26,472 research outputs found

    A Simple CPS Transformation of Control-Flow Information

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    We build on Danvy and Nielsen's first-order program transformation into continuation-passing style (CPS) to design a new CPS transformation of flow information that is simpler and more efficient than what has been presented in previous work. The key to simplicity and efficiency is that our CPS transformation constructs the flow information in one go, instead of first computing an intermediate result and then exploiting it to construct the flow information. More precisely, we show how to compute control-flow information for CPS-transformed programs from control-flow information for direct-style programs and vice-versa. As a corollary, we confirm that CPS transformation has no effect on the control-flow information obtained by constraint-based control-flow analysis. The transformation has immediate applications in assessing the effect of the CPS transformation over other analyses such as, for instance, binding-time analysis

    CPS Transformation of Flow Information, Part II: Administrative Reductions

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    We characterize the impact of a linear beta-reduction on the result of a control-flow analysis. (By ``a linear beta-reduction'' we mean the beta-reduction of a linear lambda-abstraction, i.e., of a lambda-abstraction whose parameter occurs exactly once in its body.) As a corollary, we consider the administrative reductions of a Plotkin-style transformation into continuation-passing style (CPS), and how they affect the result of a constraint-based control-flow analysis and in particular the least element in the space of solutions. We show that administrative reductions preserve the least solution. Since we know how to construct least solutions, preservation of least solutions solves a problem that was left open in Palsberg and Wand's paper ``CPS Transformation of Flow Information.'' Therefore, together, Palsberg and Wand's article ``CPS Transformation of Flow Information'' and the present article show how to map, in linear time, the least solution of the flow constraints of a program into the least solution of the flow constraints of the CPS counterpart of this program, after administrative reductions. Furthermore, we show how to CPS transform control-flow information in one pass. Superseded by BRICS-RS-02-36

    A First-Order One-Pass CPS Transformation

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    We present a new transformation of call-by-value lambda-terms into continuation-passing style (CPS). This transformation operates in one pass and is both compositional and first-order. Because it operates in one pass, it directly yields compact CPS programs that are comparable to what one would write by hand. Because it is compositional, it allows proofs by structural induction. Because it is first-order, reasoning about it does not require the use of a logical relation. This new CPS transformation connects two separate lines of research. It has already been used to state a new and simpler correctness proof of a direct-style transformation, and to develop a new and simpler CPS transformation of control-flow information

    Syntactic Accidents in Program Analysis: On the Impact of the CPS Transformation

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    We show that a non-duplicating CPS transformation has no effect on control-flow analysis and that it has a positive effect on binding-time analysis: a monovariant control-flow analysis yields equivalent results on a direct-style programand on its CPS counterpart, and a monovariant binding-time analysis yields more precise results on a CPS program than on its direct-style counterpart. Our proof technique amounts to constructing the continuation-passing style (CPS) counterpart of flow information and of binding times.Our results confirm a folklore theorem about binding-time analysis, namelythat CPS has a positive effect on binding times. What may be more surprising is that this benefit holds even if contexts or continuations are not duplicated. The present study is symptomatic of an unsettling property of program analyses: their quality is unpredictably vulnerable to syntactic accidents in source programs, i.e., to the way these programs are written. More reliable program analyses require a better understanding of the effect of syntactic change

    From 4D medical images (CT, MRI, and Ultrasound) to 4D structured mesh models of the left ventricular endocardium for patient-specific simulations

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    With cardiovascular disease (CVD) remaining the primary cause of death worldwide, early detection of CVDs becomes essential. The intracardiac flow is an important component of ventricular function, motion kinetics, wash-out of ventricular chambers, and ventricular energetics. Coupling between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and medical images can play a fundamental role in terms of patient-specific diagnostic tools. From a technical perspective, CFD simulations with moving boundaries could easily lead to negative volumes errors and the sudden failure of the simulation. The generation of high-quality 4D meshes (3D in space + time) with 1-to-l vertex becomes essential to perform a CFD simulation with moving boundaries. In this context, we developed a semiautomatic morphing tool able to create 4D high-quality structured meshes starting from a segmented 4D dataset. To prove the versatility and efficiency, the method was tested on three different 4D datasets (Ultrasound, MRI, and CT) by evaluating the quality and accuracy of the resulting 4D meshes. Furthermore, an estimation of some physiological quantities is accomplished for the 4D CT reconstruction. Future research will aim at extending the region of interest, further automation of the meshing algorithm, and generating structured hexahedral mesh models both for the blood and myocardial volume

    Transition from phase to generalized synchronization in time-delay systems

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    The notion of phase synchronization in time-delay systems, exhibiting highly non-phase-coherent attractors, has not been realized yet even though it has been well studied in chaotic dynamical systems without delay. We report the identification of phase synchronization in coupled nonidentical piece-wise linear and in coupled Mackey-Glass time-delay systems with highly non-phase-coherent regimes. We show that there is a transition from non-synchronized behavior to phase and then to generalized synchronization as a function of coupling strength. We have introduced a transformation to capture the phase of the non-phase coherent attractors, which works equally well for both the time-delay systems. The instantaneous phases of the above coupled systems calculated from the transformed attractors satisfy both the phase and mean frequency locking conditions. These transitions are also characterized in terms of recurrence based indices, namely generalized autocorrelation function P(t)P(t), correlation of probability of recurrence (CPR), joint probability of recurrence (JPR) and similarity of probability of recurrence (SPR). We have quantified the different synchronization regimes in terms of these indices. The existence of phase synchronization is also characterized by typical transitions in the Lyapunov exponents of the coupled time-delay systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in CHAO

    Continuation-Passing C: compiling threads to events through continuations

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    In this paper, we introduce Continuation Passing C (CPC), a programming language for concurrent systems in which native and cooperative threads are unified and presented to the programmer as a single abstraction. The CPC compiler uses a compilation technique, based on the CPS transform, that yields efficient code and an extremely lightweight representation for contexts. We provide a proof of the correctness of our compilation scheme. We show in particular that lambda-lifting, a common compilation technique for functional languages, is also correct in an imperative language like C, under some conditions enforced by the CPC compiler. The current CPC compiler is mature enough to write substantial programs such as Hekate, a highly concurrent BitTorrent seeder. Our benchmark results show that CPC is as efficient, while using significantly less space, as the most efficient thread libraries available.Comment: Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation (2012). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1202.324

    A novel approach to symbolic algebra

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    A prototype for an extensible interactive graphical term manipulation system is presented that combines pattern matching and nondeterministic evaluation to provide a convenient framework for doing tedious algebraic manipulations that so far had to be done manually in a semi-automatic fashion.Comment: 15 page
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