5 research outputs found

    No need to justify your choice: pre-compiling line breaks to improve eBook readability

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    Implementations of eBooks have existed in one form or another for at least the past 20 years, but it is only in the past 5 years that dedicated eBook hardware has become a mass-market item. New screen technologies, such as e-paper, provide a reading experience similar to those of physical books, and even backlit LCD and OLED displays are beginning to have high enough pixel densities to render text crisply at small point sizes. Despite this, the major element of the physical book that has not yet made the transition to the eBook is high-quality typesetting. The great advantage of eBooks is that the presentation of the page can adapt, at rendering time, to the physical screen size and to the reading preferences of the user. Until now, simple first-fit linebreaking algorithms have had to be used in order to give acceptable rendering speed whilst conserving battery life. This paper describes a system for producing well-typeset, scalable document layouts for eBook readers, without the computational overhead normally associated with better-quality typesetting. We precompute many of the complex parts of the typesetting process, and perform the majority of the ‘heavy lifting’ at document compile-time, rather than at rendering time. Support is provided for floats (such as figures in an academic paper, or illustrations in a novel), for arbitrary screen sizes, and also for arbitrary point-size changes within the text

    Improving typography and minimising computation for documents with scalable layouts

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    Since the 1980s, two paradigms have dominated the representation of formatted electronic documents: flowable and fixed. Flowable formats, such as HTML, EPUB, or those used by word processors, allow documents to scale to any arbitrary page size, but typographical compromises must be made since the layout is computed in real time, and is re-computed each time the document is displayed. Conversely, fixed formats such as SVG or PDF are afforded the potential for arbitrarily complex typography, but are constrained to the fixed layout that is set at the time of creation. With the recent surge in popularity of low-powered portable reading devices -- from tablets to e-readers to mobile phones -- there is an expectation that documents should scale to any size, maintain their high-quality typography, and not provide unnecessary strain on an already overloaded battery. This thesis defines a novel paradigm for electronic document representation -- the Malleable Document -- whereby documents are partially typeset at the time of creation, leaving enough flexibility that their content can be flowed to arbitrary page sizes with minimal computation. One tradeoff encountered is that of increased file size, and this is addressed with a bespoke, computationally-light compression scheme. A sample implementation is presented that transforms documents from a source format into Malleable Document format, alongside a lightweight display engine that enables the documents to be viewed and resized on a wide range of devices, mobile and otherwise. Reviews of the technical aspects and a user study to evaluate the quality of the system's rendering and layout show that the Malleable Document paradigm is a promising alternative to both fixed and flowable formats, and builds upon the best of both approaches

    Improving typography and minimising computation for documents with scalable layouts

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    Since the 1980s, two paradigms have dominated the representation of formatted electronic documents: flowable and fixed. Flowable formats, such as HTML, EPUB, or those used by word processors, allow documents to scale to any arbitrary page size, but typographical compromises must be made since the layout is computed in real time, and is re-computed each time the document is displayed. Conversely, fixed formats such as SVG or PDF are afforded the potential for arbitrarily complex typography, but are constrained to the fixed layout that is set at the time of creation. With the recent surge in popularity of low-powered portable reading devices -- from tablets to e-readers to mobile phones -- there is an expectation that documents should scale to any size, maintain their high-quality typography, and not provide unnecessary strain on an already overloaded battery. This thesis defines a novel paradigm for electronic document representation -- the Malleable Document -- whereby documents are partially typeset at the time of creation, leaving enough flexibility that their content can be flowed to arbitrary page sizes with minimal computation. One tradeoff encountered is that of increased file size, and this is addressed with a bespoke, computationally-light compression scheme. A sample implementation is presented that transforms documents from a source format into Malleable Document format, alongside a lightweight display engine that enables the documents to be viewed and resized on a wide range of devices, mobile and otherwise. Reviews of the technical aspects and a user study to evaluate the quality of the system's rendering and layout show that the Malleable Document paradigm is a promising alternative to both fixed and flowable formats, and builds upon the best of both approaches

    Documents as functions

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    Treating variable data documents as functions over their data bindings opens opportunities for building more powerful, robust and flexible document architectures to meet the needs arising from the confluence of developments in document engineering, digital printing technologies and marketing analysis. This thesis describes a combination of several XML-based technologies both to represent and to process variable documents and their data, leading to extensible, high-quality and 'higher-order' document generation solutions. The architecture (DDF) uses XML uniformly throughout the documents and their processing tools with interspersing of different semantic spaces being achieved through namespacing. An XML-based functional programming language (XSLT) is used to describe all intra-document variability and for implementing most of the tools. Document layout intent is declared within a document as a hierarchical set of combinators attached to a tree-based graphical presentation. Evaluation of a document bound to an instance of data involves using a compiler to create an executable from the document, running this with the data instance as argument to create a new document with layout intent described, followed by resolution of that layout by an extensible layout processor. The use of these technologies, with design paradigms and coding protocols, makes it possible to construct documents that not only have high flexibility and quality, but also perform in higher-order ways. A document can be partially bound to data and evaluated, modifying its presentation and still remaining variably responsive to future data. Layout intent can be re-satisfied as presentation trees are modified by programmatic sections embedded within them. The key enablers are described and illustrated through example

    COG Extractor

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