13 research outputs found

    Survey on Encryption Techniques in Delay and Disruption Tolerant Network

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    Delay and disruption tolerant network (DTN) is used for long area communication in computer network, where there is no direct connection between the sender and receiver and there was no internet facility. Delay tolerant network generally perform store and forward techniques as a result intermediate node can view the message, the possible solution is using encryption techniques to protect the message. Starting stages of DTN RSA, DES, 3DES encryption algorithms are used but now a day\u27s attribute based encryption (ABE) techniques are used. Attribute based encryption technique can be classified in to two, key policy attribute based encryption (KPABE) and cipher policy attribute based encryption (CPABE). In this paper we perform a categorized survey on different encryption techniques presents in delay tolerant networks. This categorized survey is very helpful for researchers to propose modified encryption techniques. Finally the paper compares the performance and effectiveness of different encryption algorithms

    Expressive CP-ABE Scheme Satisfying Constant-Size Keys and Ciphertexts

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    Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a desirable scheme to use in cloud-based applications, especially on IoT devices. As most of these devices are battery-limited and memory-limited, leading to a constraint in designing a robust and straightforward mechanism involving less computation and less memory. But none of the systems are secure and based on conventional cryptosystems. Here we propose a constant-size secret key and constant-size ciphertext scheme based on RSA cryptosystem, which performs encryption and decryption in O(1) time complexity. We also prove that the scheme is secure and compare it with already existing schemes

    Research of interferential factors of accounting and evaluation of cryptocurrency in the practical business model of a company

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    Cryptocurrency is a modern phenomenon of the digital economy, which is gradually becoming part of the business processes of companies of various profiles and economic sectors. The presence of unsettled issues at the legislative level of jurisdictions, as well as the ambiguity of approaches to the classification and assessment of cryptocurrency in financial reporting, gives rise to discussions of both practical and scientific nature. For trade organizations, the need to resolve this issue is evident, since already now businesses are considering the possibility of accepting payment for goods with some types of cryptocurrencies, as well as using cryptocurrencies to pay for the resources the company needs

    A Lightweight Attribute-based Security Scheme for Fog-Enabled Cyber Physical Systems

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    In this paper, a lightweight attribute-based security scheme based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is proposed for fog-enabled cyber physical systems (Fog-CPS). A novel aspect of the proposed scheme is that the communication between Fog-CPS entities is secure even when the certification authority (CA) is compromised. This is achieved by dividing the attributes into two sets, namely, secret and shared, and subsequently generating two key pairs, referred to as the partial and final key pairs, for each entity of the Fog-CPS system. Unlike existing attribute-based encryption (ABE) and identity-based encryption schemes, in the proposed scheme, each entity calculates the final public key of the communicating CPS devices without the need of generating and transmitting digital certificates. Moreover, the proposed security scheme considers an efficient and secure key pair update approach in which the calculation overhead is limited to one group element. To show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, we have calculated and compared the memory and processing complexity with other bilinear and elliptic curve schemes. We have also implemented our scheme in a Raspberry Pi (3B+ model) for CPS simulations. The proposed scheme guarantees the confidentiality, integrity, privacy, and authenticity in Fog-CPS systems

    Easy-ABE: An Easy Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption

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    Attribute-Based Encryption is widely recognized as a leap forward in the field of public key encryption. It allows to enforce an access control on encrypted data. Decryption time in ABE schemes can be long depending on the number of attributes and pairing operations. This drawback hinders their adoption on a broader scale. In this paper, we propose a non-monotone CP-ABE scheme that has no restrictions on the size of attribute sets and policies, allows fast decryption and is adaptively secure under the CBDH-3 assumption. To achieve this, we approached the problem from a new angle, namely using a set membership relation for access structure. We have implemented our scheme using the Charm framework and the source code is available on GitHub. Easy-ABE performs better than FAME an FABEO

    CP-ABE with constant-size keys for lightweight devices

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    Lightweight devices, such as radio frequency identi- fication tags, have a limited storage capacity, which has become a bottleneck for many applications, especially for security applica- tions. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising cryptographic tool, where the encryptor can decide the access structure that will be used to protect the sensitive data. However, current CP-ABE schemes suffer from the issue of having long decryption keys, in which the size is linear to and dependent on the number of attributes. This drawback prevents the use of lightweight devices in practice as a storage of the decryption keys of the CP-ABE for users. In this paper, we provide an affirmative answer to the above long standing issue, which will make the CP-ABE very practical. We propose a novel CP-ABE scheme with constant-size decryption keys independent of the number of attributes. We found that the size can be as small as 672 bits. In comparison with other schemes in the literature, the proposed scheme is the only CP-ABE with expressive access structures, which is suitable for CP-ABE key storage in lightweight devices

    Fine-Grained Access Control with Attribute Based Cache Coherency for IoT with application to Healthcare

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is getting popular everyday around the world. Given the endless opportunities it promises to provide, IoT is adopted by various organizations belonging to diverse domains. However, IoT’s “access by anybody from anywhere” concept makes it prone to numerous security challenges. Although data security is studied at various levels of IoT architecture, breach of data security due to internal parties has not received as much attention as that caused by external parties. When an organization with people spread across multiple levels of hierarchies with multiple roles adopts IoT, it is not fair to provide uniform access of the data to everyone. Past research has extensively investigated various Access Control techniques like Role Based Access Control (RBAC), Identity Based Access Control (IBAC), Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) and other variations to address the above issue. While ABAC meets the needs of the growing amount of subjects and objects in an IoT environment, when implemented as an encryption algorithm (ABE) it does not cater to the IoT RDBMS applications. Also, given the query processing over huge encrypted data-set on the Cloud and the distance between the Cloud and the end-user, latency issues are highly prevalent in IoT applications. Various Client side caching and Server side caching techniques have been proposed to meet the latency issues in a Client-Server environment. Client side caching is more appropriate for an IoT environment given the dynamic connections and the large volume of requests to the Cloud per unit time. However, an IoT Cloud has mixed critical data to every user and conventional Client side caching techniques do not exploit this property of IoT data. In this work, we develop (i) an Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) mechanism for the IoT data on the Cloud in order to provide a fine-grained access control in an organization and (ii) an Attribute Based Cache Consistency (ABCC) technique that tailors Cache Invalidation according to the users’ attributes to cater to the latency as well as criticality needs of different users. We implement and study these models on a Healthcare application comprising of a million Electronic Health Record (EHR) Cloud and a variety of end-users within a hospital trying to access various fields of the EHR from their Smart devices (such as Android phones). ABAC is evaluated with and without ABCC and we shall observe that ABAC with ABCC provides a lower average latency but a higher staleness percentage than the one without ABCC. However, the staleness percentage is negligible since we can see that much of the data that contributes to the staleness percentage are the non-critical data, thus making ABAC with ABCC an efficient approach for IoT based Cloud applications