techniques for reducing contentions in main memory, cache memory, a memory bus, and the integration of interference effects into schedulability analysis. Every section contains an overview of each proposal and an assessment of its advantages and disadvantages.This work was supported in part by the Comunidad de Madrid Government "Nuevas TĂ©cnicas de Desarrollo de Software de Tiempo Real Embarcado Para Plataformas. MPSoC de PrĂłxima GeneraciĂłn" under Grant IND2019/TIC-17261

    vCAT: Dynamic Cache Management Using CAT Virtualization

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    This paper presents vCAT, a novel design for dynamic shared cache management on multicore virtualization platforms based on Intel’s Cache Allocation Technology (CAT). Our design achieves strong isolation at both task and VM levels through cache partition virtualization, which works in a similar way as memory virtualization, but has challenges that are unique to cache and CAT. To demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of our design, we provide a prototype implementation of vCAT, and we present an extensive set of microbenchmarks and performance evaluation results on the PARSEC benchmarks and synthetic workloads, for both static and dynamic allocations. The evaluation results show that (i) vCAT can be implemented with minimal overhead, (ii) it can be used to mitigate shared cache interference, which could have caused task WCET increased by up to 7.2 x, (iii) static management in vCAT can increase system utilization by up to 7 x compared to a system without cache management; and (iv) dynamic management substantially outperforms static management in terms of schedulable utilization (increase by up to 3 x in our multi-mode example use case)

    Multi-Mode Virtualization for Soft Real-Time Systems

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    Real-time virtualization is an emerging technology for embedded systems integration and latency-sensitive cloud applications. Earlier real-time virtualization platforms require offline configuration of the scheduling parameters of virtual machines (VMs) based on their worst-case workloads, but this static approach results in pessimistic resource allocation when the workloads in the VMs change dynamically. Here, we present Multi-Mode-Xen (M2-Xen), a real-time virtualization platform for dynamic real-time systems where VMs can operate in modes with different CPU resource requirements at run-time. M2-Xen has three salient capabilities: (1) dynamic allocation of CPU resources among VMs in response to their mode changes, (2) overload avoidance at both the VM and host levels during mode transitions, and (3) fast mode transitions between different modes. M2-Xen has been implemented within Xen 4.8 using the real-time deferrable server (RTDS) scheduler. Experimental results show that M2-Xen maintains real-time performance in different modes, avoids overload during mode changes, and performs fast mode transitions

    Fixed-Priority Memory-Centric Scheduler for COTS-Based Multiprocessors

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    Memory-centric scheduling attempts to guarantee temporal predictability on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) multiprocessor systems to exploit their high performance for real-time applications. Several solutions proposed in the real-time literature have hardware requirements that are not easily satisfied by modern COTS platforms, like hardware support for strict memory partitioning or the presence of scratchpads. However, even without said hardware support, it is possible to design an efficient memory-centric scheduler. In this article, we design, implement, and analyze a memory-centric scheduler for deterministic memory management on COTS multiprocessor platforms without any hardware support. Our approach uses fixed-priority scheduling and proposes a global "memory preemption" scheme to boost real-time schedulability. The proposed scheduling protocol is implemented in the Jailhouse hypervisor and Erika real-time kernel. Measurements of the scheduler overhead demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach, and schedulability experiments show a 20% gain in terms of schedulability when compared to contention-based and static fair-share approaches

    Overhead-Aware Compositional Analysis of Real-Time Systems

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    Over the past decade, interface-based compositional schedulability analysis has emerged as an effective method for guaranteeing real-time properties in complex systems. Several interfaces and interface computation methods have been developed, and they offer a range of tradeoffs between the complexity and the accuracy of the analysis. However, none of the existing methods consider platform overheads in the component interfaces. As a result, although the analysis results are sound in theory, the systems may violate their timing constraints when running on realistic platforms. This is due to various overheads, such as task release delays, interrupts, cache effects, and context switches. Simple solutions, such as increasing the interface budget or the tasks’ worst-case execution times by a fixed amount, are either unsafe (because of the overhead accumulation problem) or they waste a lot of resources. In this paper, we present an overhead-aware compositional analysis technique that can account for platform overheads in the representation and computation of component interfaces. Our technique extends previous overhead accounting methods, but it additionally addresses the new challenges that are specific to the compositional scheduling setting. To demonstrate that our technique is practical, we report results from an extensive evaluation on a realistic platform
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