20 research outputs found

    Solving the TTC 2011 Model Migration Case with Edapt

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    This paper gives an overview of the Edapt solution to the GMF model migration case of the Transformation Tool Contest 2011.Comment: In Proceedings TTC 2011, arXiv:1111.440

    Maintenance of specification models in industry using Edapt

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    A Tool for Supporting the Co-Evolution of Enterprise Architecture Meta-models and Models

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    Enterprise architecture models capture the concepts and relationships that together describe the essentials of the various enterprise domains. This model of the enterprise is tightly coupled to a domain-specific modeling language that defines the formalisms for creating and updating such model. These languages are described as meta-models by the model-driven engineering field. Results from surveys on enterprise architecture tool analysis showed a lack of support concerning the co-evolution of enterprise architecture meta-model and models. This paper presents a tool that automates enterprise architecture models co-evolution according to a set of meta-model changes. A Portuguese governmental organization used and validated the tool using observational, analytical and descriptive evaluation methods


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    In Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approaches, metamodels can change after the creation of conformant models. Moreover, changes applied on one metamodel can be result of a composition process. When metamodels change, model conformity can be broken. Once the conformity is broken, the model is unuseful and it is not possible to regain the conformity with the composite metamodel.This paper presents a proposal to solve models adaptation through a Domain Speci c Language (DSL). This DSL is used by metamodelers who are the people that know the domains abstracted by several metamodels, and know how to combine those meta-models in order to generate the composite metamodel. In addition, the DSL allows metamodelers to include the solu-tion for conformant models adaptation.

    Negotiated Grammar Evolution.

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    Generation of domain-specific language-to-language transformation languages

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    The increasing complexity of software systems entailed by the imposed requirements and involved stakeholders creates new challenges towards software development and turns it into a complex task. Nowadays, sophisticated development approaches and tools are needed to handle this complexity. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) provides means to abstract from the details of a software system during the development phase by using models. Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM), a branch of MDE, tackles the complexity by proposing to use modeling languages which are restricted towards the solution space of the targeted problem domain. These Domain-Specific Visual Languages (DSVLs) are used in the DSM approach to create models in the restricted design space making the generation of modeled solutions feasible and providing a basis for the communication between various stakeholders. Since for each of the targeted domains a DSVL is needed, language workbenches emerged which support the development of DSVLs. During the development of a DSVL the semantics of the language has to be defined and, if the DSVL changes, existing models created using the DSVL have to be migrated. Furthermore, models are represented in a specific format hindering the application of, e.g., mature verification methods and tools. To solve these tasks, model transformations are promoted to transform models into different representations conforming to other DSVL. This thesis presents a new kind of model transformation languages, which can be used to handle the arising tasks during the development of DSVLs. These transformation languages are tailored towards the domain of "computational model transformations between DSVLs". The presented transformation languages are based on graph-transformation approaches and simplify the specification of computations by utilizing Plotkin's Strucural Operation Semantics (SOS), and thereby facilitate the definition of computation steps in a declarative way. This approach suffers from the versatility in the scope of DSVLs and thereby requires techniques to reduce the development costs of the transformation languages for different source and target languages. The key to reduce the development costs is the application of the Domain-specific, Full-generation, Service orientation (DFS) approach for the domain of model transformation languages. The application of domain-specifc concept results in graph-based, domain-specific two-level transformation languages. The essence of those languages is captured in a pattern describing possible two-level transformation languages. This pattern is used as the basis for the definition of a generator for those kind of transformation languages making full-generation feasible. The semantics of pattern matching and rewriting rules in the context of graph-based transformations are defined by the utilization of existing graph-transformation tools

    Metamodelisation to support Test and Evolution

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    Legacy software systems correspond to the wealth of the companies. They often exist for dozens of years and concentrate a big part of the company knowledge, its business rules or its savoir-faire. Requirements to which these systems answer have evolved with time, as well as the used technologies leading to modications. These mo-dications occurring after the software delivery, they are considered maintenance. They correspond to more than 80% of the software li-fecycle and its cost. Maintaining a software system is a complex and useful activity that deserves to o be anticipated from the design activity. Remodularisation phases may be useful to reduce complexity massed from successive evolutions and to provide new strong basis for future evolutions. Work presented in this manuscript answers to a unique target : Designing systems of good quality, easily maintainable and managing their evolutions. Quality can be ensured and measured from dierent ways. In this document, I only focus on tests. Tests enable developers to identify and locate errors or check after an evolution that unchanged parts are not impacted. Finally, software artefacts do not independently evolve. The evolution of one of them may have consequences on one or several others. In this document, two types of software are considered chains of model transformations or traditional programs. Thus, transformation chains are not seen as a way to generate code from models via transformations. They are considered software system by them selves that would need to be later maintained and to make evolve. Results presented in this document may be summarised as such : Proposal of a new transformation type localized transformations introducing better reusability, modularity and exibility in transformation chains. Adaptations in designing and building chains are thus needed

    Fujaba days 2009 : proceedings of the 7th international Fujaba days, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, November 16-17, 2009

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    Fujaba is an Open Source UML CASE tool project started at the software engineering group of Paderborn University in 1997. In 2002 Fujaba has been redesigned and became the Fujaba Tool Suite with a plug-in architecture allowing developers to add functionality easily while retaining full control over their contributions. Multiple Application Domains Fujaba followed the model-driven development philosophy right from its beginning in 1997. At the early days, Fujaba had a special focus on code generation from UML diagrams resulting in a visual programming language with a special emphasis on object structure manipulating rules. Today, at least six rather independent tool versions are under development in Paderborn, Kassel, and Darmstadt for supporting (1) reengineering, (2) embedded real-time systems, (3) education, (4) specification of distributed control systems, (5) integration with the ECLIPSE platform, and (6) MOF-based integration of system (re-) engineering tools. International Community According to our knowledge, quite a number of research groups have also chosen Fujaba as a platform for UML and MDA related research activities. In addition, quite a number of Fujaba users send requests for more functionality and extensions. Therefore, the 7th International Fujaba Days aimed at bringing together Fujaba developers and Fujaba users from all over the world to present their ideas and projects and to discuss them with each other and with the Fujaba core development team

    Fujaba days 2009 : proceedings of the 7th international Fujaba days, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, November 16-17, 2009

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    Fujaba is an Open Source UML CASE tool project started at the software engineering group of Paderborn University in 1997. In 2002 Fujaba has been redesigned and became the Fujaba Tool Suite with a plug-in architecture allowing developers to add functionality easily while retaining full control over their contributions. Multiple Application Domains Fujaba followed the model-driven development philosophy right from its beginning in 1997. At the early days, Fujaba had a special focus on code generation from UML diagrams resulting in a visual programming language with a special emphasis on object structure manipulating rules. Today, at least six rather independent tool versions are under development in Paderborn, Kassel, and Darmstadt for supporting (1) reengineering, (2) embedded real-time systems, (3) education, (4) specification of distributed control systems, (5) integration with the ECLIPSE platform, and (6) MOF-based integration of system (re-) engineering tools. International Community According to our knowledge, quite a number of research groups have also chosen Fujaba as a platform for UML and MDA related research activities. In addition, quite a number of Fujaba users send requests for more functionality and extensions. Therefore, the 7th International Fujaba Days aimed at bringing together Fujaba developers and Fujaba users from all over the world to present their ideas and projects and to discuss them with each other and with the Fujaba core development team