8 research outputs found

    Chua mem-components for adaptive RF metamaterials

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    Chua's mem-components are ideal for creating adaptive metasurfaces for manipulating EM waves given that they hold their state without external biases. In this paper, we propose a generic adaptive reactive element that is in fact a memcapacitor/meminductor. This element makes use of a polymer that demonstrates reversible trans-cis photochemical isomerization, thus making it possible to change the distance between two conductive plates by up to 25%. Furthermore, a design methodology for utilizing these devices is presented

    Bio-inspired Hardware Architectures for Memory, Image Processing, and Control Applications

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    Emerging technologies are expected to partially replace and enhance CMOS systems as the end of transistor scaling approaches. A particular type of emerging technology of interest is the variable resistance devices due to their scalability, non-volatile nature, and CMOS process compatibility. The goal of this dissertation is to present circuit and system level applications of CMOS and variable resistance devices with bio-inspired computation paradigms as the main focus. The summary of the results offered per chapter is as follows: In the first chapter of this thesis, an introduction to the work presented in the rest of this thesis and the model for the variable resistance device is provided. In the second chapter of this thesis, a crossbar memory architecture that utilizes a reduced constraint read-monitored-write scheme is presented. Variable resistance based crossbar memories are prime candidates to succeed the Flash as the mainstream nonvolatile memory due to their density, scalability, and write endurance. The proposed scheme supports multi-bit storage per cell and utilizes reduced hardware, aiming to decrease the feedback complexity and latency while still operating with CMOS compatible voltages. Additionally, a read technique that can successfully distinguish resistive states under the existence of resistance drift due to read/write disturbances in the array is presented. Derivations of analytical relations are provided to set forth a design methodology in selecting peripheral device parameters. In the third chapter of this thesis, an analog programmable resistive grid-based architecture mimicking the cellular connections of a biological retina in the most basic level, capable of performing various real time image processing tasks such as edge and line detections, is presented. Resistive grid-based analog structures have been shown to have advantages of compact area, noise immunity, and lower power consumption compared to their digital counterparts. However, these are static structures that can only perform one type of image processing task. The proposed unit cell structure employs 3-D confined resonant tunneling diodes called quantum dots for signal amplification and latching, and these dots are interconnected between neighboring cells through non-volatile continuously variable resistive elements. A method to program connections is introduced and verified through circuit simulations. Various diffusion characteristics, edge detection, and line detection tasks have been demonstrated through simulations using a 2-D array of the proposed cell structure, and analytical models have been provided. In the fourth chapter of this thesis, a bio-inspired hardware designed to solve the optimal control problem for general systems is presented. Adaptive Dynamic Programming algorithms provide means to approximate optimal control actions for linear and non-linear systems. Action-Critic Networks based approach is an efficient way to approximately evaluate the cost function and the optimal control actions. However, due to its computation intensiveness, this approach is usually implemented in high level programming languages run using general purpose processors. The presented hardware design is aimed at reducing the computation time and the hardware overhead by using the Heuristic Dynamic Programming algorithm which is a form of Adaptive Dynamic Programming. The proposed hardware operating at mere speed of 10 MHz yields 237 times faster learning rate in comparison to conventional software implementations running on fast processors such as the 1.2 GHz Intel Xeon processor.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136972/1/yalciny_1.pd

    CMOS interface circuits for reading and writing memristor crossbar array

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    Area-efficient Neuromorphic Silicon Circuits and Architectures using Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Approaches

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    In the field of neuromorphic VLSI connectivity is a huge bottleneck in implementing brain-inspired circuits due to the large number of synapses needed for performing brain-like functions. (E.g. pattern recognition, classification, etc.). In this thesis I have addressed this problem using a two pronged approach namely spatial and temporal.Spatial: The real-estate occupied by silicon synapses have been an impediment to implementing neuromorphic circuits. In recent years, memristors have emerged as a nano-scale analog synapse. Furthermore, these nano-devices can be integrated on top of CMOS chips enabling the realization of dense neural networks. As a first step in realizing this vision, a programmable CMOS chip enabling direct integration of memristors was realized. In a collaborative MURI project, a CMOS memory platform was designed for the memristive memory array in a hybrid/3D architecture (CMOL architecture) and memristors were successfully integrated on top of it. After demonstrating feasibility of post-CMOS integration of memristors, a second design containing an array of spiking CMOS neurons was designed in a 5mm x 5mm chip in a 180nm CMOS process to explore the role of memristors as synapses in neuromorphic chips.8Temporal: While physical miniaturization by integrating memristors is one facet of realizing area-efficient neural networks, on-chip routing between silicon neurons prevents the complete realization of complex networks containing large number of neurons. A promising solution for the connectivity problem is to employ spatio-temporal coding to encode neuronal information in the time of arrival of the spikes. Temporal codes open up a whole new range of coding schemes which not only are energy efficient (computation with one spike) but also have much larger information capacity than their conventional counterparts. This can result in reducing the number of connections to do similar tasks with traditional rate-based methods.By choosing an efficient temporal coding scheme we developed a system architecture by which pattern classification can be done using a “Winners-share-all” instead of a “Winner-takes-all” mechanism. Winner-takes-all limits the code space to the number of output neurons, meaning n output neurons can only classify n pattern. In winners-share-all we exploit the code space provided by the temporal code by training different combination of k out of n neurons to fire together in response to different patterns. Optimal values of k in order to maximize information capacity using n output neurons were theoretically determined and utilized. An unsupervised network of 3 layers was trained to classify 14 patterns of 15 x 15 pixels while using only 6 output neurons to demonstrate the power of the technique. The reduction in the number of output neurons results in the reduction of number of training parameters and results in lower power, area and memory required for the same functionality

    Emerging Run-Time Reconfigurable FPGA and CAD Tools

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    Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is a post fabrication reconfigurable device to accelerate domain specific computing systems. It offers offer high operation speed and low power consumption. However, the design flexibility and performance of FPGAs are severely constrained by the costly on-chip memories, e.g. static random access memory (SRAM) and FLASH memory. The objective of my dissertation is to explore the opportunity and enable the use of the emerging resistance random access memory (ReRAM) in FPGA design. The emerging ReRAM technology features high storage density, low access power consumption, and CMOS compatibility, making it a promising candidate for FPGA implementation. In particular, ReRAM has advantages of the fast access and nonvolatility, enabling the on-chip storage and access of configuration data. In this dissertation, I first propose a novel three-dimensional stacking scheme, namely, high-density interleaved memory (HIM). The structure improves the density of ReRAM meanwhile effectively reducing the signal interference induced by sneak paths in crossbar arrays. To further enhance the access speed and design reliability, a fast sensing circuit is also presented which includes a new sense amplifier scheme and reference cell configuration. The proposed ReRAM FPGA leverages a similar architecture as conventional SRAM based FPGAs but utilizes ReRAM technology in all component designs. First, HIM is used to implement look-up table (LUT) and block random access memories (BRAMs) for func- tionality process. Second, a 2R1T, two ReRAM cells and one transistor, nonvolatile switch design is applied to construct connection blocks (CBs) and switch blocks (SBs) for signal transition. Furthermore, unified BRAM (uBRAM) based on the current BRAM architecture iv is introduced, offering both configuration and temporary data storage. The uBRAMs provides extremely high density effectively and enlarges the FPGA capacity, potentially saving multiple contexts of configuration. The fast configuration scheme from uBRAM to logic and routing components also makes fast run-time partial reconfiguration (PR) much easier, improving the flexibility and performance of the entire FPGA system. Finally, modern place and route tools are designed for homogeneous fabric of FPGA. The PR feature, however, requires the support of heterogeneous logic modules in order to differentiate PR modules from static ones and therefore maintain the signal integration. The existing approaches still reply on designers’ manual effort, which significantly prolongs design time and lowers design efficiency. In this dissertation, I integrate PR support into VPR – an academic place and route tool by introducing a B*-tree modular placer (BMP) and PR-aware router. As such, users are able to explore new architectures or map PR applications to a variety of FPGAs. More importantly, this enhanced feature can also support fast design automation, e.g. mapping IP core, loading pre-synthesizing logic modules, etc

    Towards Data Reliable, Low-Power, and Repairable Resistive Random Access Memories

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    A series of breakthroughs in memristive devices have demonstrated the potential of memristor arrays to serve as next generation resistive random access memories (ReRAM), which are fast, low-power, ultra-dense, and non-volatile. However, memristors' unique device characteristics also make them prone to several sources of error. Owing to the stochastic filamentary nature of memristive devices, various recoverable errors can affect the data reliability of a ReRAM. Permanent device failures further limit the lifetime of a ReRAM. This dissertation developed low-power solutions for more reliable and longer-enduring ReRAM systems. In this thesis, we first look into a data reliability issue known as write disturbance. Writing into a memristor in a crossbar could disturb the stored values in other memristors that are on the same memory line as the target cell. Such disturbance is accumulative over time which may lead to complete data corruption. To address this problem, we propose the use of two regular memristors on each word to keep track of the disturbance accumulation and trigger a refresh to restore the weakened data, once it becomes necessary. We also investigate the considerable variation in the write-time characteristics of individual memristors. With such variation, conventional fixed-pulse write schemes not only waste significant energy, but also cannot guarantee reliable completion of the write operations. We address such variation by proposing an adaptive write scheme that adjusts the width of the write pulses for each memristor. Our scheme embeds an online monitor to detect the completion of a write operation and takes into account the parasitic effect of line-shared devices in access-transistor-free memristive arrays. We further investigate the use of this method to shorten the test time of memory march algorithms by eliminating the need of a verifying read right after a write, which is commonly employed in the test sequences of march algorithms.Finally, we propose a novel mechanism to extend the lifetime of a ReRAM by protecting it against hard errors through the exploitation of a unique feature of bipolar memristive devices. Our solution proposes an unorthodox use of complementary resistive switches (a particular implementation of memristive devices) to provide an ``in-place spare'' for each memory cell at negligible extra cost. The in-place spares are then utilized by a repair scheme to repair memristive devices that have failed at a stuck-at-ON state at a page-level granularity. Furthermore, we explore the use of in-place spares in lieu of other memory reliability and yield enhancement solutions, such as error correction codes (ECC) and spare rows. We demonstrate that with the in-place spares, we can yield the same lifetime as a baseline ReRAM with either significantly fewer spare rows or a lighter-weight ECC, both of which can save on energy consumption and area

    MOCAST 2021

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    The 10th International Conference on Modern Circuit and System Technologies on Electronics and Communications (MOCAST 2021) will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from July 5th to July 7th, 2021. The MOCAST technical program includes all aspects of circuit and system technologies, from modeling to design, verification, implementation, and application. This Special Issue presents extended versions of top-ranking papers in the conference. The topics of MOCAST include:Analog/RF and mixed signal circuits;Digital circuits and systems design;Nonlinear circuits and systems;Device and circuit modeling;High-performance embedded systems;Systems and applications;Sensors and systems;Machine learning and AI applications;Communication; Network systems;Power management;Imagers, MEMS, medical, and displays;Radiation front ends (nuclear and space application);Education in circuits, systems, and communications